I've just got home from a Harborough Liberal Democrats social event. It was a joyous evening as we were celebrating the gains we made from the Conservatives on 4 May. As a result of them we are now the largest party in the coalition that runs the council. The venue was out of the ordinary: Husbands Bosworth Gliding Club. I took the chance to photograph some of the gliders and light aircraft there and watched one glider launched with a winch. I was also shown round the sheds. When I left Lord Bonkers he was full of schemes to use ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Ed Davey warns social care "avalanche" threatens to bury NHS as figures reveal hospitals hardest hit by delayed discharges Ofwat chief exec admits water bills will go up: Time for a proper regulator with teeth Sunak has "thrown in the towel" one year on after resigning from Johnson government Ed Davey warns social care "avalanche" threatens to bury NHS as figures reveal hospitals hardest hit by delayed discharges Ed Davey gives speech to LGA Conference warning of impending catastrophe for NHS unless government fixes social care crisis New analysis reveals hospitals lost 128,000 bed days in May to delayed discharges, ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice
Wed 5th

NHS Anniversary

Today we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the National Health Service, a key part of the Welfare State which we are led to believe was created by the post-war Labour government. As the historian David Edgerton points out in his refreshingly different history, "The Rise and Fall of the British Nation (Penguin 2019), the innovatory character of this period is somewhat exaggerated. ". . .in the 1930s there already was an elaborate system of welfare for the [British] working class (that is about 80 per cent of the population) : all was ready for Sir William Beveridge [Liberal] to ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

An unconventional Tuesday by-election this week also saw a rare Conservative gain from Labour: King's Hedges (Cambridge) Council By-Election Result: CON: 34.9% (+3.0) LAB: 33.6% (-5.6) LDM: 23.5% (+8.5) GRN: 8.0% (-6.0) Conservative GAIN from Labour. Changes w/ 2023. — Election Maps UK (@ElectionMapsUK) July 4, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Today is the 75th birthday of our much beloved, but beleaguered, NHS. Ed Davey said: With parents who passed away when I was young, looking after my Gran, now caring for my disabled son, throughout my life the NHS has been there. Often through really tough times and the more joyful birth of my children. I am fiercely proud that it remains one of the most iconic services we have in the UK free to everyone. The best birthday gift of all would be to put the NHS back on a stable footing, by increasing the number of available GP ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

Tonight the Suniside History Society will enjoy a talk about the history of Chase Park in Whickham. The speaker is Richard Pears who has spoken to the Society on a number of occasions. The talk kicks off at 7pm in Sunniside Club.The park has seen some controversy recently when Gateshead Labour Council decided to flog off the stable block and the main park entrance to developers. Labour cabinet

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Is the party over for Rishi Sunak? Well, he might wish that some of the parties from the last few years would go away and not bother him again. The Guardian reports that Scotland Yard is reopening its investigation into potential Covid breaches at a "jingle and mingle" lockdown party at Conservative headquarters at the height of the pandemic. The Partygate scandal is continuing to plague the Conservative party. The paper says that the Metropolitan police's decision to look again at the gathering of former Tory mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey's campaign team in the run-up to Christmas 2020 has prompted ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black


Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End