Sat 24th

Shaggy dog story

I joined Councillors Peter Maughan and Vicky Anderson today at the community fair in Dunston Park. Peter brought along his enormous Newfoundland dog Ziva, an animal so big that it is bigger than some of my sheep! (And as much fur on her as my sheep have wool!) Ziva proved quite a hit with children and adults alike!

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Embed from Getty ImagesHertfordshire County Council wants to cut costs and keep children in care closer to home. So it has plans to open 27 places in residential care by the end of the year. Fourteen of these are already up and running. But, reports the Herfordshire Mercury, a councillor has: pointed the finger at the 'ridiculous objections' that are made to proposals for new children's homes in the county - such as fears relating to gangs, drugs and knives. That councillor is the Conservative Peter Hebden: "There's not a lot gets me angry in local politics, but this does," ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Any Liberal Democrat activist would immediately feel at home in Somerton and Frome, whether looking at the gardens or the roads.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The Washington red carpet rolled out for Narendra Modi this week underscores India's emergence as a cornerstone of America's foreign policy. Delhi is seen not only in military terms as a regional counterbalance to China, but increasingly as a major economic partner and a key to reducing Western dependence on Chinese factories. But there are trip holes in the carpet of which all players need to be aware. The biggest gaps are historical. India's democratic institutions are the latest layer of centuries of political and cultural veneers that pre-date the Greco-Roman traditions that are the roots of American and European ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Independent reports that ministers have confirmed that working from home has had no impact on government productivity, just a year after Boris Johnson claimed staff were "eating cheese and making coffee" on the job. The paper says that the former prime minister's government was highly critical of Whitehall civil servants working remotely, with senior ministers including Jacob-Rees Mogg demanding staff return to offices when Covid lockdown restrictions ended. But in a sharp change of stance, Rishi Sunak's government has embraced hybrid working, where staff work some days at home and some in the office, with ministers claiming it has ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

We have recently had numerous complaints about environment management in the Pentland area including the overgrown mess near the bottom of Saggar Street and along Pentland Avenue, extent of weeds in part of Colinton Place and overgrown bushes at some of the steps in the area, making handrails unable to be accessed. Our local environment manager has responded helpfully as follows : "We will certainly tackle the weed control issues as indicated. Unfortunately, our specific machine that cuts the grass embankment Pentland Avenue has developed a fault. We are currently trying to have this machine repaired by the supplier/manufacturer. We ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End