All the great men are dead and I'm not feeling so well myself.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Back in the day, BBC Radio Scotland did a panel show that was a bit like Any Questions. Sadly, it fell victim to budget cuts about six years ago, but it was great. And part of the reason was it didn't just have people from inside the Holyrood or Westminster Bubbles on it. I did it several times over the years and really enjoyed the experience. LBC have a similar show, Cross Questions, that has the same approach with a good variety of guests Last night, former Lib Dem Councillor and friend of this site Mathew Hulbert was on the ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

As it's the Summer Solstice, here is an extract from the soundtrack of a lost folk horror classic.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Tortoise Media reports that Lib Dem Cabinet Office spokesperson Christine Jardine has written to the Forfeiture Committee to ask them to rescind Boris Johnson's entire Honours list. In a letter sent to the committee, seen by Tortoise, Jardine said Johnson had "launched deplorable attacks on the Committee and our Parliamentary democracy". She also raised doubts about the suitability of individuals on the list, including those "implicated in the partygate saga". Jardine wrote: "I am therefore urging you to open an investigation into the potential withdrawal of all of Boris Johnson's honours which fall under the scope of your Committee. Clearly, ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

As a Liberal Democrat, possibly the most fun you can have, apart from Federal Conference, is going and helping at a by-election. And there's plenty to choose from this mad Summer. Somerton and Frome, Mid Bedfordshire (when Nadine eventually gets round to resigning), Uxbridge and South Ruislip and Selby and Ainsty are all due to happen soon. There is something very pleasurable about going to a different part of the country and meeting other Lib Dems round every street corner. I have been to a fair few in my time. And getting in there early is particularly key. Not just ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

A Wales-on-line article from a few weeks ago, highlights just how difficult it is to turn around the current climate change crisis. They say that the Climate Change Committee (CCC), the UK's independent adviser on tackling climate change, believes that the Welsh Government is not on track to meet its emissions targets. The CCC warns that there has been insufficient progress on emissions reduction with the policy powers available. Their report argues that action should now be focused on those sectors where Welsh ministers have the greatest capacity to effect change. The site says that the Welsh Government has set ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black
Wed 21st

How to find candidates

I note that Mark Pack is trying to persuade the party to run many more candidates in local elections. He's quite right. No-one, as far as I know, has suggested how you do this. In this article I offer my take on how to get candidates from scratch. So, what do you do to get candidates? Ideally, you would have started this process at least 6 months before the election, but the methodology is the same. September is also a good time to start because we often have a useful boost in interest because of the party conference. Forget the ...

Posted by Michael Taylor on Liberal Democrat Voice

We recently had complaints about postal deliveries in parts of the West End, particularly in Pitfour Street and surrounding area. We took this up with Royal Mail and have now been updated by its Senior Public Affairs Manager as follows : "Thank you for your communication regarding mail deliveries to Pitfour Street in your West End Ward. Delivering a reliable service is our top priority, and I am very sorry that your constituents have cause for concern. Royal Mail is continually adapting to the rapidly changing nature of the modern postbag, which now comprises more parcels and fewer letters. Since ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End