After I posted about finding the Oakham Canal in the town, someone suggested I look at the Oakham Canal Green Corridor Project. This aims to establish a two-and-a-half-mile walking route along the canal from Oakham to Oakham Enterprise Park, which occupies the site of what was HMP Ashwell and, before that, a second world war US Army camp. The project's website tells you about the history and route of the canal as well as its plans. It also has a Facebook page. As to the project's long-term vision, the website says:We doubt that we will see canal boats once again ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Mon 19th

As seen on tv

The couple dancing in the Tory "Jingle and Mingle" video are probably not enjoying watching the news. Yesterday, they were on every news broadcast. They are probably dreading showing themselves in public. Still, think of the positives. Perhaps a guest appearance on Come Dancing will be offered. Or how about an appearance in Dancing on Ice? On a more serious note, what is it about some people who

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Wendy Chamberlain has been rightly praised by many, including The Guardian, for her getting legislation through Parliament to help carers.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Lib Dems are the latest party to name a candidate for the Mid Beds by-election, even though standing MP Nadine Dorries has yet to formally resign. Emma Holland-Lindsay grew up in Beds and recently won a seat from the Conservatives on Central Bedfordshire Council. — Amy Holmes (@AmyHolmesMedia) June 19, 2023 After a three-cornered contest, Emma Holland-Lindsay has been selected to be the Liberal Democrat candidate in the (presumed) upcoming Parliamentary by-election in Mid Bedfordshire. Emma was elected to Central Bedfordshire Council last month, coming top of the poll in Leighton Linslade South ward. Professionally, she is a member of ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

As the Leighton Buzzard Observer reports: The Liberal Democrats have unveiled councillor Emma Holland-Lindsay as their candidate for the upcoming Mid-Bedfordshire by-election. Emma grew up in Bedfordshire and lives locally, and is currently councillor on Central Bedfordshire Council representing Leighton Buzzard. Emma is a member of the senior leadership team at a nationwide women's charity and has previously worked for national disability charities. Her by-election campaign will focus on local health services starved of Government funding. People are unable to see a GP after a surge in housebuilding and no new investment in health services. Emma isn't just a councillor. ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Are you a decision-maker in a public authority, or someone who sometimes tries to influence such decision-makers? Do you care about ethical investment and not supporting oppressive regimes? If so, and if The Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill which is presented to parliament today becomes law, you will be in for a nasty shock. You will not be able to take a decision (or seek to influence a decision) concerning public procurement or investment when that decision has "regard to a territorial consideration in a way that would cause a reasonable observer of the decision making process ...

Posted by John McHugo on Liberal Democrat Voice

Welcome back for another preview of the coming week in the Upper Chamber. It's still pretty hectic for the Lords, with a great deal of business still to get through before the summer recess. Dorothy Thornhill has an Oral Question on Monday, raising the issue of homeless families with children. Recent statistics published by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on 10 May showed that 1,630 families with children were housed in bed-and-breakfast accommodation by English councils for more than the six-week legal limit between October and December 2022. It's the Third Reading of the Financial Services and ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

There was a worrying story in the Leicester Mercury on Saturday: Thousands of dead fish have been found in the River Soar this week, leaving the river's ecosystem in 'crisis', a environmental group has claimed. UOCEAN's Leicester branch has put out a warning over the long-term health of the River Soar, with oxygen levels plummeting as temperatures have risen in the past week. According to the group, oxygen levels are now in the single digits, going down to seven per cent from the usual 40 per cent. The group, which has been working hard to remove tonnes of plastic waste ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The Guardian reports that Suella Braverman has called on police to increase the use of stop and search powers "to prevent violence and save more lives". However, as the paper states, her comments are likely to alarm critics of the technique, who point out that the approach disproportionately targets black and minority ethnic communities: Government statistics suggest black people are seven times more like to be stopped and searched compared with white people. Campaign groups have previously said relaxing restrictions on police use of stop and search could compound discrimination. In remarks that appear to be aimed at addressing anticipated ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Just as it's not winter until you 've seen a news story about a crap Christmas shopping park called something like 'Magical Winterland', so it's not summer until you have seen one about a boy going to school in a skirt as a protest against not being allowed to wear shorts. That story has now appeared and it's in the Shropshire Star too - albeit behind what looks likely to turn into a paywall soon. So well done to Oliver Heaton, whose mother told the Star: "Several of his mates were given detention because they turned up on Wednesday in ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Residents will recall the information we have previously posted on possible environmental improvements in Perth Road at three locations - Pennycook Lane outside the police station, the Miller's Wynd car park and area around the West End Community Fridge and the Sinderins "triangle." We updated residents back in February with the detailed designs and sought feedback which was very positive. This will brighten up the three sites. It had been hoped that tender reports for approval would have come to council committee for approval this month but we have been updated by the lead officer as follows : "The Perth ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End