Embed from Getty ImagesLord Bonkers isn't the only politician to have had an orphanage: both Mr Gladstone and my local hero Paddy Logan had one too. Now I am discovering that showbiz celebrities had them too. I blogged the other day about Noel Coward and The Actors' Children's Orphanage and I've now found that someone has written a book about this: Here is a 2020 article from the Ham & High: A little known aspect of the great playwright is illuminated in a new book by Kentish Town actor and author Elliot James. While researching an article on the Brief ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Well, that Privileges Committee report is a corker. It's not just throwing the book at Boris Johnson, but encasing it in concrete and lead and dropping it on him. Most people will feel it is richly deserved. Daisy Cooper has called on Rishi Sunak to strip Boris Johnson of the £115,000 he gets from the public purse to fund his office as a result. She said: This damning report should be the final nail in the coffin for Boris Johnson's political career. It is completely unprecedented for a former Prime Minister to be found to have been a law-breaker and ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 15th

No excuses for Johnson

In this world of briefing and counter-briefing, it is not often that a Parliamentary Committee report can surprise us, but the conclusions and the tone of the Privileges Committee report on Boris Johnson, certainly surpassed all our expectations. As the Guardian says, MPs on the committee found that the former Prime Minister deliberately misled parliament over Partygate and was part of a campaign to abuse and intimidate MPs investigating him. And, in an unprecedented move, the cross-party group, with an inbuilt Tory majority, said that the now ex-MP, would have faced a 90-day suspension from the Commons had he not ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black
Thu 15th

The Joy of Six 1138

"Leicestershire is home to the Lib Dem's safest and longest-run council Oadby & Wigston (some might say best run too). After widespread gains in May the party achieved a safe hold in O & W, also in Hinckley & Bosworth, flipped the status of Harborough and Rutland (which we now lead), entered into an NOC coalition in NW Leicestershire and left the Tories hanging by a thread in ultra-marginal Blaby." Matthew Pennell celebrates our successes in East Anglia and the Midlands. Laura Thompson backs the campaign for union recognition at Amazon's Coventry depot. Nurbek Bekmurzaev says Kazakhstan is still haunted ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It's the by-election result you've all been waiting for: the hereditary peers by-election to see who takes up the vacant Liberal Democrat slot in the House of Lords.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

We covered the announcement of the candidates to fill a hereditary peer vacancy on the Liberal Democrat benches in the Lords a fortnight or so ago and we now have a result. 212 Peers voted as follows: Lord Belhaven and Stenton – 34 votes Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor – 55 votes Earl Russell – 123 votes Accordingly, John Russell is the newest member of the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Party in the Lords, and we wish him well. * Mark Valladares is the Lords Correspondent of Liberal Democrat Voice.

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Michael's weekly ward surgeries take place tonight as follows : West End campus (St Joseph's RC and Victoria Park PS reception area) - 5.45pm prompt Harris Academy reception area - 6.30pm prompt All welcome - no appointment necessary!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

Embed from Getty ImagesBetfair has the Liberal Democrats as odds-on favourites to win the Mid-Bedfordshire by-election. Converting their decimal odds into old money, the betting looks like this: Lib Dems 1/2Conservatives 9/4Labour 20/1 These odds may be influenced by Nadine Dorries's kind decision to give the Lib Dems extra time to campaign.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England