ONS pay squeeze figures show families being "clobbered" by cost of living crisis Responding to today's ONS figures showing yet another fall in real-terms pay once inflation is taken into account, Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson Sarah Olney MP said: While this endless Conservative psychodrama unfolds, hardworking families are being clobbered by the cost of living crisis. This Government is so mired in their own infighting that they are neglecting the real issues that matter to people. This is a party that is out of touch and out of ideas. Families and pensioners have suffered under this Government for far too ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

After this morning's sad news about a duck race, here is a happier fowl-related story. A chicken missing from the Richard Jefferies Museum at Coate Water, Swindon, was found in the pub down the road. As the Swindon Advertiser puts it: On a sunny Sunday, staff at the Sun Inn pub near Coate Water were shocked when an unusually feathered customer paid them a surprise visit, bringing an altogether different type of hen party to the one they might be used to. Bewildered at the arrival of the runaway bird and trying to find out where it had come from, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Mike Brearley is the only England cricket captain to become president of the British Psychoanalytic Society. While he, a son of liberal North London, led England in the late Seventies and again in the famous Ashes series of 1981, it was though Jonathan Miller or Michael Frayn had been put in charge. For a while in the Sixties he was a philosophy lecturer and just played cricket in the university vacations like an old-fashioned amateur. He lectured at Newcastle, and while I was doing my philosophy degree at York we found out that he had also applied for a post ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Tue 13th

Birth a lion for once

UK industrial strategy has been too weak and roundabout. The next government needs something much more direct I have forced myself to read hundreds of Minister Does the Economy speeches in the last decade or so. Asked to pick their most objectionable quality, I would go with their tendency to exaggerate, grossly – most ofContinue reading "Birth a lion for once"

Posted by freethinkingeconomist on Freethinking Economist

I am not a morning person, as Ros will testify. And so, rather than catch the very early morning flight on the Friday, I'd booked myself onto the mid-afternoon flight the previous day, allowing myself a leisurely journey from the Gipping Valley to Heathrow's Terminal 5, plus a decent night's sleep in Stockholm prior to the Congress. And all had gone well, to the extent that I arrived more than four hours before my flight, having stopped at Westfield Stratford to buy a hat, leaving me time to have lunch (and perhaps a glass of something sparkling) in the British ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

This sad story wins the Northamptonshire Telegraph our Headline of the Day Award.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Tue 13th

Open warfare

The Independent reports that the row between Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak has descended into open warfare, as the former PM accused his successor of "talking rubbish" about the resignation honours list saga: Mr Johnson hit back at the prime minister after Mr Sunak accused his one-time ally of asking him to "do something I wasn't prepared to do" by bending the rules on peerages. In his first public comments since Mr Johnson quit as MP, a defiant Mr Sunak claimed Mr Johnson asked him to either overrule the committee which vets peerages - known as Holac - or "make ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Carla Foster is waking up in prison this morning. Her three children are waking up without their mother for the first time in what will be a 14 month ordeal for them. Ms Foster was given a 28 month sentence yesterday for inducing an abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy. There is controversy about whether a custodial sentence was appropriate in this case, particularly as there were so many mitigating factors. Coming just months after a man who repeatedly raped a 13 year old was shown leniency, it seems like yet another instance when women are disadvantaged in the legal ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Just a reminder Fraser's West End weekly ward surgeries are today. They are at Blackness Library at 5pm prompt and Ancrum Road Primary School at 5.45pm prompt. No appointment necessary and all welcome!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End