Only one principal authority council by-election this week, a Liberal Democrat defence in Wiltshire: Congratulations to the newest @LibDems Wiltshire Councillor – Richard Budden [IMG: πŸ”Έ] He smashed it! Tisbury LD – 1028 – 66.97% Con – 507 11 spoilt ballots Turnout 42.62%@WiltsLibDems — [IMG: πŸ”Ά] South West Wiltshire Lib Dems [IMG: πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦] (@SWWiltsLibDems) June 8, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Sunak should put Johnson's honours list through the shredder Teacher stats expose recruitment and retention crisis £41 million remortgage bombshell predicted for June amid "summer from hell" warning Sunak should put Johnson's honours list through the shredder Responding to the news that Rishi Sunak is set to accept Boris Johnson's honours list, Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper MP said: The fact that one of the most scandal-ridden Prime Ministers is now allowed to stuff his cronies in the Lords after a failed premiership tells the British public everything they need to know about this Conservative Party. Boris Johnson caused ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

When Lord Bonkers was putting together a crew for the narrow boat Flower of Rutland five summers ago, he wrote: Finally, we have a Well-Behaved Orphan as cabin boy so that (as is traditional) we have someone to eat in case of emergency - not that there is much meat on him if I am honest. Where did Bonkers - where did I - get the idea that it is traditional for sailors to eat the cabin boy in extremis? I suspect it was from a folk memory this case: In 1884, the yacht Mignonette, on passage from Tollesbury, in ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Thu 8th

Hello how's things?

How's things as you might've noticed not a lot going on here but I chanced upon this web site which I've almost forgotten. However looking at my website stats from Google without any effort or input this site had been getting a steady trickle of visits 300 so far today and 1000 plus yesterday. I think the last time I posted Teresa May, was the great hope for the conservatives. Four Tory pms later should I revive this web site. Please let me know in the comments section.

Posted by Tony Flaig on BIGNEWS MARGATE

The Victorians didn't cover piano legs out of prudishness: that was a joke they told at the expense of straitlaced Americans. They didn't pose their dead relatives in family photographs and there was no such thing as Brown Windsor soup. I've just come across another example of spurious 19th-century history: the Frozen Charlotte doll. Bonnie Taylor-Blake sets out the myth: Innumerable websites, newspaper articles, magazines, and scholarly pieces tell us that 19th-century American parents gave their children small, rigid, pale-white porcelain dolls named after Charlotte, a vain young woman who rejected her mother's advice to dress more warmly and who ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Thu 8th

Focus has arrived

Just arrived at my house - the Whickham South and Sunniside thank you Focus. This afternoon I will buy a new pair of shoes. My last pair disintegrated recently following the pounding they got during the local elections.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Of course we need more volunteers in health and social care. Of course volunteering is a good thing. However, don't let us assume that volunteering can make much of an impression on the 165,000 vacancies that currently exist in the ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?
Thu 8th

LGA Lib Dem elections

The Local Government Association is the national body that represents local authorities in England, and in Wales through the Welsh Local Government Association. Councillors are well aware of its work, though other party members probably less so. There are four party groups within the LGA – Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Independent. The Lib Dem Group is currently going through its biannual election process, with places open to councillors in England. The Group has just announced that the Group Leader Joe Harris and the Deputy Group Leader Bridget Smith (pictured) were both elected unopposed. All the other positions are being ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian carries an interesting article focussing on the reflections of Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who revealed the scale of surveillance - some of it illegal - by the US National Security Agency and its British counterpart, GCHQ, and subsequently fled to Russia. The most chilling part of that interview is Snowden's warning that surveillance technology is so much more advanced and intrusive today that it makes that used by US and British intelligence agencies he revealed in 2013 look like child's play: But he is depressed about inroads into privacy both in the physical and digital world. "Technology has ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee : The current exhibition in the university's Tower Foyer Gallery invites you to enter the dream-like world of painter Robert Leishman SSA RSW (1916-1989), who was highly acclaimed for his magical paintings featuring floating figures, birds, flowers and other symbolic imagery. Born in Inverkeithing and trained in Edinburgh, Leishman taught art in various schools in Fife before coming to Dundee in the 1960s to teach at Kirkton High School. He exhibited widely and was nationally renowned, yet this is the first significant exhibition of his work in over 30 ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End