I don't know if anyone else reads this feature, but Lord Bonkers certainly does. So it's time to go back 30 years and see what the old boy was saying in the June 1992 Liberator. This news item may help you understand what he was on about. I can only apologise for the hellenophoia - besides Philip was more German than Greek. Tuesday I drop into Buckingham Palace this morning, as one does, to pay my respects to Her Majesty. Imagine my surprise when a surly Greek pounces on me and demands the sum of eight pounds for the privilege ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Rutger Bregman begins his TED talk like this:I'd like to start with a simple question: Why do the poor make so many poor decisions? I know it's a harsh question, but take a look at the data. The poor borrow more, save less, smoke more, exercise less, drink more and eat less healthfully. Why? Well, the standard explanation was once summed up by the British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. And she called poverty "a personality defect." [Laughter] A lack of character, basically.I'm suspicious of quotations that are so convenient for the speakers' argument, but Thatch really did say this. It ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Packs of handmade cards featuring hand-dyed papers. Pin-badges and crochet flower embellishments to brighten up your summer wardrobe. Handmade crochet wall-hangings and small gifts to celebrate the summer. Click on logo to go to shop now:

Posted by Trisha xx on ripplestone review

The Lib Dems have some vacancies on Federal Committees to fill. Firstly, the Federal People Development Committee, which deals with diversity, membership and training, is seeking a new member. You can apply here by 21st June. There are two vacancies on Federal Audit and Scrutiny Committee, which does require some professional expertise. Find out more here. Federal Finance and Resources Committee makes the party's budget and has a vital role in making best use of our resources. Find out more about this vacancy here. Finally, the Federal Appeals Panel is kind of like our party's supreme court. They are looking ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

I was so sad to hear that Elspeth Campbell, wife of former Lib Dem Leader Menzies Campbell for just a week short of 53 years, died yesterday morning. His tribute to her had me in bits: After more than 50 years of marriage, my bright, beautiful and witty Elspeth has gone. She was my constant political companion, always my encouragement and forever my first line of defence. When I had doubts about the leadership of the Liberal Democrats her advice was clear, she said "never say never. She was renowned for her hosting of political Sunday lunches which often lasted ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian reports that Rishi Sunak has confirmed that the government have acquired two more giant barges to house about 1,000 people seeking refuge in the UK. As a result, thousands of asylum seekers could be housed in vessels moored near Newcastle, Harwich, Felixstowe and the Royal London docks. The development came as ministers prepare for a new wave of people seeking asylum in small boats this summer, amid objections from local residents and legal action over plans to house people in disused military bases: Conservative MPs and refugee charities have questioned whether the vessels will provide humane living conditions ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black


Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End