4th June 1976. pic.twitter.com/VQ27UgqpQF — Kenneth Williams (@DiariesKenneth) June 4, 2023

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

From the Independent: A coalition of MPs and peers is calling for the "horrendous" practice of handcuffing children in care during transport to be banned. Local authorities often use private firms when moving children between care homes or to hospital or court appointments, but concerns have been raised that in some instances restraints are used. Because transport providers aren't required to record instances of handcuffing, no one knows how widespread the practice is. The paper's report quotes Emily Aklan, the founder of a transport company that wants to end handcuffing: "The practice remains unregulated and unmonitored, and this data gap ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The latest edition of my weekly political polling round-up, The Week in Polls, is out. As it says: One day, in a glorious future where The Week in Polls has its own offices, merchandise and 24-hour rolling TV channel under the tag line 'Real Polls. Real Honest Opinion', every staff meeting will begin with a coordinated chant of "Actually, I think you'll find it's a bit more boring than that". Find out more by reading this edition of The Week in Polls here, and you can sign up below to receive future editions direct to your email inbox:

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Sun 4th


Raise my weaker arm. If not used it will wither; Used, will imbalance...

Posted by AL Franklin on Maintain the Advance!
Sun 4th

Arrival: Friends

This is one of those songs I have always known without knowing what it was called or who recorded it. Friends was written and first recorded by Terry Reid, who toured the US in support of Cream as a teenager and then supported the Rolling Stones. Page wanted Reid to be the singer for his proposed group the New Yardbirds, which became Led Zeppelin, but his commitments with the Stones meant he couldn't take up the offer. Reid suggested that Page should look at Robert Plant as an alternative. Arrival were a London-based vocal group most of whose members came ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Sun 4th

Tom Arms' World Review

NATO The current Arctic military exercises are relatively small by NATO standards. But they are hugely significant. They are they the first manoeuvres in which Finland has participated as a full member of the Alliance. In fact, 12 countries are participating; two of whom are NATO partners: Sweden and Switzerland. The latter has been neutral for more than half a millennium. There is no chance that the Swiss will end their neutrality, but in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine Sweden decided that the NATO umbrella was more important than its 200-year non-alignment policy. Unfortunately, NATO membership requires the ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sun 4th

It's war

Boris Johnson has put himself in direct conflict with the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Office over the provision of materials nto the Covid Inquiry and nwo Rishi Sunak has retaliated. The Guardian reports that the former Prime Minster has been warned that he could lose public funding for legal advice if he tries to "frustrate or undermine" the government's position on the Covid-19 inquiry. The paper says that Cabinet Office lawyers have told the former prime minister that money would "cease to be available" if he breaks conditions such as releasing evidence without permission: Johnson has been at the ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Residents will recall that Fraser recently met with the Chair of West End Community Council and two senior members of the council environment management team at Greater Balgay to walk round the park to discuss management issues. One of the issues highlighted was deterioration of the Planet Trail's signage and we are pleased to say that we have now had an assurance from a senior environment management officer as follows : "I have authorised the area officer to replace the Perspex in the Planet Trail."

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End