A slice of Yorkshire railway history from Hull History Nerd, who has a Patreon page to help finance his videos. This 20-mile line opened in 1853 and closed to passengers in 1950 and to freight in 1958. The video explores its remains in the Wolds. You can read about Alfred Dickens, the brother of the novelist, on Wikipedia. And there's more about the Yorkshire Wolds Railway and its designs on Wetwang on its website.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Debt Figures: Proof of more Govt economic mismanagement Raab must stand down now and trigger by-election Braverman: Sunak's endless dither and delay must end now Dentist Numbers: Sunak must correct the record Debt Figures: Proof of more Govt economic mismanagement Responding to the latest debt figures which show the UK borrowed more than expected last month, Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson Sarah Olney MP said: These figures continue to show the mess caused by the Conservative Government's economic mismanagement. The British taxpayer is still feeling the hit from Liz Truss' disastrous mini-budget. It is frankly shocking that the Government has still ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

2019 seems as very long time ago. That was when I last graced these pages, calling for our party to do more for renters, and specifically to push the then government to scrap Section 21 of the Housing Act, which enables tenants to be evicted without any reason. Since then a lot of things have happened, globally, nationally, and in the party. Globally we have had Covid, an economic shock and a war in Europe. In the UK, as well as managing those, we had more changes of Tory leadership and front benchers than most homeowner's house moves. In the ...

Posted by Mark Platt on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Liberal Democrats must advocate for the radical reform of the UK's political system as a necessary condition for meeting the country's diverse challenges. Climate change, nuclear proliferation, inequality and decreasing living standards – the UK is awash with crises, threatening its place in the world and the welfare of people in our country and beyond. Throughout our recent history, innovation has driven improvements in our lives. Individuals invented revolutionary technologies, while politicians championed visions to improve our overall welfare. Just as the UK's rational and free society created the conditions for its industrial power, so did our world war ...

Posted by Tom Davies on Liberal Democrat Voice

Greenwich Borough Liberal Democrats have selected Chris Annous, 24, and Ulysse Abbate, 22, to be their candidates for the constituencies of Greenwich & Woolwich and Eltham respectively.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Last night the annual meeting of Rutland County Council elected the Liberal Democrat Gale Waller as its leader. It also elected a cabinet of six, all of whom are Lib Dem councillors. Gale Waller won her vote by 15 votes to 12, which suggests the Lib Dems have the support to run a stable minority administration. Following the elections earlier this month, the party standings on Rutland are as follows: Lib Dems 11 Independents 7 Conservatives 6 Labour 2 Greens 1 Let's leave the final world to Uppingham Lib Dem councillor Stephen Lambert... Crazy to think that just 18 months ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Shropshire Council has changed the way it deals with planning applications that become long in the tooth before being decided. Last Friday, two applications of significance to Ludlow looked to have been scrapped. That's not the case. A planning application for 215 homes squeezed between the A49 and Bromfield Road has been in the planning system for a decade. Shropshire Council has now decided that the developer needs to come back with a fresh proposal. I understand that the developer, Tesni, is not happy with that and wants to keep the latest incarnation of the application live. It is a ...

Posted by andybodders on
Tue 23rd

Jump before he is pushed

I'm not sure many people will be shedding a tear over the announcement by Dominic Raab that he will be retiring as an MP at the next general election. His conduct in government has not been above reproach. His recent forced resignation from government is a good example of this. Yet I can't help but think that the prospect of defeat at the hands of the Lib Dems at the forthcoming general election

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Tue 23rd

Taking their seats

Annual council meeting last Thursday and I was delighted to see Leanne Brand and Paul Elliott taking their seats on the Council. Leanne took Saltwell from Labour with a majority of 58 votes, making it the most marginal ward in Gateshead. Saltwell, as far as we know, has been Labour since the 1930s. Paul gained Birtley with a more comfortable majority of 456. The ward has been mainly Labour for

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Looking for ward to the Spring Bank Holiday craft fair in Glastonbury where I'll have a range of my paintings, prints, handmade cards, crochet and small gifts.

Posted by Trisha xx on ripplestone review

The local elections produced brilliant results overall, considering we were defending seats won in a good year. But there is always a downside and we best progress when we consider the downside honestly and try to deal with it. In five authorities - all in the North or North Midlands - we lost our sole or only two councillors: Bassetlaw, Bury, East Staffordshire, Sandwell (lost two) and Stockton on Tees. When one councillor is elected in such places, it's usually a very hardworking community activist - though in one or two cases, the lone or two councillors may have been ...

Posted by Simon Banks on Liberal Democrat Voice

Back in January I wrote about a poll from Pollster UnHerd Britain that highlighted which areas of UK have the most and least regrets about Brexit. Their research suggested that the constituencies which most strongly voted for or against Brexit are still entrenched in their views almost seven years on despite the national mood shifting. Well things have moved on a bit since then. The Independent reports that a new poll has found that Brexit regret among Leave voters has reached a record high. The YouGov poll found more than a third of those who backed Leave in the referendum ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

On Thursday 1st June, Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action is holding a volunteer recruitment fair in partnership with Just Bee productions. Held at Meadowside St Paul's Church in the Nethergate, it takes place from 10am to 2.30pm. There's no better time to ask about volunteering than during #VolunteersWeekScot Over twenty organisations will be there - all looking for volunteers - all welcome!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

Elected to represent the Ludlow constituency in 2005, the Right Honourable Philip Dunne MP is to step down at the next election. In the last few years Dunne has proved himself one of the best chairs of the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC), which has been challenging the government and privatised industries on their environment record and their progress towards zero carbon. In its groundbreaking report on sewage outflows into rivers and seas, EAC recommended ending sewage outflows by 2030. But Dunne subsequently voted against a 2030 deadline and has instead supported the government's weak target of 2050. There will be ...

Posted by andybodders on