The latest episode of Never Mind The Bar Charts saw a return to the show for Professor Caitlin Milazzo, one of the county's top experts on political leaflets – what goes into them why and with what effect. This time we discussed her new research into negative campaigning in leaflets: Feedback very welcome, and do share this podcast with others who you think may enjoy it. Show notes "Going on the offensive: Negative messaging in British general elections" by Alan Duggan and Caitlin Milazzo. The Open Elections website. How are political leaflets changing (and do they work)? Caitlin Milazzo's previous ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

In a democracy, we expect the government to represent the will of the people. We believe that every citizen has an equal right to participate in the democratic process, and that every vote should count equally. But the reality is that Westminster's distortive electoral system means our democracy is failing to live up to these fundamental principles. Save Wednesday 24 May as a key date in the march to achieving equal votes for UK General Elections. That's when Sort The System – your chance to meet and tell your MP why they should back voting reform – is taking place. ...

Posted by Christine Jardine MP on Liberal Democrat Voice

An interview by Zoe Williams, published in the Guardian, reveals the personal side of Ed Davey. The article details the many trials and tribulations Ed and his wife Emily have had to overcome in their political careers. There are political insights: They have a good ground game, the Lib Dems, and they're scrappy: even accounting for the way all parties manage expectations before local elections, they sailed way over their targets. "Our central scenario was about 250 [councillors] in five councils; we ended up with over 400 in 12 councils. So we're pretty happy," he says. They made 704 gains ...

Posted by Aberavon and Neath Liberal Democrats on Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats
Thu 18th

Discovering Belfast

There are sometimes moments in life, which are not easy to describe or define. Although some of these moments leave a permanent trace in our lives, it is hard to express our views, feelings and "internal transformation". We might have read several books in relation to a particular topic, however seeing something in reality often changes our perspective or perceptions of places and/ or people. I am convinced that visiting Belfast and Northern Ireland (13th - 14th May) will stay with me for many months. Belfast has a great vibe; good Universities, plenty of international students, many parks, a lovely ...

Posted by Michal Siewniak on Liberal Democrat Voice

The start to the 2023-24 round of principal authority council by-elections has been an unusual one, with a rare Wednesday contest. It was also though a good start for the Liberal Democrats, contesting for the first time since it was created a ward in Stroud, and finishing ahead of Labour. Expanding the range of seats the party stands in is an important part of our overall growth. Painswick and Upton (Stroud) council by-election result: GRN: 45.9% (+11.9) CON: 32.1% (-10.3) LDEM: 15.0% (+15.0) LAB: 7.1% (-16.6) Votes cast: 2,546 Green GAIN from Conservative. — Britain Elects (@BritainElects) May 17, 2023 ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Thu 18th

Be Prepared

Liberal Democrats did well in the local elections and talk of our holding the balance in the next parliament is in the air. In this article I don't wish to argue for or against becoming a partner in the next government, or supporting it with confidence and supply, or commenting from the side-lines. My purpose is to urge the party to prepare for the possibility and suggest some ground rules which might avoid the disappointments (to put it mildly) which followed from the 2010 arrangement. They are: Whatever is offered, and by whom, we should make it clear that we ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 18th

Not so fit for purpose

The so-called rock solid Brexit deal Boris Johnson sold to voters in 2019 contiunues to come apart at the seams. The Independent reports that Rishi Sunak's government is understood to be lobbying the EU to delay a change in manufacturing rules in the Brexit trade deal after Vauxhall's parent company warned it could shut its UK factories: Stellantis said it will be unable to keep a commitment to make electric vehicles in the UK without changes to Boris Johnson's Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA). Business secretary Kemi Badenoch has raised the issue with her Brussels counterpart, and held a pre-arranged ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Yesterday I signed the acceptance of office and became Deputy Lord Mayor of Liverpool. I will be supported throughout all this by my wife and former Lord Mayor, Ald Erica Kemp CBE So, my retirement lasted approximately 3 hours. Between ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee : This Saturday - 20th May - from 2pm to 4pm at the University of Dundee Tower Building there's a Musical Chairs Workshop. Join community musician and composer Claire Gorman to create a collaborative sound piece inspired by the shapes, colours, textures and stories of the University's collection of 19th and 20th century chairs. This is a chance to get up close with the University's iconic chair collection and get creative in an afternoon of sound making. Claire will guide participants through a collaborative process involving sound-making, mark-making, movement ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End