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Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Following similar news from the Isle of Wight comes news of a former Conservative-turned-independent councillor joining the Lib Dems in Southport: Southport councillor Sinclair d'Albuquerque has joined the Liberal Democrats... He is currently leader of the independent Southport Councillors group and will now join the Liberal Democrat Sefton Council Group. This news follows on from local Lib Dem success in last Thursday's elections when they secured the most votes in Southport and the most councillors. Sinclair said: "The way the Liberal Democrats proactively represent the people of Southport has been impressive and visionary. Although elected as a Conservative three years ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Current AM Hina Bokhari will be our top London list candidate in the GLA elections next year. Second on the list is Rob Blackie. The results were announced in an email to London members from London Regional Chair Ann Glaze this afternoon. The Lib Dem list in full is as follows: Cllr Hina Bokhari AM Rob Blackie Cllr Irina von Wiese Cllr Gareth Roberts Chris Maines Cllr John Sweeney William Houngbo Michael Bukola Chris Annous Kishan Devani Sue Wixley We currently hold two seats in the Assembly but current AM Caroline Pidgeon is stepping down at the end of this ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

The results of the Liberal Democrat party member ballot for the London Assembly list elections are out. The ordered list of candidates is: Cllr Hina Bokhari AM Rob Blackie Cllr Irina von Wiese Cllr Gareth Roberts Chris Maines Cllr John Sweeney William Houngbo Michael Bukola Chris Annous Kishan Devani Sue Wixley The elections are next May. Congratulations and good luck to the team. Caroline Pidgeon previously announced she won't be standing again. Keep up with news about Lib Dem selections If you'd like to be notified by email when further posts about Liberal Democrat selections appear on this blog, just ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Welcome to my summary of the latest national voting intention poll from each pollster currently operating in Britain. If you'd like to find out more about how polls work, how reliable they are and how to make sense of them, check out my book, Polling UnPacked: the History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion Polls, or sign up for my weekly email: "*" indicates required fields Email* Enter Email Confirm Email If you submit this form, your data will be used in line with the privacy policy here to update you on the topic(s) selected. This may including using this ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Southport Lib Dems had a great night in last week's local election topping the poll with the most votes and winning the majority of the seats in the constituency on the night. And all this "up north" and in one of Labour's top 50 target parliamentary seats. The Lib Dem Group has a new member with this announcement that Southport councillor Sinclair d'Albuquerque has joined the Liberal Democrats. Cllr Albuquerque said: The way the Liberal Democrats proactively represent the people of Southport has been impressive and visionary. Although elected as a Conservative three years ago, I now consider their principles, ...

Posted by Iain Brodie Browne on Liberal Democrat Voice

Ed Davey is heading to Edinburgh on Saturday 12th August to take part in the For the Many Podcast with Iain Dale and former Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith. Tickets, which cost £17, are selling fast, so don't miss your chance by snapping them up here. I hope he knows what he is letting himself in for as these shows can be quite the wild ride with a generous helping of smut and comedy alongside the politics. There's usually a bit of snog, marry, avoid and in the most recent live show, outgoing Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price was asked ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

We have been having a very lively debate about the proposals from City Science and Shropshire Council for walking and cycling in Ludlow (LCWIP). I've been publicising them over the last couple of weeks on my blog and on social media. The reaction has been huge with several hundred comments. Not all the comments have been friendly in tone. Please don't shoot the messenger. Please don't assume I support the council's position. I don't. People in Ludlow are more informed about the proposals than any other town in the county because I have devoted a lot of time to seeking ...

Posted by andybodders on

Back in the 1930s, there was a deep suspicion amongst courtiers of broadcasting royal events on the radio. They worried that the events would be demeaned by men listening to them in public houses with their hats on. Ninety years on, these courtiers would have been utterly disgusted at the prospect of women watching last Saturday's coronation (as I did) on their phones on sunbeds in Spain, one pina colada to the good. I hadn't intended to watch any of it while I was away on my first ever girls' holiday. Truth be told, I'd had trouble even mustering up ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Americans are divided as to whether this has been a good, bad or pretty much the same as always week for Donald Trump. The ex-president is now legally stigmatised as a sex abuser. Journalist E. Jean Carroll also managed to legally out him as a serial liar. Of course, most people have for years regarded Trump as a lying sex pest, but it is another matter having it unanimously confirmed by a courtroom jury of your peers. The Trump sex abuse trial was quickly followed by a CNN-organised town hall meeting in New Hampshire where the former president continued to ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian reports on the findings of a group of democracy observers that more than 1% of voters, half of whom appeared to be from minority ethnic backgrounds, were turned away from polling stations because of ID requirements at the local elections. They add that Democracy Volunteers, a group of election observers, said it conducted snapshot surveys in 118 councils on 4 May, and recorded 1.2% of those attending polling stations turned away because they lacked the relevant ID, or were judged to not have it: Of those turned away, 53% were identified by observers as appearing to be "non-white". ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

At our recent meeting with local residents in the Tullideph sheltered lounge, a number of folk mentioned the need for road repairs in Tullideph Street and Tullideph Place. We raised this with the Roads Maintenance Partnership and have now been advised that the local roads inspector has raised an Order for repairs to be undertaken.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End