Since I was eligible to vote, I have voted for the Conservative Party. Local elections, by-elections, General Elections; I've always "voted blue, no matter who". Part of the reason, I'm sure, is the influence of my grandparents who have always voted Conservative. The other reason is easier to identify; as someone always interested - and now working in - law, the fact that the Conservative Party has always been identified as the "party of law and order" naturally drew me to them. I won't lie. I have never delved too deeply into the individual policies of the party. I started ...

Posted by Daniel Stylianou on Liberal Democrat Voice

No wonder Lord Bonkers is chipper this weekend. It turns out that the Lib Dems polled almost half the vote across Rutland. Red Moon has tweeted the figures: Lib Dems 7085 (46.9%) Conservatives 4857 (32.15%) Independents 2392 (15.8%) Labour 493 (3.3%) Green 280 (1.85%) You can see how this turned out in terms of seats in another tweet, this time from Britain Elects. Rutland Result #LE2023: LDM: 11 (+8) IND: 7 (-1) CON: 6 (-9) LAB: 2 (+2) GRN: 1 (=) No Overall Control - No Change. — Election Maps UK (@ElectionMapsUK) May 6, 2023

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It's well known to readers of this blog that Boris Johnson was married in the Shropshire village of West Felton. Andrew Gimson told the story in the first of his many biographies of the former prime minister: He also arrived for his own wedding without the right clothes. As Allegra said, after relating the story of the ring: "What's more, he was wearing John Biffen's trousers at the time ... Some weeks later I had to send the mo rtgagees our wedding certificate, but it was nowhere to be found. Naturally Bozzer showed not the slightest interest. Months later the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The latest edition of my weekly political polling round-up, The Week in Polls, is out. As it says: Welcome to this week's edition which is an initial look at how the pollsters and polling-based models fared in the May 2023 local elections. Find out more by reading this edition of The Week in Polls here, and you can sign up below to receive future editions direct to your email inbox:

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

It was said of the late Duke of Edinburgh that he didn't favour High Church or Low Church so much as Short Church. Though Charles III's wish to make the Coronation include more of the Britain of today is to be praised, the service didn't half go on. I would have been happy with I Was Glad, Zadok the Priest and then sloping off to the pub. And, pace C.P, Snow, not all ancient British traditions date from the second half of the 19th century. The anointing screen you see being deployed here is an innovation by Charles. In 1953 ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Sun 7th

The surprise win

In the local elections, we had 2 targets for gains in Gateshead - Birtley and Saltwell. I managed the Birtley campaign and Ron Beadle managed the Saltwell campaign. Ron had the more demanding job for a number of reasons. Firstly, the Labour majority was bigger (213); secondly the Labour fightback began last year rather than being last minute, and thirdly Labour's candidate (and defending

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Sun 7th

Winning Birtley

Winning Birtley in the local elections last week was the culmination of a number of years of campaigning with our candidate - and now councillor - Paul Elliott. I was the campaign manager and we started the election campaign facing a Labour majority of 78 from last year. Birtley has been Labour for decades though there is a now distant history of the ward electing an independent Liberal. She

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Sun 7th

Tom Arms' World Review

UK The advisers to King Charles III have scored an own goal on the eve of his coronation. The crowning of a new monarch is the obvious opportunity for the British public – and the Commonwealth – to re-examine their monarchical v republican sympathies. And the resultant opinion polls make grim reading for King Charles III and his "heirs and successors." A YouGov poll for the BBC this week showed that a majority of the British public – 58 percent – supported the monarchy. However, among 18-24 year olds the figure was only 32 percent. King Charles is also head ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

Volunteer at the superb Victoria Gardens on Blackness Road! Just e-mail for further information - all welcome!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End