ONS debt stats: Voters will never forgive the Conservatives for their economic vandalism Government announces refusal to make misogyny a hate crime Sewage vote: Scandalous that Conservative MPs have blocked the Sewage Discharge Bill ONS debt stats: Voters will never forgive the Conservatives for their economic vandalism Responding to new ONS debt statistics which show net borrowing the 4th highest since records began, Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson Sarah Olney MP said: The Government's shambolic mismanagement added billions to the UK's borrowing whilst leaving our economy growing at a snail's pace. Voters will never forgive the Conservative party for the economic ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

I got interested in Martin Amis's collection The Rub of Time when I saw it had an index. With his love of both high and low culture, Amis had the potential to produce indexes every bit as good as those you find in Mike Brearley's books. It's the juxtapositions I look for in an index: the unlikely couples who find themselves paired in consecutive entries. Sadly, Mart let me down. Yes, he showed promise, and I enjoyed: Camilla (Parker Bowles), Duchess of Cornwall Camus, Albert Keane, Roy Keats, John Sade, Marquis de Sampras, Pete but there weren't many more. Maybe ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Fred Skulthorp has visited the Blue Wall for Unherd and found it to be a land of discontent: Travelling through Surrey, from the quiet villages nestled in the North Downs to its London border in the north, it resembles not a cliché of suburban aspiration, but a capsule of all England's problems: the demise of its ruling party, a lost generation of millennials, polluted waterways and a cost-of-living crisis. In these leafy streets, decline and affluence have become entwined. And Tory hegemony there is under threat from social change: Alongside the material decline of the Home Counties, a further dimension ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Adam Smith in his seminal work The Wealth of Nations made the clear observation that trade 'carried on with a neighbouring country is...more advantageous' than that 'with a distant country' and he was even clearer that the most beneficial situation would come from 'greater trade with continental Europe' (Smith, 537). Smith's words are as true now as they were then but unfortunately the Conservative party (the supposed party of the economy who idealise Smith) have decided to ignore this. Ever since 2016 the determination to pursue hard Brexit has trumped all forms of economic credibility and common sense. As with ...

Posted by Stewart Tolley on Liberal Democrat Voice

Welcome to my series of tips and advice for Liberal Democrat members, which appeared first in the email bulletin run by London Region. There's an active and friendly Liberal Democrat community on Reddit, the social network site which is often nicknamed 'the frontpage of the internet'. That nickname comes from the Reddit's huge popularity, and in particular the way stories, videos and pictures often breakthrough to a big audience online via appearing on Reddit. The site's main purpose is to let people share links which then get voted up/down, so people quickly browsing the site see a crowdsourced collection of ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Tue 25th

Low Fell eFocus no. 121

Low Fell Lib Dems recently published their latest eFocus. Edition 121 includes:Vote for Ron Beadle;Update on Dryden Centre;Potholes in Gateshead;Vote in the Gateshead awards;New planters for Low Fell.You can read eFocus on this link.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Tue 25th

My tweets

Mon, 12:56: Sudan's outsider: how a paramilitary leader fell out with the army and plunged the country into war | Sudan | The Guardian https://t.co/0VXLHVwfK6 A very good explainer of what is going on in Khartoum. Mon, 18:40: Redwood and Wildfire, by Andrea�Hairston https://t.co/HQ3ao0WXu0 </ul

I appreciate having the opportunity to come live in the UK from Hong Kong. It is a humbling privilege to play a part in the Liberal Democrats, as local champions in the Local Elections 2023. I am standing as the candidate for Rainham North with Stuart Bourne and Alan Collins, honestly advocating for social justice. The campaign in Medway is determined and real. Canvassing and Focus delivery were steam-rolling a year ahead. I was a late-comer, busy moving from Gravesend and changing my profession into law. So, it was a pleasant surprise when the local party called me while I ...

Posted by Nicholas Chan on Liberal Democrat Voice

Ludlow Town Council is consulting on replacing the Christmas lights and, most controversially, it is considering replacing the traditional tree with an artificial tree. An upgrading of Christmas decorations in Ludlow would be welcome. Last year, a number of people commented on how disappointing the town council decorations were in Ludlow compared to other towns. New decorations for the town are very much needed. I am horrified by the suggestion that an artificial Christmas tree could be hired. It is bound to look naff and be made of a lot of plastic. We are a town surrounded by woodland and ...

Posted by andybodders on
Tue 25th

Kidical Mass Dundee

Kidical Mass Dundee is taking place again next Saturday - April 29th. Kidical Mass is a family-friendly bike ride and invites families to join them on a short bike ride to build cycling confidence, independence, and a sense of belonging in our youth. The ride also highlights a need for more and better cycling infrastructure in our city - space for the next generation. If you would like to join, come with your bike to the Riverside Pitches on Saturday, April 29th at 1pm - all welcome!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End