51 million GP appointments lasted less than 5 minutes in past year Five times Sunak betrayed British businesses Sewage vote: Judgement day for Conservative MPs Raab Urgent Question: Lib Dems challenge PM to come clean over advice on bullying complaints 51 million GP appointments lasted less than 5 minutes in past year 51 million GP appointments in the last year lasted less than five minutes, new research by the Liberal Democrats has revealed. The figures also reveal a postcode lottery with more than 21% of GP appointments in some areas lasting five minutes or less. The party warned that the ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

The streets around St Paul's Cathedral in London were devastated by the Blitz. This 1969 film from the London Metropolitan Archives documents the redevelopment of the area after the war. It makes it clear that one aim of the project was the repopulation of the City of London, which had once been the most densely populated part of the capital but had later been taken over by offices. If you remember my post on children and bombsites in British films, the Barbican covers the site where Jon Whiteley found a gun and accidentally shot a playmate and Unit Four Plus ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

I have spent exactly 24 hours door-knocking since the elections in 2022. I still absolutely love it and if I could, I would do it for a living! As I am standing again this year (one of my fellow councillors had to stand last year on health grounds), my campaign has intensified in recent weeks. The mood on the door-step has changed. Last year, some of the national and international topics dominated some of my conversations; war in Ukraine, end of the pandemic or a wide range of post-COVID government scandals. I am pleased that this year, as candidates and ...

Posted by Michal Siewniak on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 24th

~ now TS, a gentleman

Half a generation older, on similar trajectories:Her brother and my cousins –but closer hearts than that makes out,our guides and friends as well as kin;Our families. Conceived on leave from service and bornbeneath the bullet, in shelter from the bombs...Gone.Treading softly on the outfall, from a worldwhere gey few know your name

Posted by AL Franklin on Maintain the Advance!

Within politics the topic of regulation is one wrapped in layers of cliché. It is deeply unoriginal to go on about government red tape, of course: your first-ever glimpse of Sir Humphrey from Yes Minister, forty years ago, shows him unspooling yards of the stuff. Politicians vowing to Stop the red tape or Slash RegulationContinue reading "Regulating the regulation of regulation"

Posted by freethinkingeconomist on Freethinking Economist

If you haven't read the extracts from Anthony Seldon's forthcoming book on Boris Johnson's mismanagement of government, being serialised in the Times and Sunday Times since Saturday, you're missing something that you can usefully quote next time you come up against a Tory candidate. Seldon is not a commentator who can be dismissed by the Right as a 'leftie' intellectual. Biographer of Margaret Thatcher, former vice-chancellor of the University of Buckingham, son of one of the founders of the Institute of Economic Affairs, he is a pillar of the conservative establishment. (Full disclosure: his mother canvassed for the Liberals in ...

Posted by Lord William Wallace on Liberal Democrat Voice


Posted by David Boyle on The Real Blog
Mon 24th

My tweets

Mon, 10:21: "Watchmen remains the only graphic novel to ever win a Hugo Award" Actually there has been a Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story (now Best Graphic Story or Comic) every year since 2009. @AshWHurst https://t.co/cDTOzSAA11 Mon, 10:45: How I gor arrested for being a pedestrian https://t.co/zU1QGIvLhn A story of policing in Norwich.

Responding to the survey from the British Dental Association (BDA) showing nearly a quarter (23%) of adults are delaying or going without NHS dental treatment for cost reasons, Liberal Democrat Health Spokesperson Daisy Cooper MP said: Whacking up charges for NHS dental appointments at a time when people are struggling to pay the bills shows just how out of touch this Conservative Government is. This price hike will do nothing to fix NHS dentistry. All it will mean is fewer people getting the care and treatment they need, with ever more people turning to dangerous DIY dentistry. The Government needs ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

1.4 million people's work suffering due to NHS backlog Raab: Sunak must withdraw Conservative Whip 1.4 million people's work suffering due to NHS backlog 1.4 million people currently waiting for NHS treatment are seeing their work affected by it, new figures have revealed. Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey said the figures showed Rishi Sunak is breaking two of his key pledges, to grow the economy and bring down NHS waiting lists. He warned this record of failure meant millions were being "left in limbo," with many unable to return to work while they wait for treatment. The Liberal Democrats will ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Look, I told you. Governance matters... I freely admit that I do "bang on" about governance quite a lot in these (mostly) weekly pieces. And that might well be because I'm a bureaucrat and the sort of person that reads constitutions so that I know what my remit is and what the rules are. But I also know that mutual respect, even when you disagree, and a mind open to enough honest doubt to accept that you might not always be right, tends to produce better outcomes. But it tells you a lot that the Conservative response to the Raab ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 24 APRIL 2023 Abbotsford Street (at Seymour Street) - temporary traffic lights from Monday 24 to Wednesday 26 April for Hyperoptic work. City Road (Logie Street to Tullideph Place) - closed for one week for Scottish Water work. West Park Road (at Roxburgh Terrace) - temporary traffic lights for one week for Scottish Water work. Forthcoming Roadworks Hawkhill (at Peddie Street) - temporary traffic lights on Friday 5 May for Scottish Water work.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End