In March 1966 Charles De Gaulle, the French President, told the United States government that all their troops must leave France (though not the ones who were buried there). As a result, the Americans came to Shropshire and reopened an Admiralty armaments depot at Ditton Priors. They stayed for only a couple of years, but this news report from 1981 says it was still a Soviet target in the event of nuclear war. Click on the still above to watch it the report on the Media Archive for Central England site. In 2009, after giving the history of the depot, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Boris Johnson's majority in Uxbridge and South Ruislip is only 7,210, and given the steady fall in Conservative support across most of London, Labour fancy their chances of taking the seat at the next election. So the idea that Johnson may look for a safer seat is back on the agenda. And one possibility is Henley, the first seat he represented before resigned to be London's elected mayor and whose current Tory MP has said he will stand down at the election. Hence this report in the Observer: On the off-chance that Johnson decides to head for safer ground on ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It is big. It has deserts, jungles and rolling veldt. It is wracked with disease, poverty, tribal divisions, civil wars, political instability and corruption. Millions are trying to escape it. It is Africa. It is the future. Or at least its natural resources are. The US Geological Survey has identified 34 key minerals that a 21st century developed country needs. Twenty-nine of them are in Africa. In the case of one of them – cobalt – 70 percent of the world's known resources is in the war-wracked Democratic Republic of the Congo. Africa's potential, and the West's growing dependence on ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

Community Planning is about bringing services and the community together at a local level, in order to plan and deliver better services in that community, which make a positive difference to the lives of local residents. In Dundee, this is delivered through Local Community Planning Partnerships and the local community plan for the West End is available to read at :

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End