NHS waiting lists rise to new record high as Sunak breaks pledge Fly-tipping "effectively legalised" as just one in 500 incidents lead to a prosecution NHS waiting lists rise to new record high as Sunak breaks pledge The number of people waiting for NHS treatment has risen to a new record high of 7.22 million, new figures reveal today, despite Rishi Sunak's New Year pledge that "NHS waiting lists will fall". Three million people have been waiting longer than the Government's target of 18 weeks, while 360,498 have been waiting more than a year. The Liberal Democrats are calling for ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

The first home test series I can remember is the Ashes series of 1968, and one of the players I remember from it is the England allrounder Barry Knight. Yet I have rarely heard him mentioned since. In this video Knight talks about his career both as a player - 29 tests for England between 1961 and 1969 - and as a coach in Australia after that. He was a pioneer of video analysis and worked with the likes of Allan Border, the Waugh twins and Adam Gilchrist. And given Knight's memories of touring India, it's worth pointing out that ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Embed from Getty ImagesI have come across a letter published in the South London Observer of 6 September 1951 that reminds me of posts I have written about how children who played on bombsites were seen in films and newspapers: Camberwell councillors are reported to be anxiously asking why children prefer to play on bomb-sites than on playgrounds especially provided for them. The answer is that children are not civilised but primitive beings and that bomb-sites answer to the primitive in them more nearly than manufactured playgrounds. At the same time, paradoxically, even in their bombed state the sites are ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

At the Spring Conference in York, one of the Saturday lunchtime fringe debates, hosted by LibDem European Group (LDEG), focused on developing links at local government level between the UK and the EU. As several speakers pointed out, whilst we were still members of the EU, numerous channels existed to keep these channels open. But not anymore - which is yet another example of things that we once valued, lost through Brexit. For the past year I have been holding discussions with the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) to find a way for the UK - initially led by ...

Posted by David Chalmers on Liberal Democrat Voice

Liverpool has the capacity to be one of the best cities in the World but it has been held back for the past 13 years by an incompetent and corrupt council. Our manifesto shows how to sort out the council ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Tim Farron has been speaking out about fly-tipping; specifically the fact that only 1 in 500 incidents last year led to prosecution. He claims that it has been "effectively legalised". He says: The fact that fly-tipping is going unpunished is simply appalling. If people aren't being fined, it's no wonder that they think they can dump their rubbish on the streets without consequence. Brits do the right thing with their waste, but a badly behaved minority is spoiling our environment. The lack of action on this issue from the Government sends out the message that they do not take it ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

I wish I could remember the question, and the questioner, who prompted probably my best answer during the 2019 Liberal Democrat President election. It was at the hustings in Sheffield and the question was something like, 'what frustrates you most about the party?' It was a good question because it brought out an answer that clarified my thoughts and has been influential since – and hence my regret at not knowing who to thank. (Do let me know if you remember, and all the more so if it was you.) My answer was that what frustrated me most is the ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross has recently called for a Unionist tactical voting pact in Scotland during the next UK general election to unseat Scottish Nationalist MPs, with free rein given to Labour in urban seats and to the Conservatives in rural ones. However, this proposal was ultimately rejected by both Scottish Labour and the UK Conservatives. Ross inhabits two different worlds, having won one election under Additional Member System and another under First Past the Post. He is simultaneously one of seven regional MSPs for the Highlands and Islands elected via Closed Party List, and the sole MP for ...

Posted by Samuel Jackson on Liberal Democrat Voice

In Pembrokeshire, a Tory county councillor is being investigated by the ombudsman after allegedly saying: "All white men should have a black man as a slave". According to the Mirror, Andrew Edwards is also accused of saying black people were of "lower class" than whites and has refused to deny the claims. But is this an isolated case or just a further manifestation of the way that Tories at all levels now are demonising minority groups in an attempt to garner some form of popularist support? It is little wonder that a former Tory Party chair has felt it necessary ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

As with Fraser's surgeries earlier this week, Michael's surgeries at the West End Campus and Harris Academy do not take place today, because of the school Easter holidays. Surgeries will return after the holidays next week but we can be contacted at any time at westend@dundeelibdems.org.uk

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End