Police failed to attend over 45,000 burglaries last year Over 100 burglaries going unattended by police every day Postcode lottery as police in some areas attend fewer than one in two break-ins Ed Davey calls for "Burglary Response Guarantee" with every case attended by police Over 45,000 burglaries reported last year went unattended by the police, stark figures uncovered by the Liberal Democrats have revealed. The data, obtained by the party through Freedom of Information requests, shows there were 45,233 reported burglaries in 2022 where a police officer didn't then visit the scene of the crime. This is equivalent to ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Torridge and West Devon Liberal Democrats have chosen Simon Hobson to fight the seat at the next general election. The North Devon Gazette says: Simon is an environmentalist from a farming background and has worked internationally in Africa and both North and South America. Prior to gaining his degree in mining engineering from Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, Simon was the constituency organiser for the Liberal Democrat held constituency of Winchester. He has also been a professional cyclist. Torridge and West Devon became a Lib Dem seat in 1995 when Emma Nicholson, for some unaccountable reason, decided she ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

"This one's tricky. You may need to concentrate," says Jago Hazzard about this video. It takes us through the four different schemes that combined to bring us the Piccadilly Line. You can support Jago's videos via his Patreon page.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The latest Lib Dem party political broadcast (PPB) has been appearing on TV today, with an eye on this May's local elections.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The Independent reports that the Metropolitan Police's vetting system is under fire after it emerged that convicted sex offenders are among those with criminal convictions still serving in the force. They add that Met commissioner Sir Mark Rowley says that there are "sex offender cases" and "serious violence cases" among the 161 officers with criminal convictions - admitting the rules around getting rid of unfit staff were "crazy": Susan Hall, chair of the London Assembly's Police and Crime Committee, said the figures "proved" the current Scotland Yard vetting service is not "fit for purpose". Asked on BBC Radio 4's Today ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Why on earth should it be a sad day? On this day around 11 million British state pensioners are due a 10.1% uplift in their state pensions. That is, all except some half a million living around the world who have been denied annual increases. This is due to the legacy of an unjust policy that was set in very different times over 70 years ago, but has since been maintained by successive governments to save money. Lib Dems Overseas have been supporting a campaign for several years to 'unfreeze' these pensions and we have the strong support of our ...

Posted by Colin Bloodworth on Liberal Democrat Voice

In recent times, the period around the close of nominations for local elections has been slightly more fraught than for most people. As a serving councillor, the concerns come in two parts:can I successfully submit my nomination papers?am I actually going to have to fight an election?The second question is, I admit, more of a Parish and Town Council thing - principal authority elections are seldom uncontested - as many contests... aren't. Having handed in my nomination papers in person on Tuesday morning and had them vetted by Mid Suffolk's Head of Election Services, I was pretty confident that I ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

Responding to the Public Accounts Committee Report showing that hundreds of thousands of passport applicants let down by unacceptable delays, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson Wera Hobhouse MP said: The Government's endless track record of incompetence is creating the perfect storm for holidaymakers. Families just trying get away are now being saddled with the misery of passport delays and what seem like eternal queues at Dover. The Home Secretary should apologise to the countless families she has let down this Easter and get to grips with this shambles. Families should be able to relax instead of having their holidays ruined by bureaucratic ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

As with Fraser's surgeries earlier this week, Michael's surgeries at the West End Campus and Harris Academy do not take place today, because of the school Easter holidays. Surgeries will return after the holidays but we can be contacted at any time at westend@dundeelibdems.org.uk

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End