Our latest walk with John Rogers finds him accompanied by the daddy of psychogeography, Iain Sinclair, and Stephen McNeilly of the Swedenborg Society. Together they follow the footsteps of 18th-century Swedish scientist, philosopher and mystic Emanuel Swedenborg. The blurb on YouTube says: Our walk starts in Warner Street Clerkenwell where Swedenborg had his most famous vision in a Chop House. We then walk on along the course of the River Fleet to Bakers Yard / Cold Bath Square where Swedenborg died in 1772. From here we walk along Saffron Hill and Hatton Garden to Fetter Lane, the site of the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It's the issue that's sweeping the country, says the Guardian: Josh Babarinde, a Lib Dem councillor in Eastbourne who is also the candidate for the Conservative-held parliamentary seat, a key target for the party, says sewage is raised spontaneously as often as the NHS during local door knocking. "It is one of the most common issues that comes up on the doorstep. Beaches are the lifeblood of this town." Over to Ed Davey: "It's much bigger than potholes. Potholes are a very serious issue, and they do move votes, but for sewage, the reason why it's so dramatic is it ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Former Leader of the Council (Lord) Mike Storey will be standing again for election to the Council on May 4th as part of one of the most experienced set of candidates ever put up by a political party in Liverpool ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Thinking about the level of benefits, do you think they are too high, too low, or is the balance about right?

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Tue 4th

More "beyond awful."

There are local government elections in a month's time. The government is currently highlighting three of its "beyond awful" polices which are absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with local government but which are presumably designed to appeal to the worst instincts of their supporters and encourage them to turn out. 1. There is huge emphasis on their policy to discourage migrants and asylum seekers from coming here. Their three-word slogan "stop the boats" is copied from that used in Australia. The threat to disallow each and every claim for asylum made by someone who has arrived here illegally itself contravenes ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

Lib Dem Newswire #170 looks back to the party's York Conference, reports on the party's plans for the run-up to the general election and more.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Voters going to the polls in England in a few weeks time will find that there has been a major change in the arrangements for them to state their democratic preference. It will be the first time that anybody wanting to vote will be required to prove who they are through some form of ID. Ministers argue that this new measure is necessary to tackle fraud, however as the Guardian reports, statistics shave shown that there was not a single proven case of in-person voter impersonation last year. In fact the biggest risk is postal voting, which has no such ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Lib Dem Leader visits Eastbourne beach with local dog walkers amid concerns of sewage harming coastlines England's "cleanest" beaches found to be flooded with sewage discharges Liberal Democrats call on the Government to ban sewage discharges onto Blue Flag beaches to protect swimmers and wildlife New analysis of the latest Environment Agency data by the Liberal Democrats has revealed that water companies in England have dumped sewage onto England's Blue Flag beaches 1,504 times last year, lasting an astonishing 8,497 hours last year. Blue Flag status is an international mark of recognition that a beach is deemed safe and environmentally ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

As the school Easter holidays are currently taking place, please note that Fraser's ward surgeries at Ancrum Road Primary School and Blackness Library do not take place today. Surgeries return after the holidays but we can be contacted at any time at westend@dundeelibdems.org.uk

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End
Tue 4th

The Joy of Six 1122

Alexandra Hall Hall finds the Iraq war and Brexit share a thread of hubris: "It's taken Americans 20 years to fully come to terms with the consequences of Iraq. I hope it does not take that long for Britain to truly realise the consequences of Brexit." The Hunger Games bidding system, which saw councils competing against one another for Levelling Up cash, led to councils across the country paying millions to consultants. That's the finding a Daily Mirror investigation. Are we building more prisons because of a projected rise in the prison population, or building prisons and then making sure ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England