Tomorrow sees the deadline for nominations for local elections in England and, like many of you, my nomination papers are with my local District Council for inclusion on the ballot on 4 May. We take on a serious responsibility, especially for those of us with prospects of victory, as representing our communities is not to be taken lightly, regardless of the level and scale of that position. But, whether you're a target seat candidate, or an incumbent, or even just a name on a ballot paper, thank you in anticipation of what you'll be doing over the next thirty-one days. ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Welsh rivers some of the most sewage filled in the UK Water Plan: Taking the public for fools by re-announcing a policy from years ago Welsh rivers some of the most sewage filled in the UK An analysis of the sewage dumping statistics released by Welsh Water/Dŵr Cymru has revealed Wales' rivers are some of the most sewage filled in the entire UK. The stats have sparked an angry response from the Welsh Liberal Democrats who have accused both Labour and the Conservatives of not doing enough to tackle the problem. The latest figures show sewage was dumped in Welsh ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Water company fines: Pointless whilst it remains legal to dump sewage into swimming waters Braverman pushes botched Rwanda scheme while queues pile up in Dover Water company fines: Pointless whilst it remains legal to dump sewage into swimming waters Responding to the Government re-announcing they will change the fine structure on water companies, Liberal Democrat Environment spokesperson Tim Farron said: This is pointless whilst it remains legal for water companies to dump sewage into swimming waters. It is a national scandal that water companies are allowed to pump sewage into our rivers and coastlines all because Ministers refuse to get ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Joe Biden has lost patience with Benjamin Netanyahu. Previous US Presidents must have been exasperated by the succession of Israeli Prime Ministers who paid lip service to international law, UN resolutions and human rights, and then ignored them in practice, but this time the frustration is public. Netanyahu is no longer welcome in the White House, and Biden has told him he must end his attempt to destroy democracy in Israel. Jewish organisations like Yachad in the UK have demonstrated around the world that Israel's leader must not be allowed to join the autocrats' club, along with Putin, Erdogan and ...

Posted by Andy Daer on Liberal Democrat Voice

Children left waiting almost three years for an operation Cancelled children's operations surge by 23% compared to last year Lib Dem Leader Ed Davey calls for NHS rescue plan on local election visit to hospital Almost 15,000 children's operations were cancelled at hospitals in England last year, many due to a shortage of staff and beds, figures uncovered by the Liberal Democrats have revealed. Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey will today urge the government to come up with a rescue plan to bring the health service back from the brink. The figures show 14,628 children's operations were cancelled in 2022, ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

The day people stop adapting Dickens to say something about present-day society will be the day that Dickens dies. Meanwhile, here's Horrible Histories.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It's a common feature of political party leaflets to distance themselves from the party's leader when the leader is unpopular. Usually that means omitting the leader and instead featuring local figures, or sometimes other national figures, who are more popular. Which makes the pattern of Conservative election leaflets for this year's local elections both usual and strange. Usual in that they omit Rishi Sunak, who is not polling great, but strange in that instead they are using a trio of national figures who poll worse than Suank: The Telegraph has seen Conservative election leaflets in several target areas that do ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Following my rant on Friday about the new Indo-Pacific trade pact and the British public not being allowed to vote on it, I was interested in this article by Nick Dearden in the Guardian, which seems to reinforce my point. Dearden claims that this trade deal is so contentious that it united Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in opposition to US membership, and that in signing the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), Britain has ditched environmental standards, signed up to terms that will undermine British farmers, and left us open to being sued by multinational ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The future of our great city is too important to be left to vacuous pledges. All Parties need to work together to create a positive way forward which will eradicate the problems of the past and build a positive future ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 3 APRIL 2023 Perth Road (at Springfield) - temporary traffic lights from 9.00am on Monday 3 April to 6.00am on Tuesday 4 April for Scottish Water work. Hawkhill (at Session Street) - off-peak (9.30am to 3.30pm) nearside east bound lane closure Wednesday 5 April for BT work. Abbotsford Place - temporary traffic lights Thursday 6 and Friday 7 April for Hyperoptics work. Abbotsford Street - temporary traffic lights Friday 6 April for one week for Hyperoptics work. Perth Road (at Riverside Drive) - ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End