Firstly, an apology to those of you who've been waiting for comment moderation this evening – my duty as Chair of my small, but perfectly formed, Parish Council took me away from my desk. But there will be those of you who will be disappointed with my decisions today. William Byrd might well fairly reflect my thoughts on that: My wealth is health and perfect ease, And conscience clear my chief defence I never seek by bribes to please Nor by desert to give offence Thus do I live. Thus will I die Would all did so, as well as ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Revealed: Over 100 Met officers still working while under investigation for sexual abuse Over 100 Met police officers are still working on the frontline while under investigation for allegations of sexual or domestic abuse, a Freedom of Information request by the Liberal Democrats has revealed. A total of 548 Met police officers are currently under investigation for claims of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, or a combination of both. 144 of the officers under investigation for these offences are still working and carrying out their normal duties, the response from the Metropolitan Police reveals. Of these, 111 are under investigation for ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Lib Dems call for emergency action to end dental deserts Banks' £17.8 billion tax cut could have funded pay rise for 150,000 carers Lib Dems call for long-term strategy to end energy crisis Lib Dems call for emergency action to end dental deserts The Liberal Democrats have blasted the Government for the spread of 'dental deserts' across the UK. Vast areas of the country are without access to NHS dental appointments, often in rural or deprived areas. The Party passed a motion at its Spring Conference today which called for urgent reform to the NHS dental contract to ensure everyone ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Johnson before the Privileges Committee It is a measure to which British politics has sunk that the media seem to believe that there is at lest a possibility that our ex Prime Minister Johnson might be exonerated by the House of commons Privileges Committee when he appears before them on Wednesday to claim that he did not knowingly lie to the Commons when he said that that "all lockdown rules were observed" in Downing Street when the series of "Partygate " events was held. What is at stake is far more than Johnsons reputation, which is soiled beyond repair in ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal
Mon 20th

My tweets

Mon, 12:56: Gary Lineker's tweet, the BBC's panic, and why I was left to "sort it out" Lineker's agent speaks. Mon, 14:46: Anyone in software development: The Foundation Together Albania @FondacioniT has issued a Request for Proposals for Service to create a mobile app for their online platform for mental health support, - further details

I never knew my dad was a Liberal. He passed away when I was four - so we never got to talk politics. To be honest, I'd always assumed he was a Tory because mum told me he used to play snooker at the local Conservative club. So you can imagine what it meant to me when, years later, I came across this newspaper cutting my gran had kept - I guess from the late 1950s - about a garden party held by the Mansfield Divisional Liberal Association. With a fancy dress parade and music from something called the "Codas ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Steve Brine must step down from Health Select Committee 'Show Sunak the door' – Lib Dems update by-election door as victory props take centre stage in blue wall rally Welsh Conservative MPs should "hang their heads in shame" over rail funding Steve Brine must step down from Health Select Committee Responding to the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner launching an investigation into Steve Brine over allegations of inproper lobbying of the NHS, Liberal Democrat Health spokesperson Daisy Cooper MP said: Steve Brine should immediately step down from the Health Select Committee whilst this investigation takes places. It is absurd for an MP ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

When the editing of Roald Dahl's books was in the news, I wrote:Successful children's writers generally get a couple of decades in the sun. My own favourite as a child, Malcolm Saville, published his first book in 1943 and got a little longer, but in his last years (he died in 1982) he was painfully aware that he had gone out of fashion. Enid Blyton's reputation has not declined to that extent, but there has been a price to pay. Because, for decades, her books have been edited and re-edited so that they can still be sold. So much so ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

541 pieces of medical equipment over a decade old with some X-ray machines up to 37 years old Four in ten hospital trusts have outdated medical equipment at least a decade-old, despite NHS England advice Lib Dem Leader Ed Davey calls for urgent investment in medical equipment at his party's Spring Conference NHS hospitals are using hundreds of outdated x-ray machines, CT scanners and radiotherapy machines, the Liberal Democrats have revealed, with some dating back to the 1980s. 541 X-ray machines, CT and MRI scanners and radiotherapy treatment machines are over a decade old, the figures show. It comes despite ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 20th

Teddy safe and sound

Some good news to emerge from the devasatating suspected gas explosion in Morriston, Swansea in which a 68 year old man lost his life, while up to twenty homes have been damaged, some beyond repair. The BBC reports that Teddy, a ragdoll persian cat, who was caught up in the explosion has been found safe and sound, and has been reunited with his owner Claire Griffiths-Bennett and her son. The other cat belonging to the family had been rescued from the rubble soon after the explosion but Teddy's whereabouts remained unknown: It is believed Teddy had been living in the ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Train journeys back from Conference tend to offer a chance to reflect on the events of the past few days, especially for someone who likes to travel in a bubble of isolation (nothing personal, fellow Liberal Democrats, but sometimes I just like to be alone). And this Conference has been no different. Was their journey really necessary? Sadly, the culture wars that have poisoned our national body politic have come to the Liberal Democrats and, unlike our more authoritarian opposite numbers, we're curiously more vulnerable in some ways. Many of us find confrontation enervating rather than enjoyable, and we have ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 20 MARCH 2023 Explorer Road - temporary traffic lights until Tuesday 21 March for Scottish Water work. City Road (at Tullideph Road) - temporary traffic lights from Monday 20 March for 4 days for O2 work. Forthcoming Roadworks Abbotsford Street (at Seymour Street) - temporary traffic lights from Monday 27 March for 4 days for telecommunications mast maintenance. Seafield Road (at No 28) - closed from Tuesday 28 March for 3 days for Neos duct repairs. Perth Road (at Springfield) - temporary traffic ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End