I missed it at the time, but last October one of my favourite journalists, Neal Ascherson, turned 90. To mark the occasion, he was interviewed by Tim Adams in the Observer: There are certain writers who seem singled out to bear witness to their times. Neal Ascherson first had a graphic inkling of that fate when he was a small boy in Peterborough, where his father, a naval officer, was stationed at a factory making torpedoes. "It would have been the summer of 1940," Ascherson says, "and I was coming back to the village where we lived, from school, on ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Sat 18th

The Joy of Six 1118

It's become evident to some of Putin's propagandists that they may face charges in a war crimes tribunal, but their own words are still strengthening the case for the prosecution, reports Julia Davis. "Our research is ongoing, and it's still early. But so far, we have found that these short bursts of independence have led to reduced anxiety in kids and their parents, increased self-esteem and willingness to try difficult things, and more free time for parents, who don't have to spend every waking moment chasing their kid." Clinical psychologist Camilo Ortiz outlines a new approach to helping anxious children. ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Sat 18th

My tweets

Fri, 18:12: August 2020 books https://t.co/DFyj4j2Bmd Fri, 20:48: RT @lithub: "I am always conscious of the fact that my voice will be the last voice the animal hears, and my touch will be the last touch."... Sat, 14:48: RT @PeterTatchell: St Patrick was many things - a Christian missionary, an "Apostle of Ireland" - but one thing he most definitely was not... Sat, 16:50: Enoch Burke, attention-seeker: what the judges�said https://t.co/MLU5yuHaxP </ul

Sat 18th

Day 2

After a full English for breakfast this morning, I headed off, not to conference, but to the Jorvik Museum. It is 30 years since I was last there. Well worth a visit if you are in York. From Jorvik I headed back to the Novotel Hotel for the British Association for Conservation and Shooting reception, often the best lunch in conference. I chatted to their representatives about how we are plagued

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Sat 18th

Labour Party accused

The Guardian reports on the comments of Martin Forde KC, who was commissioned by Keir Starmer to investigate allegations of bullying, racism and sexism, that the Labour party is enabling a "hierarchy" of racism. They say that Mr Forde has accused the Labour Party of still not fully engaging with claims that anti-black racism and Islamophobia were not taken as seriously as antisemitism: Last summer Forde published his 860-page report that accused Labour of "in effect operating a hierarchy of racism or of discrimination". Responding to the inquiry at the time, a Labour party spokesperson said the report detailed "a ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The diplomatic playing field has shifted this week. The cause is China's successful brokering of the resumption of diplomatic relations between Middle East arch-enemies and regional super powers Iran and Saudi Arabia. Of course, the fact that new embassies will appear in Riyadh and Tehran does not mean that all will now be sweetness and light. Deep-seated differences remain between the founts of Sunni Islam and the world's Shi-ites. But there is no doubt that jaw jaw is better than the undeclared war that has existed in the Gulf region for decades. The biggest regional winner is Saudi Arabia. Iran ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

We recently again received concerns about the difficulty at times for drivers accessing or egressing Elliot Road at the junction with Glamis Road due to some vehicles parked very close to the junction. This has proved particularly challenging for the X7 bus turning the corner into/out of Elliot Road. We had long raised this on behalf of residents and were pleased that some yellow lining at this junction was approved by the City Development Committee on 5th December 2022. We recently asked the council's Head of Sustainable Transport and Roads about progress with the legal/consultation process and he has updated ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End