Lineker is back, Sharp must go Liberal Democrats urge Conservative MPs to 'examine their conscience' ahead of Small Boats Bill vote Lineker is back, Sharp must go Responding to the news that Gary Lineker and the BBC have come to an agreement, Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey MP said: Everyone will be pleased to see Gary Lineker and the football and sports coverage back to normal on the BBC next weekend. However, given his ties to Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party, and the scandal surrounding his appointment, the public simply cannot trust Richard Sharp to restore the BBC's credibility. ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Embed from Getty ImagesIt did freeze and hard. The wind being still, the New Sea was soon frozen over except in two places. There was a breathing-hole in Fir-Tree Gulf about fifty or sixty yards from the mouth of the Nile. The channel between New Formosa and Serendib did not "catch," perhaps the current from Sweet River Falls was the cause, and though they could skate up within twenty yards, they could not land on the islands. Jack and Frances came to skate day after day; Bevis and Mark with Ted, Cecil, and the rest fought hockey battles for hours ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Mon 13th

My tweets

Mon, 10:45: Linear Elamite Deciphered! Despite the progress made deciphering ancient scripts, a few remain tantalizingly out of reach, including Linear Elamite. Or is it? Mon, 14:56: RT @GaryLineker: After a surreal few days, I'm delighted that we have navigated a way through this. I want to thank you all for the incredi... Mon, 18:41: The Number Mysteries: A Mathematical Odyssey Through Everyday Life, by Marcus du�Sautoy </ul

Last week Leicester City Council debated a motion to abolish its current elected mayoral and return to a traditional committee system. It was defeated by 32 votes to 20 - an alternative replacement model (a leader and a cabinet) was rejected by a larger majority. This week, as sure as night follows day, comes news that three Labour councillors are to be disciplined for voting against the mayoral system. The Leicester Mercury reports: Three Leicester councillors have been suspended by the Labour Party for rebelling against the city mayor's office at a meeting last week. The meeting was held so ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Embed from Getty ImagesLooking for something else in the British Newspaper Archive, I came across a story from the Gloucester Citizen (13 February 1945) that reads like a piece of satire by Dickens himself. MAYOR, IN HIS ROBES, 'OVER-AWED' CHILDREN Brighton Social Welfare committee was informed on Monday that following recent complaints improvements were made without delay in the conditions at Warren Farm Schools. One member declared Councillor L. Cohen, who led the recent criticism, had made the name of Brighton ''stink". Another suggested that the children who had been described as "too cold to cry" were actually over-awed by ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

A few days ago, I started writing a piece for Liberal Democrat Voice about the creation of the new Department of Science, Innovation and Technology and what it might mean for the entrepreneurial science-based economy. I was going to look at financing of science-based companies and how it could be improved. The news of the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) on Friday came as the piece was almost finished and has overtaken some of my conclusions in that article. It's likely that most Liberal Democrats will never have actually heard of the SVB until this weekend. As its ...

Posted by Robert Harrison on Liberal Democrat Voice

I welcome guest posts on Liberal England. So if you'd like to write for this blog, please send me an email so we can discuss your idea. As you will see from the list below, I'm happy to publish posts on subjects far beyond the Liberal Democrats and British politics. I'm also happy to entertain a wide variety of views, but I'd hate you to spend your time writing something I really wouldn't want to publish. So please get in touch first. These are the last then guest posts published here on Liberal England:Can trade unions make a big comeback? ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Mon 13th

Beyond awful

It is unfortunate that most of the media's reporting of the banning of Gary Lineker from the BBC has centred around his allusion to the "language used by Germany in the 1930s" rather than his actual description of the government's policy on asylum seekers as: "Beyond awful. . . an immeasurably cruel policy directed at the most vulnerable people." This has enabled Tory mouthpieces to distract attention from the actual policy and criticism by cries of foul, unfair, a gross exaggeration etc." Tory perception management never misses an opportunity. It is hugely encouraging that the "sporting fraternity and sorority" have ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

International security is a hot topic since Putin`s "Special Military Operation" launched against Ukraine a year ago. Most people recognise it for what it was, an invasion by a despot of questionable sanity. A wide debate has been prompted by Putin having "moved the goalposts of the conditions under which Russia would launch a first nuclear strike." The Lib Dem "Defence Team" has put together a motion which is an ultra-cautious approach to defence policy, probably not wishing to rock the middle-of-the-road approach thought to be necessary in order not to frighten off the soft conservative vote. But it is ...

Posted by Keith Melton on Liberal Democrat Voice

Having been bombarded on social media by the protests of Tory MPs and Ministers at Gary Lineker's very reasonable tweet about their illegal immigration bill, so called because it breaks international law, I was astonished to find this report in the Guardian about the Home Office fronting their propaganda video about the bill with clips featuring BBC newsreaders. The paper says that Home Office officials were forced to alter a Twitter post about the illegal migration bill to remove an image of the newsreader Huw Edwards after complaints from the BBC: The tweet, which contains a video explainer for the ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

This year sees the 400th anniversary of the death of William Byrd, one of this country's great composers. As a Catholic myself, I am reminded that he converted to Catholicism in his thirties at some personal risk given the culture of the day. It is a reminder that state-sponsored attacks on minorities and other vulnerable people is not a new concept, and that the conservative right have never been afraid to secure power through the demonisation of others. My colleague, writing about the Lineker saga over the weekend, said: And of course what is particularly ironic is that Tory MPs, ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Lib Dems demand this week's Budget includes emergency funding to fix dangerous hospital roofs 18 trusts have buildings fitted with roofs which NHS chiefs warn could collapse at any moment Almost 6,000 patient admissions a day last year at hospital trusts with crumbling roofs There were a staggering two million patient admissions at hospitals with crumbling roofs at risk of collapse last year, new analysis by the Liberal Democrats has found. The Liberal Democrats are demanding emergency funding in this week's Budget to replace the crumbling roofs at every affected hospital and prevent patients' safety being put at risk. 18 ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 13 MARCH 2023 Lochee Road (at Gardners Lane) - temporary traffic lights from 9.00am on Thursday 16 March to 6.00am on Friday 17 March for Scottish Water work. Forthcoming Roadworks City Road (at Tullideph Road) - temporary traffic lights from Monday 20 March for 4 days for O2 work. Abbotsford Street (at Seymour Street) - temporary traffic lights from Monday 27 March for 4 days for telecommunications mast maintenance. Seafield Road (at No 28) - closed from Tuesday 28 March for 3 days ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End