More news of unhappiness with David Warburton, the MP who was suspended by the Conservatives, surrounded by scandal and found to have broken the Parliamentary code of conduct. Frome Times reports: Frome town councillors unanimously passed a vote of no confidence in Frome MP David Warburton, who is under investigation following allegations of sexual misconduct, financial misconduct and drug taking... At the meeting, cllr Fiona Barrow, who had written the motion, along with cllr Mel Usher, read the following summary, "The town council very rarely comments on national matters, or even issues outside of Frome, but we have grown increasingly ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

I blogged about London's Broad Street station years ago: As Disused Stations records, at the start of the 20th century more than one train a minute arrived or left Broad Street during the morning rush hour. In 1902 more than 27 million passengers used the station and it was the third busiest in London. However, the North London Line lost most of its passengers to the expansion of the bus, tram and Tube network and the station became increasingly poorly used. It was badly damaged in World War II and never fully repaired. In 1950 the main part of the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

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Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Davies Street has objected to the M&S Food Store application. Who, I am sure you are asking, is Davies Street? Who in this instance is the company that owns the Sainsbury's site at Rocks Green. It has made an extensive objection to the M&S Food application south of Sainsbury's on Sheet Road. The objection says the combined impact of Sainsbury's and M&S on the outskirts of town will lead to a cumulative impact on the town centre trade of 20%. It also criticises the design of the proposed store as being no more than "a large plain white box". It ...

Posted by andybodders on

One of the challenges of changing the energy mix is that you need infrastructure to support it. So, if you're going to build a swathe of new offshore wind power generation, you need to get that electricity onshore and to the places that it is desperately needed. And, in Suffolk, that means that we're a bit in the way. We get that, we really do. However, what we'd really like is that, if you're going to run overhead cables across the countryside, we'd like to be consulted and we'd like them not to run over the village. We aren't even ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

The local party brings the news: We are delighted to announce that Chelmsford Liberal Democrats have re-selected Chelmsford resident Marie Goldman as the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chelmsford. Marie came a strong second against the Conservatives in the 2019 General Election, putting her in an excellent position to win the Chelmsford seat at the next General Election. Commenting on her re-selection, Marie said: "I would like to thank local members for their continued faith in me and their support. I know we can win this seat at the next General Election and I'm grateful for the opportunity not only ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Wendy Chamberlain's appearance on Any Questions last night was her first and she did a marvellous job, getting cheers and approval from the audience pretty much every time she opened her mouth. And she didn't dodge the controversial issues. My answer was my controversial view that beans are NOT a breakfast food #SorryNotSorry — Wendy Chamberlain MP (@wendychambLD) March 4, 2023 I agree with her a lot because I think she is one of the wisest people I know, but I don't think I have ever agreed with her more than on the beans for breakfast issue. Why, why, would ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Alex Cole-Hamilton recently took part in an Oxford Union debate on Scottish independence. His side, opposing the motion that "This House would support an independent Scotland" won comfortably. Watch his speech here: He talked about the dangers of nationalism and its inability to actually solve the problems countries face, how the uncertainties of independence would damage our lives and about the positives of unions, whether UK or EU, working together. * Newshound: bringing you the best Lib Dem commentary in print, on air or online.

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

If you listen to the polls, and not the pundits, politics has been remarkably simple and consistent for the last three months.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The Independent reports that Labour has hit back at "ludicrous" claims that Sue Gray was appointed as part of a Boris Johnson stitch-up over his involvement in Downing Street parties. The paper says that the party's shadow culture secretary, Lucy Powell, condemned suggestions from the former prime minister's allies that Sue Gray's plans to join Sir Keir Starmer's office show that the Partygate scandal was manufactured to bring down the former prime minister: She told Times Radio on Friday morning: "I think that's just a ludicrous claim by Boris Johnson and stands in stark contrast to what he said at ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The Chinese Ukrainian peace kite is unlikely to remain aloft for long for several reasons: Neither the Russians nor the Ukrainians are prepared – yet – to throw in the towel. Vladimir Putin cannot afford failure. Neither Ukraine nor its NATO backers can afford failure. A Chinese brokered peace is unacceptable to the US because it increases Beijing's position in the world at Washington's expense. However, both Volodomyr Zelensky and Vladimir Putin will meet President Xiping, foreign minister Wang Yi and any other Chinese emissaries. Zelensky needs to be seen to be willing to talk to keep Beijing from supplying ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

Nominations to find Dundee's Citizen of the Year for 2023 are open. Each year an individual, usually a volunteer, from the community is chosen to highlight their work and selfless efforts by naming them Citizen of the Year. The process is an opportunity to recognise someone who has gone the extra mile to support their community. If any residents knows some that they feel is worthy of nomination, please return a completed nomination form by Friday 31st March 2023. The full criteria for eligible candidates is available on the form, including that the individual must live within the Dundee City ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End