Well said Tim Farron, Richard Foord, Layla Moran and Munira Wilson.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Shropshire Council has now issued the full licence for the rugby club. I publish it here as a matter of record. Ludlow Rugby Football Club Linney, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 1EE Where the licence is time limited, the dates Not applicable The opening hours of the premises Monday to Sunday 07:00 – 02:00 Non Standard timings Christmas Eve and New Years Eve finish time 03:00 hours the following day. Licensable activities authorised by the licence and the times the licence authorises the carrying out of licensable activities Supply of Alcohol Monday to Sunday 08:00 – 01:00 Non Standard Timings Christmas Eve ...

Posted by andybodders on
Tue 21st

Double Standtards

The hypocrisy surrounding the current debates on world politics continues to beggar belief. Heaven only knows what future historians will make of it (if there as a future for humankind, that is). The US Secretary of State (I think it was) sternly orders China not to supply arms to the Russians (on pain of what isn't clear.) Why on earth shouldn't they? We (ie the US, Nato, the West, the Free World, whatever we like to call ourselves) proudly send arms to the Ukrainians, whom we consider to be, for the time being at any rate, on "our " side. ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

Sewage pollution in our rivers and seas has been in the headlines for a long while. Water companies have resisted cleaning up their act preferring to wait until 2050 until they halt the discharge of human waste every time it rains heavily (that's called normal weather) or something breaks down. A couple of weeks ago, Philip Dunne voted against directing the water companies to stop sewage discharges by 2030, preferring to give the companies another 20 years. That's 20 years in which the companies will continue to make large profits and pay their chief executive's every escalating rewards of more ...

Posted by andybodders on

"I'm a member of the Church of England" is not a phrase I often shout at the top of my voice in Liberal Democrat circles. When my ecclesiastical membership becomes apparent, my normal "escape route" is to say that I am a "Tutu Anglican". In all matters of the church, I find it sufficient to say "What Desmond said". For example, the great Archbishop said: I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this. Bishop Steven Croft, who as the Bishop of Oxford is a member of the House of Lords, ...

Posted by Paul Walter on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian reports that huge numbers of older voters could be disenfranchised at local elections in May after official data has shown that only 505 people aged 75-plus have applied for free voter identification documents in the month since the scheme launched. The paper adds that statistics for the numbers who have applied since the system opened on 16 January also showed that fewer than 6% of those seeking the document were aged under 25, another group seen as disproportionately likely to lack the necessary ID: The data on applications for so-called voter authority certificates reinforces concerns that the first ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Dundee City Council's Liberal Democrat councillors have released their full budget proposals ahead of Thursday's council budget meeting and have proposed re-hiring every single street cleaning post in Dundee axed by the SNP since 2015. That's some 39 posts, the SNP having cut the number of full time equivalent street cleaning jobs from 115 in 2015 to just 76 today. Group Leader and West End Councillor Fraser Macpherson said, "We continue to get many complaints from constituents about street cleaning in the city which is simply not as good as it used to be. The street sweeping staff left do ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End
Tue 21st

Vindolanda talk

David Goldwater will be the speaker at the next Sunniside History Society meeting on Wednesday 1st March at 7pm. He will be speaking about recent excavations at Roman Vindolanda in Northumberland but will also be talking about the nearby fort of Magna at Carvoran. The meeting is at Sunniside Club, £10 for society members, £2 for visitors. All welcome.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace