Calvin Lawson was the great hope of Labour in their failed attempt to wrest control of Low Fell ward, Gateshead, in last year's local elections from the Lib Dems. Alas, now he seems to have disappeared from the radar screen. Insiders informed us last year that Low Fell had not been his first choice when he tried and failed to get selected for Birtley ward. Other insiders told us that the Labour

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Back in 1970 there was nothing to stop unofficial candidates trying to pass themselves off with plausible-looking party names.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Sat 18th

The Joy of Six 1111

Neither Scottish nationalism not unionism is strong enough to vanquish the other, argues Tom McTague. Mark Hooper looks at recent developments on Dartmoor and asks if England's right of way laws are fit for purpose: "The government and the rich landowners that prop them up would prefer it if we define this issue along typical, easily ridiculed lines: a 'Crusties vs The Rule of Law' dichotomy. But the truth is far more nuanced. Owen Whooley analyses psychiatry's cycle of ignorance and reinvention: "There is no overarching narrative of progress here. What you see is the cyclical replaying of the same ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

A poll of "blue wall" seats this week should make senior Lib Dems charged with delivering our next election campaign pause for thought. Field work carried out by Redfield and Wilton Strategies last weekend shows Labour 7 points ahead of the Tories in seats the Conservatives currently hold in the south of England, but the party of Government gaining 2% and us going down 2% since the last poll a couple of weeks before. Of the 42 seats that Redfield and Wilton count as the Blue Wall, there are not that many that we are seriously targeting so our 17% ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sat 18th

My tweets

Fri, 15:44: Battlefield, by Philip Purser-Hallard (and Ben Aaronovitch, and Marc�Platt) Fri, 19:19: #gally1 Fri, 20:04: #gally1 Fri, 20:48: Never Say 'Nice to Meet You' and 27 Other Rules for Surviving in D.C. Funny but perceptive social advice. Fri, 21:48: #gally1 Wendy Padbury in full flow. Fri, 22:33: #gally1 Three Tenth Doctors walk into a bar... Fri, 23:04: #gally1 Sat, 01:24: With the lovely Katy @ManningOfficial ! #gally1 Sat, 01:40: RT @Tardis_Central: 💿🚨 BREAKING #BigFinish #DoctorWho 60TH CASTING NEWS! #Gally1 has timed with a bumper announcement of CASTING news for... Sat, 02:18: ...

Sat 18th

A looming food scandal?

I think that 'we told you so' is an appropriate response to this article in the Guardian, which quotes the leader of the UK's biggest farming organisation warning that Britain is in danger of a "disastrous" food scandal, owing to lax post-Brexit border controls on agricultural imports. Minette Batters, the president of the National Farmers' Union, accused ministers of a "dereliction of duty" in failing to ensure food and other agricultural imports were safe. She said the government had failed to learn the lessons of the horsemeat scandal of 2013. "We are seeing little to no checks on imports that ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Pakistan, meaning the land of the spiritually pure and clean, is, alas effectively skint. Ten thousand containers sit at ports unless payment is received, industry has no power for production, and an agricultural state is now importing food..if it can afford to. A macroeconomic meltdown is underway with all the conventional smoke signals: a collapsing economy, rising inflation of 30%, a run on the currency (thus making imports more expensive for locals), depleting reserves (less than the cost of a decent Premier League side shy of $3bn), fuel and now food shortages, with the staple chapati flour in short ...

Posted by Rupinder Singh on Liberal Democrat Voice

We have long campaigned for resurfacing of the road in Rockfield Crescent and were previously advised by the City Council at the start of 2022 : "Rockfield Crescent is provisionally included in the 2022/2023 Carriageway Resurfacing Programme (Marchfield Crescent to Hyndford Street)." We sought an update recently as the 2022/23 financial year draws to a close and the Senior Engineer - Roads Maintenance Partnership has now updated us as follows : "I can confirm that unfortunately Rockfield Crescent is one of 20 carriageway schemes that are being deferred to the new financial year. T his has been due in the ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End