Fri 17th

Delivering in Sunniside

200 Focuses delivered this afternoon in Sunniside, in between feeding the livestock, cleaning out the chick house, milking the goat and rushing our newest lamb to the vet.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Fri 17th

Reply to Michael White

"I must admit some of trans theology defeats me." "It's not 'theology'. That's not a neutral term." "I can see why it might not be. But can you spell it out please?" At its core, who we understand ourselves to be could be said to be a belief. However, it's not a belief in any [...]

Posted by Helen Belcher on Challenging Journeys (Phase 2)

Between 1915 and 1973, Ladybird Books' printing plant was at Angel Yard in the centre of Loughborough. The small format for which the firm became famous was developed there during the second world war because of the difficulty in obtaining paper. In 1973 they moved to larger premises elsewhere in the town and the Angel Yard area was redeveloped. Today the firm is remembered there by a plaque and by a sculpture of a child reading a book in the nearby Carillon Shopping Centre. The sculpture was designed and created by Loughborough University Fine Art student Paula Riley and put ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

We have a chance this May to achieve something we've only ever managed twice before in our party's entire history: make it five rounds of local election net gains in a row. We should be excited about that possibility. Not only for reasons of psephology but also for reasons of power. Every gain we make will mean more people benefiting from Liberal Democrats in office, and every gain we make will mean more opportunity to turn our policies into action. Policies such as the great record in Eastleigh of building new houses – and keeping on winning elections. To keep ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Liberal Democrat Voice

The grisly spectre of Joe Anderson still hangs over Liverpool more than 2 years after he left the Cunard. Much of our budget problems for next year have been caused by things that he did which he should not have ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Judging by the vacant expressions of my younger readers, I had better explain that the idea of having to get into the fish tank and sing Jerusalem because someone has said a certain word to someone else comes from the Monty Python sketch Buying a Bed. As I first came across it on an LP of theirs I got for Christmas in 1973, it must be at least 50 years old. It's as though, when I joined Liberator 10 years later, the magazine had a column that required a knowledge of comedy from the 1930s. I always say that the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Fri 17th

My tweets

Thu, 18:28: Horror of Fang Rock, by Matthew Guerrieri (and Terrance�Dicks) Fri, 05:48: RT @GoodOmensNews_: Neil's Valentine's Day gift to us 👀 #GoodOmens #GoodOmens2 </ul

It was another good Thursday for the Liberal Democrats, with two of the four local by-elections seeing us making a gain. The first was a Cambridgeshire County Council by-election in a ward previously held by the St Neots Independent Group. CAMBRIDGESHIRE, St Neots The Eatons - LD gain from St Neots Ind Group LD 1042 (43%, new) C 746 (31%, -5%) Ind 360 (15%, -27% on St Neots Ind Group result) Lab 250 (10%, -3%) (Grn -9%) Changes from May 2021 — Andrew Teale (@andrewteale) February 16, 2023

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

I'm sure we'll have more details in ALDC's by-election report later, but the news of two more by-election gains overnight is lovely to wake up to. First, in Cornwall, we took a seat from the Tories which is always a pleasure. [IMG: 🚨] BY-ELECTION GAIN [IMG: 🚨] Long Rock, Marazion & St Erth – Cornwall County Council: LIB DEM: 811 [45.4%, +21.9%] CON: 503 [28.1%, -8.2%] GRN: 244 [13.6%, +2.5%] LAB: 230 [12.9%, +1.2%] No IND (-17.4%) as previous. LIB DEM GAIN from CON [IMG: 🔶] CONGRATS to Cllr John Martin! — ALDC (@ALDC) February 17, 2023 Thanks to ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Devolution is an opportunity to take control of our own communities, to allow people to have a government relevant to their own needs. It should not be a signal for a group of politicians to interfere in our daily lives, restrict our freedom of choice or force us to adopt a particular lifestyle. Of course all legislation has that effect, but there must be a reasonableness test that takes account of individual rights and prevents restrictions on our freedom to make decisions for ourselves without harming others. In my view the latest idea from the Welsh Government does not pass ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The railway workers' union the RMT has announced a series of strikes planned for March and April. The dates of the strikes are the 16th, 18th and 30th of March, and the 1st of April. The first two dates are the Thursday right before conference, and the Saturday of Conference, both of which dates might impact those travelling to conference. While the strikes are subject to cancellation should the negotiations be successful for the Union – that's is the point of strikes, after all – conference attendees might wish to plan ahead, either to alter their dates of travel or ...

Posted by Alisdair Calder McGregor on Liberal Democrat Voice

Residents will recall that, before Christmas, there was unfortunate recent vandalism of the footbridge over the rail line south of Harris Academy. The principal engineer at the City Council dealing with this has further updated us on progress with repairs as follows : "Tayside Contracts has set up security Heras fencing at both sides of the bridge to prevent access. This fencing will be in place until the bridge repairs are complete. Network Rail and Dundee City Council engineers have assessed the bridge and confirmed that although the bridge is damaged there isn't a need to introduce train speed restrictions. ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End