Economic vandalism leaves Britain on the edge of recession Lack of further energy bill support "heartless" – Davey One in 20 waiting five minutes or more for 999 calls to be answered Economic vandalism leaves Britain on the edge of recession Responding to the latest ONS figures which see the UK economy narrowly avoiding recession, Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson Sarah Olney MP said: Britain is dangling on over the edge of a recession after months of economic vandalism and chaos in Government. The blame for these gloomy figures lies squarely with the Government, who have botched budgets, failed to tackle ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

These days I well up ridiculously easily, so the thought of a film that might end in a place where "a little boy and his Bear will always be playing" rang alarm bells. But I braved Goodbye Christopher Robin and enjoyed it. The boy was well able to look after himself in his page-boy haircut years, but he was heartbreakingly young when he signed up to serve in the second world war. The film did enough to show the average moviegoer that A.A. Milne was not a children's writer who had taken it into his head to write a serious ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Welcome to Mid Suffolk, a historically Conservative, rural District in the East of England. Liberal Democrats had led a coalition administration until 2003 but, since then, it has been Conservative-led. By the way, don't take Wikipedia too seriously when it suggests that it was in no overall control between 2005 and 2007 – the Independents around here generally aren't. Labour have, over the years, faded into insignificance, having disappeared from the council chamber in 2007 (apart from a lone councillor in Stowmarket North from 2011-15) and only ran eight candidates across the District in 2015. The Greens won their first ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

On Monday 6th of February, the Federal International Relations Committee (FIRC) met for its first formal session of the new year, and of the newly elected committee. In a two hour meeting which was kept very nearly to time (an almost unheard of state of affairs in Liberal Democrat committees, in my experience), we dealt with a stack of both policy and procedural issues. We formally approved the continuance of, and received reports from, our sub-committees on China and Ukraine; we also received reports from several other bodies where FIRC has either oversight or coordinating responsibilities, and from the Federal ...

Posted by Alisdair Calder McGregor on Liberal Democrat Voice

As well as the parliamentary by-election in West Lancashire, there were five local contests yesterday. And two of them saw impressive gains for the Liberal Democrats. First the Battledown ward of Cheltenham Borough Council: Battledown (Cheltenham) council by-election result: LDEM: 52.0% (+12.9) CON: 36.1% (-10.1) GRN: 9.3% (+0.7) LAB: 2.6% (-3.5) Votes cast: 1,685 Liberal Democrat GAIN from Conservative. — Britain Elects (@BritainElects) February 9, 2023 Local government is undergoing reorganisation in North Yorkshire, so there's only last May's result to compare yesterday with, but Andrew Tealedescribes this as "normally a safely Conservative area," so this is another worrying result ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Fri 10th

My tweets

Thu, 18:25: February 2020 books Thu, 19:52: RT @MuellerSheWrote: BREAKING: Elon Musk's company INTENTIONALLY JAMMED Starlink satellite comms in Ukraine, preventing Ukrainian forces f... Thu, 20:48: UK concedes reality of Northern Ireland deadlock, shifts election 'deadline' to 2024 Fri, 10:45: RT @thom_brooks: #BREAKING My new report Sea Change on Border Control on why small boat crossings happened - and what to do about it is la...

I'm standing in for Caron today, so today will be slightly different to a usual Friday... So, we had the overnight result in the West Lancashire Parliamentary by-election and it wasn't exactly one of the great Liberal Democrat by-election triumphs... Ashley Dalton (Labour) – 14,068 votes (62.3%, +10.2%) Mike Prendergast (Conservatives) – 5,742 votes (25.4%, -10.9%) Jonathan Kay (Reform UK) – 994 votes (4.4%, +0.1%) Jo Barton (Liberal Democrats) – 918 votes (4.1%, -0.8%) Peter Cranie (Green) – 646 votes (2.9%, +0.5%) Howling Laud Hope (Monster Raving Loony) – 210 votes (0.9%, new) Firstly, thanks to Jo for flying the ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Here's what Ed Davey had to say when being interviewed by Iain Dale for LBC: 'We said from the get-go that it was a bad deal... and I'm afraid we've been proved right.' Lib Dem leader @EdwardJDavey says his party's refusal to agree with the EU trade deal separates their Brexit policy from Labour's.@IainDale — LBC (@LBC) February 9, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Five principal authority council by-elections this week along with a Parliamentary contest. Three Lib Dems across those five contests, which alas is a net down one on the last time the seats were up. Battledown (Cheltenham) council by-election result: LDEM: 52.0% (+12.9) CON: 36.1% (-10.1) GRN: 9.3% (+0.7) LAB: 2.6% (-3.5) Votes cast: 1,685 Liberal Democrat GAIN from Conservative. — Britain Elects (@BritainElects) February 9, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Fri 10th

Time to sell up

The BBC reports that a Labour Senedd Member has called on his own government to make good on their mistake in buying Gilestone Farm, near Talybont-on-Usk, Powys, for the Green Man festival, by selling the site. The Labour Welsh government bought the farm for £4.25m to help Green Man before they submitted a full business plan: Last week Auditor General for Wales, Adrian Crompton, said ministers acted with "avoidable haste" to buy the farm, and that officials "did not keep a record of matters discussed" with the company in meetings. The Welsh government said the auditor's report made clear the ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Last night the Lib Dem European Group hosted an event with the leader of Ukraine's Holos Party, Kira Rudik. Holos is one of five parties now in ALDE and was the first liberal party to gain seats in the Ukrainian Parliament. LDEG will, I think, be putting the recording on their website, but here are some of the highlights of Kira's conversation with former Lib Dem President and vice President of ALDE, Sal Brinton. russia's war has shaken up world order. In our path to victory, we have a chance to strengthen global security and defend democratic values. I talked ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Residents recently contacted us about a number of potholes and road defects including the one pictured on Perth Road around the Invercarse Hotel entrance and just east of it on the north side of the road. We reported this to the Roads Maintenance Partnership and received the following helpful response : "An order has been raised for repairs to be carried out."

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End