Jago Hazzard takes a close look at the extent of the Victoria Line tunnels at Brixton and asks if there were plans to extend the it to Herne Hill. The idea has been floated more recently, so it could yet happen. You can support Jago's videos via his Patreon page.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Wed 8th

The Joy of Six 1108

"In our collective rush to dunk on Greene's idiocy, progressives are failing to notice that she's actually an incredibly effective communicator and strategist for the far right. While her liberal detractors are worried about who would get a better grade on an imaginary vocabulary test, Greene is growing her power, pushing the GOP and the nation as a whole closer to her vision - actual fascism, not the 'fascism' she's always accusing her opponents of perpetuating." The left needs to stop mocking people like Marjorie Taylor Green, argues Amanda Marcotte, and face up to the threat that they pose. Andrew ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

I came across this story written by a friend about a national scandal that I consider raises issues of concern about the provision of housing for vulnerable groups and Labour failures. According to a report by independent peer Lord Kerslake, "The Kerslake Review", Labour controlled Lambeth council has wasted £25 million funding a failed private housing company, Homes for Lambeth. Worse, it

Posted by John Hemming on John Hemming's Web Log

Three Lib Dem MPs questioned Rishi Sunak today. In addition to Ed's semi-regular slot, Wera Hobhouse and Richard Foord got places in the weekly ballot. Watch each of them here, with the text of the exchanges below the tweets. First up, Ed asked the PM to do more to classify Russia as a terrorist state: Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey calls for government to condemn the Wagner Group for "doing Putin's bidding" PM Rishi Sunak says government "has already sanctioned the Wagner Group in its entirety"#PMQs https://t.co/LX0BFIYPFG pic.twitter.com/IR9r5OTCUk — BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) February 8, 2023 Thank you very much, ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

This was not the day MPs and peers expected when they got up this morning. Interspersed with the usual Wednesday merry-go-round of PMQs and associated media came a surprise visit from Ukraine's leader, Volodymyr Zelensky to address both Houses of Parliament in the historic Westminster Hall. His leadership and the determination of his people has impressed anyone who cares about democracy, human rights and freedom. He has made a robust case for international help and has constantly pushed western powers for more. He has had to support too many of his people through brutal atrocities and the destruction of their ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

The former Labour MP, who defeated Nick Clegg in 2017, has been convicted on six counts of expenses fraud: Jared O'Mara, 41, who represented the constituency of Sheffield Hallam from 2017 to 2019, was on trial at Leeds Crown Court for submitting fake invoices to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to fund a cocaine habit. He was convicted on Wednesday of six counts of fraud by false representation. The jury cleared him of two other fraud charges. [Evening Standard] Sign up to get the latest news and analysis

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Rudderless reshuffle could cost taxpayers £60m Sharp evidence undermines Johnson's claims Welsh Agriculture Bill a Once in a Lifetime Chance to Provide a Sustainable and Profitable Future for Welsh Farmers Rudderless reshuffle could cost taxpayers £60m The Government is likely to spend an estimated £60 million of taxpayers' money as it sets up four new Departments. Liberal Democrat analysis shows that the public money being spent on setting up new departments could pay for almost 25 million free school meals. That would equate to enough for a full year of free school meals for over 127,000 children. The Liberal Democrats ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Dear ICO, dear Ofcom I got a call today from a company saying my solar panels were overdue a service. We have solar panels so the call was almost plausible, but in the end they rang off. I looked up the number the call came from. 02033760447 if you want to know. It's been looked up on Who Calls Me more than 300 times. If 300 people have bothered to look it up, how many thousands do you think have had calls from it? It is very clearly being used for scam calls and has been reported and known about ...

Posted by Rob Parsons on A comfortable place
Wed 8th

My tweets

Tue, 12:07: Who is the only person who ever defeated the new Tory chairman in an election? Oh yeah, that would be me. https://t.co/1ihVij0W1R Tue, 12:56: The EU quietly U-turns on Northern Ireland https://t.co/qQ7tY9bo4D Interesting take, though I feel the EU is not really to be blamed for negotiating better than the UK... Tue, 16:05: Council extends the mandates of three EU Special Representatives https://t.co/CRCIvAfSYg Congrats to @EamonGilmore, @TerhiHakala and @EUSR_Koopmans! Tue, 18:20: Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme, by Frank�McGuinness https://t.co/fv3m4lTlKX Wed, 10:45: SNP MP Stewart McDonald's emails hacked by Russian group https://t.co/ydcAOBNd0C The price of ...

A few days ago I did a local party event with members in Somerset. Given my role in the party, understandably much of the discussion was about internal party matters, but as I mentioned both to them and to Chelmsford members recently also, it's important we remember the point of it all. Which is to get more Liberal Democrats elected, and so have more power to improve people's lives. In the case of Somerset, now home to the largest Liberal Democrat group in the country, that's included a new net zero school and also innovative work with the NHS. As ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Having decided to spend about £100 million reorganising Whitehall as part of his cabinet shuffle, Rishi Sunak proceeded to hand the opposition an open goal with his choice for the new Deputy Chair of the Tory Party. The Independent reports that the post has been handed to Lee Anderson, the outspoken Tory MP with a long history of controversial comments. They say that the MP for Ashfield has become one of the best-known and most-criticised backbenchers at Westminster after he frequently questioned if poor people have a genuine need for food banks: Tory MPs have expressed dismay at the appointment. ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Christine Jardine has long been fighting for justice for those affected by the Infected Blood scandal and used her Scotsman column to say that Government needs to get much better at accepting its own failings so that victims and their families do not have to wait decades for acknowledgement of mistakes and compensation. She outlined the tragedy and heartbreak the scandal caused. One woman told how she had discovered that she and both of her daughters have been infected with HIV by a blood transfusion she had been given before either child was conceived. It had been passed on to ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

It is one rule for Labour Councillors and one rule for the rest of us mugs in Liverpool. The guilty 14 should pay their whack and pay their fines. The fact that it has taken the Council 16 months to ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Ahead of the Welsh Government's budget, the Welsh Liberal Democrats have outlined the areas in which they would like to see further progress by Labour and Plaid Cymru including an increase in funding for NHS dentistry, a greater commitment around capital investment for home insulation and the protection of Natural Resources Wales' budget from cuts. The Welsh Liberal Democrats have been campaigning to reduce inequalities in dentistry and raise spending per person to similar levels to Scotland and Northern Ireland. On insulation the party have highlighted that under Labour's current scheme it could take up to 135 years to insulate ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Heart Space Yoga and Bodyworks in Scott Street is now offering free community classes - indeed a quarter of its full timetable is free of charge. This is a very generous offer and details are below and you book classes at www.heart-space.yoga/book :

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End