Shell Profits: Sunak has failed to take action with a proper Windfall Tax Lib Dem Bill to ban prepayment meters seeks to protect vulnerable from exploitation Interest rates: A hammer blow and the blame lies squarely with the Government Shell Profits: Sunak has failed to take action with a proper Windfall Tax Responding the energy giant Shell making record profits of over £68 billion in 2022, Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey MP said: No company should be making these kind of outrageous profits out of Putin's illegal invasion of Ukra ine. Rishi Sunak was warned as chancellor and now as ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 2nd

To be fair. . .

I remember from years ago a competition, or maybe in was just a string of letters in the paper, to devise a motto for al the British to use instead of "Honi soit qui mal y pense" which was taken to apply just to the upper classes, or even only the royal family. The favourite which emerged was "Mustn't Grumble.". Given the mass strikes of the past few weeks, and scheduled to continue, that could hardly apply today. I suggest "To be fair..." as the contemporary alternative. I believe it is neither Brexit, nor the government's manifest incompetence, nor inflation, ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal
Thu 2nd

My tweets

Wed, 14:09: I can see me in the crowd! Wed, 14:55: Another great shot of my bald patch, on the left. Wed, 16:05: TIL that children's writer Elizabeth Enright was the niece of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Wed, 16:23: RT @NASAhistory: #NASARemembers: 20 years ago #OTD, Feb 1, 2003, at 8:59am ET, space shuttle Columbia broke up on reentry. The entire crew... Wed, 17:11: RT @Mij_Europe: Late to this excellent and thoughtful piece by @StevenErlanger that provoked much debate inside @EurasiaGroup. But I don't... Wed, 18:21: Sin Eaters, by Cavan Scott, Adriana Melo, Cris Bolson and Marco�Lesko ...

It would be fair to say that the Gateway 14 development has been a part of my life for the best part of five years now, with the initial controversy over the placement of a business and enterprise park on our doorstep succeeded by the long and wearying hybrid planning application phase during which a plucky parish council, working alongside a residents actions group, strove to improve the original proposals. In the end, the District Council, the owners of Gateway 14, pretty much got their way, as was fairly inevitable. We did get some mitigations, with a bund to screen ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

Yesterday, the Conservatives caved into the Liberal Democrat campaign to end sewage discharges into rivers, by accepting the party's amendment which stops taxpayers money going to water companies unless the discharges stop. Liberal Democrat MP Richard Foord tabled the amendment to the UK Infrastructure Bank Bill, which originally allowed water companies to benefit from loans from the bank, even though they are paying their executives huge bonuses and giving shareholders generous dividends while allowing sewerage to be discharged into rivers and coastal waters. The change to the Bill means the UK Infrastructure Bank can only fund water companies if they ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian reports that taxpayer money may no longer be invested in water companies that fail to produce adequate plans to stop sewage discharges, after the government accepted a Liberal Democrat amendment. The paper says that the change to the UK infrastructure bank bill means that once it becomes law, tax receipts will only be able to fund water companies if they produce a costed and timed plan for ending sewage spills into waterways. The new post-Brexit UK Infrastructure Bank is a state-owned development bank designed to help the UK government reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Originally, it ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Ed Davey spoke to Jason Farrell, Sky News' home editor about his own experience of kinship caring. Ed explained his grandparent's involvement in his own upbringing and how his maternal grandfather and mother were critical to looking after him after the death of this father when he was just four. Ed spoke movingly, at times tearfully, about his mother's illness and how that created strain between his mother and grandmother. When his mother died 11 years later, his grandparents looked after him full-time while living with the loss of their only child. Kinship care, where grandparents are supported and encouraged ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

A typical family has been left almost £1,200 poorer in the 100 days since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister, new analysis by the Liberal Democrats has revealed. The party warned that families across the country are suffering from the "cost of Conservative chaos", as housing costs, taxes and rising energy and food bills all eat into their incomes. The research shows that a typical squeezed middle household with a mortgage will have seen extra costs of £1,170 in the 100 days since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister on 25th October. This is made up of £822 in extra mortgage interest ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Michael is pictured in Dunmore Gardens where the road surface is really poor and we had long requested resurfacing. This was agreed but resurfacing work in both Dunmore Drive and Dunmore Gardens had to be postponed from late 2022 as another resurfacing project over-ran due to flooding issues - so we sought assurances from the City Council that the work will take place in early 2023. We were initially advised as follows from the Senior Engineer - Roads Maintenance Partnership : "At present all being well, the works are currently programmed for the last week in February, first week in ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End