Aleister Crowley - known to the press as 'the wickedest man in the world' - was an occultist, esoteric philosopher and much else besides. This is a card ('The Fool') from his The Thoth Tarot. That was a Tarot deck painted for him and to his instructions by Lady Frieda Harris. She was the wife of Sir Percy Harris, Liberal MP for Harborough from 1916 to 1918 and for Bethnal Green South West from 1922 to 1945. And in 2008 it was revealed that Matthew Taylor, then the Liberal Democrat MP for Truro and St Austell, was the great grandson ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

First some exciting news: I've just realised that my copy of The Years of Opportunity 1939-1945 is signed by the author. But I promised you some of the surprising wisdom of Barbara Cartland on women, children and the war years. The creator of hundreds of virgin heroines was no naïf herself. She writes of young women who were serving in the forces: Pregnancies were always a problem. But I want to say this and to say it after six years' experience of Welfare work: there has been a lot of nonsense talked about the immorality of Service women and the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Lib Dems plan to block taxpayer money for water companies unless they commit to end sewage discharges Raab: PM should publish Cabinet Office advice and give evidence to the inquiry Raab denial: Prime Minister is taking the public for fools Lib Dems plan to block taxpayer money for water companies unless they commit to end sewage discharges Liberal Democrat MP slams "a blank cheque written with taxpayers' money to fund polluting, profiteering firms". Today, the Liberal Democrats are seeking to ensure the Government's new Infrastructure Bank does not invest in water companies unless they produce a costed and time-limited plan ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

This message came through tonight from Richard Foord, our MP for Tiverton: Frank, after nearly 18 months of campaigning at every level across our party, we Liberal Democrats have finally worn down the Government on sewage.I have just tabled an amendment to the UK Infrastructure Bank Bill, which has just been passed in the House of Commons, with the Government standing down their opposition to our campaign.The amendment ensures that the Government's new Infrastructure Bank will not invest in water companies unless they produce a costed and time-limited plan to end sewage discharges into local rivers.The prospect of taxpayers' funds ...

Posted by Aberavon and Neath Liberal Democrats on Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats

In a rare Lib Dem success, Richard Foord's amendment to the Infrastructure Bank Bill has been passed by MPs. It's actually about sewage, as he explains. Delighted that my amendment to the UK Infrastructure Bank bill has just been passed. Thanks to @LibDems efforts, water companies won't be able to be bailed out by the taxpayer until they present clear and time-limited plans to end the #SewageScandal. The fight continues! [IMG: 🦦] — Richard Foord MP (@RichardFoordLD) February 1, 2023 A more detailed analysis to follow tomorrow.

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

The government is not providing the same level of support from April as they have this tax year. From April an average household and pensioners, not on pension credit, living in a band A to D Council Tax property will have £1050 less support for their energy bills than this year. Someone on benefits next year will only receive £900. If they live in a band A to D Council Tax property they will have £800 less support for their energy bills than this year. To ensure people are not worse off next tax year than this year the government ...

Posted by Michael Berwick-Gooding on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Council presided over by Joanne Anderson seems to be almost as bad as the that presided over by her predecessor Joe Anderson when it comes to spending public money As the Chair of the Council's Mayoral and Performance Select ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

I taught in schools and colleges for most of my professional life. At one stage I chaired our local union branch and joined in a couple of strikes. So you can guess where my sympathies lie with the current school strikes. Now I don't argue for pay parity between the public and private sectors of industry. In many areas of the economy the gap in pay between the top and the bottom of industry is eye-wateringly wide and contributes to inequality right across society. Simply copying what I see as immoral practices in the public sector would simply compound the ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian wins our Headline of the Day Award for this tale from the senior service.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Wed 1st

My tweets

Tue, 12:56: Francis embarks on one of his boldest trips to date The Pope goes to South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo. Tue, 16:05: 'A lot of the demons seem a little cheesy now': Sarah Michelle Gellar on #Buffy, her burnout and her comeback Great interview. Tue, 17:20: Can't they both lose? Tue, 18:35: January books Tue, 19:26: Great shot of my bald patch, thanks. Tue, 22:37: RT @hilarybennmp: 1. So, on the third anniversary of leaving the EU, how is Brexit going? A thread. Wed, 10:45: RT @FloellaBenjamin: As I have not received ...


The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee recently published its report Sustainability of local journalism. A Select Committee established in 1997, it oversees the operations of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, which replaced the Department for Culture, Media and Sport which also replaced the Department for National Heritage. The members are five Conservative MPs, three Labour MPs and one Scottish Nationalist MP. The Chair of the Select Committee is Julian Knight (Conservative MP Solihull) "who announced he was recusing himself from Parliament until a complaint made about him to the Metropolitan Police has been resolved", with Rt ...

Posted by Robin Grayson on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Refugee Council has published new research which shows that at least six out of ten (60%) of all those who made the dangerous Channel crossing to the UK in small boats last year will be recognised as refugees through the asylum process. They say that the analysis, based on Home Office data, finds that 25,119 of the 45,746 men, women and children who made the journey in 2022 would be allowed to stay in the UK as refugees: At the same time the numbers of people starting new lives in the UK under formal resettlement programmes such as family ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The cancer support café and drop in is every Thursday from 10am to 2pm at the Wellgate Listening Post. Everyone is welcome. Read more about the Dundee Cancer Support Network at

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

This is an extraordinary public information film from 1946. It's clear the children are in danger, but it's not clear what danger until the end of the piece. The blurb on YouTube puts it well: An air of brooding malevolence hangs over this 1940s road safety film from the opening shot. An elevated view of a crossroads on Woodford High Road is paired with noirish soundtrack already in crescendo. The three young children of the title are introduced, and as they come together unobserved they meet a mysterious, dark stranger in the bushes and walk off with him hand in ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Wed 1st

The Joy of Six 1106

Ann Moody says Britain is on the brink of a corporate takeover: "Whatever the outcome of the next election, certain figures in the current administration and their financial associates may well remain at the political helm, not in Westminster, but in control of new structures and administrative bodies, as government landlords or service providers and decision makers in a new, corporatised Britain, where elected bodies have been replaced by private sector interests and over which central government has diminished control." A review of its own economics coverage commissioned by the BBC, reports Bron Maher, has found that too many of ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England