Maybe this doesn't show them at their best, but clips of Basil Brush with Derek Fowlds, his best companion by far, rarely turn up on YouTube. Enjoy it while you can.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

From the Richard Jefferies Museum site: This year, to commemorate and celebrate Jefferies' 175th birthday, we are planning a grand walk to expore the nature of "Jefferies' Land", and record it all in a book. Our route starts from Jefferies' grave in Worthing and take us via all the main places where he lived in his short life, ending up back at his birthplace (the museum) on his 175th birthday - 6 November 2023. But don't worry, we're not trying to walk the whole thing in one go, and not on our own - will you join us? After Worthing, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Inflation pushing families to the brink and economy to breaking point Hunt video: Mr Bean-esque from the same clueless party that crashed the economy Retained EU Law Bill a "shameless power-grab" Inflation pushing families to the brink and economy to breaking point Responding to the news that inflation remains in double digits at 10.5%, Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson Sarah Olney MP said: For months and months Inflation has soared pushing families to the brink, bills out of control and the economy to breaking point. People across the country work hard and just want a fair deal but under this Conservative ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

As has been noted by many, this Bill has been so gutted that the Conservatives are being told not to refer to "levelling up" any more. What that's going to do for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is anyone's guess. However, it does offer an opportunity to make some gains for the Town and Parish Council sector, ably represented in the Lords by the Honorary President of the National Association of Local Councils, one (checks notes) Baroness Scott of Needham Market... My Lords, I wish to focus my remarks on what I regard as the crucial role ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

We know Vitamin D exists. We know that people suffer if they don't have enough of it. However, it raises an interesting question as to why we evolved to create a vitamin in the summer which gets stored and then gradually fades away during the winter. I have an idea. Historically food was more plentiful in the summer and less available in the winter. The genes that rely on vitamin D don't

Posted by John Hemming on John Hemming's Web Log

These are just some of the 70+ bags collected in one community action morning by 20+ Penny Lane Wombles. Just imagine what Liverpool would like without our army of selfless volunteers. Liverpool's Liberal Democrats have tabled a motion to next ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?
Wed 18th

My tweets

Tue, 12:56: How you could build a search that the fediverse would welcome - @AnilDash Personally, I like this idea a lot, I wish Mastodon was more searchable. Tue, 16:05: RT @daviddlevine: "The Oberkassel puppy is the earliest known example of a domesticated dog. It was ill for much of its short life, and cou... Tue, 17:11: Fietsende EU-ambtenaren niet opgezet met plannen voor fietsbrug Schuman-Luxemburg The Brussels version of Boris's Bridge to Nowhere. Tue, 18:28: A Ship is Dying, by Brian�Callison Wed, 10:45: Bulgaria to the rescue: How the EU's poorest country secretly saved Ukraine ...

The year ahead It's possible, just possible, that British politics may return to a relative normality in 2023. We might have a year without any change of Prime Minister, without a general election and without a pandemic. We will certainly have a year with a failing Conservative government, vital public services under strain and an important opportunity to continue our recovery with the May local elections. Rishi Sunak has already demonstrated he brings neither competency nor moderation to replace the incompetent extremism of his predecessors. He didn't use his political honeymoon to make difficult decisions for the long-term. He's treating ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian reports on the findings of researchers from the thinktanks Centre for European Reform (CER) and UK in a Changing Europe that Brexit has led to a shortfall of 330,000 people in the UK labour force, mostly in the low-skilled economy. They say that the departure from the EU in 2020 led to an increase in immigration from non-EU countries, but not enough to compensate for the loss of workers from neighbouring countries, with recent Office for National Statistics figures showing an overall reduction in net immigration of 540,000 to June 2022: However, to assess the impact of Brexit ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

As reported in yesterday's Evening Telegraph, we have raised concerns with Dundee City Council about road safety at Dundee rail station, following constituents highlighting the lack of a proper bus bay outside the rail station - see photo. Residents have raised with us the fact that, as there is no bus bay for the Stagecoach buses that drop off and pick up passengers at the station, the very busy inside lane is blocked when a bus is stationary at the bus stop. This leads to drivers trying to switch lane to get past the bus and residents have highlighted examples ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End