Richard Foord, the Liberal Democrat MP for Tiverton and Honiton, has expressed deep concern at a judicial ruling that has removed the right to wild camping on Dartmoor. In a thread on Twitter he said: As a child, I wild camped on Dartmoor when training for the Ten Tors expedition and for the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Without these experiences I would not have joined the Army or trained to be a Mountain Leader. Like many people across the South West, I regularly enjoy getting out into nature with my children and spending evenings camped under the stars. Restricting people's ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

A friend has very kindly reformatted the previous post and corrected the many typos and spelling errors. Let's see if the published version will retain these improvements. Friday, 13 January 2023 Trade unions: coercion or co-operation? Since the 1980s, the days of the Thatcher governments and trade unions as "the enemy within, " there has been a plethora of legislation designed to restrict the ability of trade unions to make their case. • Sympathy strikes (aka secondary action), have been outlawed and the right to picket restricted: • Unions are no longer permitted to strike on the decision the executive committee, or ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

Lib Dem Treasury spokesperson Sarah Olney has criticised the "appalling" way the Government is trying to "sneak" through its new anti strike measures with the bare minimum of Parliamentary scrutiny. MPs will have two days to debate the measures. Reported in the Standard, Sarah said: It's appalling for Conservative ministers to try and sneak this sweeping new law through with barely any scrutiny from MPs. It's almost like they know their Bill would fall apart under even the lightest examination. * Newshound: bringing you the best Lib Dem commentary in print, on air or online.

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

Stratford Johns's Inspector Barlow began life in Z Cars in 1962. The critics all say that this series had such an impact because, until then, police drama on television had meant Dixon of Dock Green, which presented a laughably cosy picture of British policing. Not many episodes of Dixon survive - certainly, few have made their way on to YouTube - but I thought I would watch one of them so I could form my own judgement. So I chose Wasteland from 1970 and was pleasantly surprised. Yes, you have to set aside the fact that Jack Warner was by ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Sat 14th

It must be said

There will be many who will criticise Tory MP Chris Skidmore's 340-page Mission Zero report. They'll probably say it doesn't reach far enough, is far too obsessed with business benefits, and doesn't question the UK's woefully inadequate 2050 Net Zero target. Climate activists may be appalled that the report doesn't call for radical overhaul of capitalist norms, whilst climate change objectors will also be aghast that the consequent work schedule will overshadow all other get-rich-quick opportunities. And, for extra discomfort, this report highlights how many great opportunities have been squandered on their watch. Both camps will be outraged in equal ...

Posted by David Brunnen on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Voice is only a success because of the interest and support from our readers. For many people just lurking and reading the site is all they want to do – and that's fine, we're grateful for people taking the time to read the site. You can though help us continue to produce interesting content for a growing audience. Here are four simple ways: 1. Let us have your tips for stories. Perhaps there's something outrageous going on in your local council? Or you're an expert in a particular area and have spotted a story other people have missed? Or ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sat 14th

My tweets

Fri, 12:47: RT @lisaocarroll: NEW: Chris Heaton-Harris to further delay calling Northern Ireland election as "slow progess" made in Brexit talks dampen... Fri, 12:56: Gu�r��, the Viking woman who sailed to America and became a nun Fri, 14:21: RT @SkiffyandFanty: Fun fact: the classic video game Perfect Dark takes place in 2023. These and other ruminations in this new post of #sc... Fri, 19:03: The Ahtisaari Legacy: Resolve and Negotiate, ed.⁦@ninasuomalainen⁩ & ⁦@JyrkiKarvinen⁩ Finns feel strongly about the Balkans. Their own nation emerged from conflict and spent most of the twentieth century uneasily balanced between two blocs. Fri, ...

As the ambulances queue for hours because of full beds and stretched staff let us work together to define a new type of NHS which prevents more illnesses and keeps people healthier for longer. The fact that I am suggesting ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

In one of the least surprising news items of 2023 so far, the Independent reports on concerns by the outgoing parliamentary commissioner for standards, Kathryn Stone, that government ministers enjoy less scrutiny of their financial interests than backbench MPs. The paper says that while ordinary MPs have to register their financial interests with the standards commissioner within 28 days, with a new list published every fortnight, ministers can choose to declare some gifts and hospitality under their department's name instead, in less detailed lists published quarterly: This "ministerial exemption" saw Mr Johnson opt not to declare a free holiday at ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Residents will recall that, back in September of last year, we highlighted the deteriorated state of the Elliot Road playing field's tennis courts. Having raised this with the City Council, Fraser took part in a very useful meeting at that time, including representatives from Dundee City Council, Harris Academy, sports clubs representatives and West End Community Sports Hub. Yesterday, a follow-up meeting took place that Fraser took part in. The tennis courts have since seen work to the blaze surface to remove weeds and will be raked and rolled before the spring. We discussed at some length funding options to ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End