Daniel Kawczynski, the Conservative MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham, reports the Shropshire Star, has been reselected to contest the seat at the next general election. But the Star reveals more than that: It is understood that during the discussion one member read out controversial entries on Mr Kawczynski's Wikipedia page, including being found to have bullied a member of parliamentary staff by a House of Commons standards investigation. And Guido Fawkes reports a "strong attempt" to deselect Kawczynski, and that the chairman, the treasurer and another executive officer resigned during the meeting. The site has obtained a copy of the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Only two principal by-elections occurred this week, a double whammy in Plymouth City Council. Huge congrats to Mike Gillbard and Colin Mackenzie for standing in Plympton Chaddlewood and Moor View - especially as we didn't stand a candidate in Plymptom Chaddlewood last time! The Conservatives lost both seats; one to the Greens, another to Labour. Over in Wells City Council, we had a Parish Council by-election where the Liberal Democrats took a seat from the Wells Independents with over half the vote share! Amazing news for Georgie Robbins and the Wells Liberal Democrats! Little by little, the blue wall is ...

Posted by Alan Good on Liberal Democrat Voice

Since the 1980s, the days of the Thatcher governments and trade unions as "the enemy within, " there has been a plethora of legislation designed to restrict the ability of trade unions to make their case. Sympathy strikes (aka secondary action), have been outlawed; the right to picket restricted; Unions are no longer permtted to strike on the decision the executive committee, or a show of hands, but a ballot in suport has been required; since 1984 (an interesting year in co-ercive history) the ballots have had to be postal, so very expensive for the union to organise; a simple ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

South America is in a mess. The problems stretch from Patagonia to Cartagena and further north into Central America and Mexico. Almost everywhere there is violence, political instability and economic problems. The main spotlight has been shone on Brazil. The Portuguese-speaking nation is the economic giant of South America. Its GDP is four times the next largest Latin economy and the eighth largest in the world. Brazil has tremendous potential and political problems. It is deeply divided after left-winger Luiz Inacio da Silva (aka Lula) narrowly defeated right-wing populist Jair Bolsonaro in October elections. Bolsonaro and his supporters has claimed ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

Election literature should never assume knowledge on the part of the reader. It should concisely, and in the plainest language possible, relate what has to be told. One fault of the bulk of election literature is that whilst suitable for a highly cultured and favoured class of people, it is almost useless for the ordinary elector who, intelligent and quick enough in the ordinary way, is not a close political student, conversant with every detail of the Parliamentary doings of the day. The Conduct and Management of Parliamentary Elections, William Woodings, 9th edition (by HF Oldman & J Manus), 1933, ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Today's Times has an interesting piece of gossip with their associate political editor, Henry Zeffman suggesting that Boris Johnson could agree not to challenge Rishi Sunak in exchange for the promise of a safe seat at the next election. Zeffman says that the plan is for Johnson to "leverage" his position over Sunak if the Conservatives did badly in the local elections in May: Four months after he left Downing Street, a determined group of Johnson's supporters still hope he will return as prime minister before the next general election. One close ally of the prime minister said that the ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black
Fri 13th

My tweets

Thu, 12:56: How one pioneering Italian woman transformed EU law https://t.co/OsuEHckYgJ The story Wilma Viscardini. #EU #EUlaw Thu, 16:05: RT @Tom_deWaal: Today marks a month of Azerbaijan's blockade of the Armenian population of Nagorny Karabakh. It's a bad situation getting w... Thu, 19:58: Shadows of Amber, by John Betancourt I read it several days before writing this and can't now remember anything about it. https://t.co/T1UMzM94BQ Thu, 20:48: RT @sarahoconnor_: Senior Whitehall official tells @pmdfoster: "Business has pretty much stopped asking for new things now. They just plead...

If it moves charge it. If it stops still, charge it. That is rapidly becoming the motto of Shropshire Council as it struggles to balance its budget. The latest charging policy to be discussed next week, is to charge for temporary road closures not requested by utilities and, more rarely, builders. The proposed charges for Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) range from £40 to £1,480. A charge of £40 will be for non-commercial events with less than 100 people, including Remembrance parades. Charging for commemorating those that have died to support our freedom is to put it bluntly, disgraceful. It ...

Posted by andybodders on

Only two principal authority council by-election this week. Both in Plymouth and both, hooray, with Liberal Democrat candidates. That's one up on the last time these seats were up. It's an area where the Conservative group has been highly fractious and unstable. It's now lost another two councillors: Moor View (Plymouth) council by-election result: LAB: 53.2% (+23.9) CON: 33.0% (-30.5) IND: 6.9% (+6.9) GRN: 3.3% (-1.1) LDEM: 2.9% (+0.6) TUSC: 0.7% (+0.2) Votes cast: 2,658 Labour GAIN from Conservative.https://t.co/wgmA9n5z04 — Britain Elects (@BritainElects) January 13, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack


Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

Wales' beaches are being spoiled by water companies that show little regard for where they dump sewage. Meanwhile, both the Labour Government in Cardiff Bay and the Conservative Government in Westminster are failing to tackle the

Posted by Aberavon and Neath Liberal Democrats on Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats