On Tuesday we reported that Baroness Floella Benjamin had written to the Prime Minister to ask for an assurance that the Government will not renege on its pledge to implement the recommendations of Wendy Williams in her Lessons Learned Review of the Windrush Scandal. Today, Floella sought the same commitment in a Lords question: Today @FloellaBenjamin challenged the Conservative Government to honour their commitment to implement all the recommendations of the Windrush Lessons Learned Review. Find out more: https://t.co/ZNz4DRS3SQ pic.twitter.com/zL31SBfuri — Liberal Democrats (@LibDems) January 12, 2023 The reply was not exactly a robust commitment: As I observed to the ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 12th

The Joy of Six 1102

"Becoming conservative requires the means, and it's the Conservatives who are frustrating the acquisition of means. And so the constituency is in decline." A Very Public Sociologist foretells the demise of Conservatism. Tim Bateman highlights the case for and resistance against raising the age in England and Wales. "In law, young people are not, for instance, considered sufficiently mature to make decisions in relation to the purchase of alcohol and tobacco, apply for a credit card, or get married without parental permission, until eighteen years of age. Full culpability for behaviour that transgresses the criminal law is attributed eight years ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Yesterday, Wera Hobhouse asked the Prime Minister to ensure her bill aimed at tackling workplace sexual harassment has a safe passage through Parliament. The Government has already agreed to support it, but it needs to free up the parliamentary time for it to complete its stages before the end of the session in the Spring. Watch her here: Half of British women and a fifth of men have been sexually harassed at work or a place of study.@Wera_Hobhouse's Bill will bring about a culture change to protect workers from harassment and sexual harassment. #PMQs pic.twitter.com/oYnUhLszLw — Liberal Democrats (@LibDems) January ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 12th

My tweets

Thu, 10:45: RT @damonwake: Great story from @ellaafp in Rome on a scandalous tell-all memoir ruffling feathers in a venerable institution. No not that...

Anybody who thinks that the government's proposed legislation to restrict the right of public service workers to strike is a good thing should read Martin Kettle's column in today's Guardian. He argues that the bill is a dangerous piece of law-making, and not just because it is another attack on the so-called right to strike: Yet the larger problem is that the bill is drafted in imprecise and sweeping terms. These would effectively allow ministers to rule industrial relations by decree, and not only in what are currently regarded as essential services. There is very little detail in the bill ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

During 2023, the City Council will formally review its scheme for the establishment of Community Councils. There are a number of Community Councils (such as West End and Broughty Ferry) and Neighbourhood Representative Structures (such as Ardler Village Trust and Kirkton Community Partnership) currently operating in Dundee. The council is asking Dundee residents to take part in an informal consultation. Further details can be found at www.bit.ly/commcouncils23 The survey closes on Friday 20th January.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End