The rules around money and politics need to be changed 100% said Ed Davey, speaking following the launch of the Westminster Accounts project.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Tue 10th

David Duckham 1946-2023

Sad news. The England rugby union player David Duckham has died at the age of 76. When I was a boy you did not support England so much as suffer with them. There always seemed to be four new caps, and the they always seemed to lose. Just about the only constant in those days was David Duckham, by some way our best player. Even the Welsh honoured him by calling him "Dai Duckham". Duckham had played on the wing for the British Lions team that won in New Zealand in 1970/1, but England generally played him in the centre ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

We've seen the death of commercial theatre in Leicester in 1960 and the remarkable company that stepped in to fill the gap. But The Living Theatre couldn't defy redevelopment for ever: it was sacrificed to a road scheme in 1963. Click on the image above to view a BBC report on what happened next in Leicester theatre. Look out for a young Anthony Hopkins doing his own make up in the mirror. The Phoenix did not disappear after five years: in fact the building was improved and extended and. as The Sue Townsend Theatre, still stands today. As a teenager ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Tiverton and Honiton MP Richard Foord reports via Twitter: You can find out how your MP voted here: — Richard Foord MP (@RichardFoordLD) January 10, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Floella Benjamin is Chair of the UK government's Windrush Commemoration Committee. She has written to Rishi Sunak over concerns that the government is planning to renege on pledges made after the Windrush scandal. This is the letter I have sent to the Prime Minister with regard to rumours of the #Windrush Scandal recommendations being reneged on. I do hope it is not true @RishiSunak @LibDems @LibDemLords ⁦@ukhomeoffice⁩ #Windrush75 — Floella Benjamin (@FloellaBenjamin) January 9, 2023

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Keir Starmer promises to do no more than tinker with Britain's EU relationship during his 'first' term of government. By accepting the EU's regulations on food safety and animal welfare, Labour will ease the worst problems facing Northern Irish trade. But Starmer's stated intention of "making Brexit work" is no different in principle to that of Rishi Sunak's. That leaves the field wide open for the Liberal Democrats. Many Lib Dems would like the UK to rejoin the European Union as soon as possible. That will not happen. Leaving aside the necessity of surmounting a divisive referendum campaign, unless the ...

Posted by Andrew Duff on Liberal Democrat Voice

Of all the major '-isms' that pervade our politics in the UK, democracy (or 'democratism' if you prefer) is perhaps the least written about. That may at last be about to change. It is perhaps mostly taken for granted in UK political discourse that democracy is 'A Good Thing'. Today, only the very brave would argue publicly that democracy is 'A Bad Thing' per se. Defenders of UK-style democracy however have to gloss over aspects of the political system. These include the constitutional monarchy and the broader role of the Royal Prerogative, the unelected House of Lords, and tight executive ...

Posted by Paul Reynolds on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Electoral Commission is kicking off its publicity campaign to warn people about the new voter ID laws coming into force for the May elections. Those laws are still a solution in search of a problem given how exceptionally thin the evidence there is of real world problems that the laws would stop. But that hasn't stopped the government, and hence Sarah Olney's reaction: No amount of money will make this undemocratic policy work. The change to how we vote should be scrapped to save taxpayer money, but most importantly of all, protect people's right to vote. Every Brit denied ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Walesonline reports on the regulatory impact assessment attached to the Welsh Government bill, which will make 20mph the default speed limit in all urban centres this side of Offa's Dyke. They say that he Welsh Government's own analysis points to a potential £4.5bn hit to the economy. Published in the explanatory memorandum on the topic, the minister for climate change signed off on the analysis saying it "gives a fair and reasonable view of the expected impact" of the 20mph limit and that she is "satisfied that the benefits justify the likely costs". So far so good. A policy proposal ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

As part of its drive to implement the Dundee Climate Action Plan and Biodiversity Action Plan, the council has been awarded significant funding from the Nature Restoration Fund to develop its woodland resource. The proposals will increase the resilience of the city to withstand the effects climate change, act as a carbon store and provide spaces for biodiversity and local people. In addition to the direct grant from the Scottish Government, the council has been awarded a further £182 000 from the Nature Restoration Fund. The funding proposal, which was agreed last night by the council's Neighbourhood Services Committee, is ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End