The Stray Ferret (great name) reports that Liberal Democrat members in Harrogate and Knaresborough will choose their parliamentary candidate for the next election from a shortlist of two: Tom Gordon, who fought the the Batley and Spen by-election in 2021;Matt Walker, who represents Knaresborough West on North Yorkshire Council. The selection began in last June, but was restarted when Harrogate and Knaresborough was made a Lib Dem target seat. And another Stray Ferret story suggests some disappointment at the choice they are being offered among Lib Dem members there. Incidentally, a Conservative source quoted in the first story comprehensively fails ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Welcome to my summary of the latest national voting intention poll from each pollster currently operating in Britain. Below the table, you'll find the option to sign up to email updates about new polls and also a set of answers to frequently asked questions about political polling. Or, if you'd like to find out more about how polls work, how reliable they are and how to make sense of them: Check out my book, Polling UnPacked: the History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion Polls, and Sign up for my weekly analysis of the latest political polling: The Week in ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Results of the contest to be chair of London Region Liberal Democrats are in, as winner Ann Glaze reported in an email to party members which also included news of the party's London Assembly selections: I am delighted to be writing to you as Chair of London Liberal Democrats once again after being re-elected by members. Thank you to my fellow candidate Chris Maines for bringing such energy and ideas to a close-run campaign. I know he has a lot to contribute to London, as he has been doing over so many years, and I hope to work with him ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Sat 7th

My tweets

Fri, 18:26: Barsk: The Elephants' Graveyard, by Lawrence M. Schoen Sat, 10:04: The 2019 elections saw Labour - under Corbyn!!! - level with the Conservatives on projected national vote share, and Lib Dems on 19%. Big Labour gains this May, from both other main parties, seem very very likely. #ukpol

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote that Laura Kuenssberg should have questioned the editor of The Sun, Victoria Newton, over the paper's publication of a horribly misogynistic column about the Duchess of Sussex. But what really annoys me is that Laura Kuenssberg had the editor of the Sun sitting right there in front of her on her show this morning and she didn't challenge her on why she had allowed such a piece of violent misogyny to be published. And nor did any of the other panellists. No wonder the right wing press get away with so much when ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian reports that Home Secretrary, Suella Braverman is planning to abandon several of the key commitments made in the wake of the Windrush scandal as the UK government prepares to implement hardline promises to fast-track the detention and removal of migrants. The paper says that Braverman has dropped a pledge to create the post of a migrants' commissioner, who was due to be responsible for speaking up for migrants and for identifying systemic problems within the UK immigration system, while another promise to increase the powers of the independent chief inspector of borders and immigration (ICIBI) has also been ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

One great thing about being a member of the Liberal Democrats is that you can submit motions to be considered for debate at our two Conferences. Scottish Spring Conference takes place in Dundee from 10-11 March and Federal Spring Conference is in York the weekend after. Both motions deadlines are this coming Wednesday, 11th January. For Scottish Conference, all the info you need on how to submit motions is here. You need 10 members, or a party body, or local party to support you. For Federal Conference, the motion submission form is here. You don't even have to be going ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Residents have asked us about progress with the Dundee Technopole - the area to east of Annfield Road - running between Hawkhill to the south and Blackness Road to the north. We asked for an update from the council's Director of City Development who updated us as follows : "The existing building fronting the Hawkhill (previously Cyclacel) is currently on site and will be opened shortly as the Centre For Protein degradation. All other buildings including the Incubator and Tayside Scientific Services remain in use The University are currently tendering the new building for the Tay Cities Regional Deal funded ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End