The actor David Hemmings met and became engaged to his first wife Genista Ouvry, who acted under the name Jenny Lewes, during a two-week repertory engagement in Leicester in 1960. You'll know that if you've read a 2016 post on this blog about the obscure punk single Bored by The Stains. And, sure enough, here is an advertisement for the play they were both in from the Leicester Chronicle of 21 May 1960, though I see Jenny Lewes came out as Jenny Lewis. There is a piece of Leicester theatrical history in that advert, because Leicester's Royal Opera House had ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Over the New Year, Lib Dem MPs have been attacking the government's record on our crisis ridden NHS. Government ministers are conspicuous by their absence and have not yet responded, leaving any comment to civil servants. Today's Times, Guardian the Independent and other media report that people are resorting to DIY medical treatments after failing to get face-to-face appointments with GPs. Some go to A&E instead. But up to 500 people a week are dying due to A&E delays according to the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. Several NHS trusts have declared critical incidents. Ambulance staff in some trusts have ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

"We must be the great arsenal of democracy. For us this is an emergency as serious as war itself." US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) 29th December 1940 When FDR broadcast those words to his countrymen, the UK was experiencing the height of the Blitz. The Luftwaffe had changed its strategy and was starting to target industrial cities around the UK. My home city of Bristol was yet to experience its worst bout of bombing in less than a week from when FDR gave his speech. In the days and months to come many UK cities experienced scenes that have ...

Posted by Zachary Barker on Liberal Democrat Voice

It's become a tradition of mine to pile up the books I've read each year for a once-a-year bookshelf filing binge. Which also means I can handily record in one photograph what I've read in the last year.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Mon 2nd

My tweets

Sun, 15:59: What to expect in 2023, according to science fiction A look at the science fiction set in 2023, written 20+ years ago. I found 8 novels, 1 video game, and 2 Japanese anime series, as follows: Sun, 16:24: What to expect in 2023, according to science fiction A look at the science fiction set in 2023, written 20+ years ago. I found 8 novels, 1 video game, and 2 Japanese anime series, as follows: Sun, 21:00: RT @richardosman: 'Sweet Dreams' by Eurythmics was released closer to the end of the Second World War than to today. ...

Mon 2nd

Fast track donations

The Mirror reports that a company linked to Tory peer Michelle Mone's husband pumped tens of thousands of pounds into the Conservative Party's war chest. They add that at least £171,480 was donated before Baroness Mone, 51, and husband Doug Barrowman, 57, allegedly benefited from a multimillion-pound Covid PPE deal, worth £200million to a company she recommended called PPE Medpro: The money was given through a UK-registered business, Lancaster Knox LLP, part of Mr Barrowman's Isle of Man-based Knox Group. Electoral Commission records show donations from May 2017 to June 2019. They included three cash sums of £50,000 each and ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

We have in recent months received complaints about Greenmarket coach/bus stop. The coaches to Edinburgh Airport and numerous coaches including holiday ones leave from there. There's no bus shelter and it is very exposed - so we asked the City Council if it would consider provision of a shelter at this location. The Team Leader, Parking & Sustainable Transport advised us : "Unfortunately there is currently no budget available for new bus shelters. We are in on-going discussion with a number of different coach operators about suitable locations for long distance coach operations serving Dundee and our request is that ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End