Annual trip to Charles Kennedy's grave in Clunes. Seven years since his death and oh my has politics changed for the worse since then ... playing the lament that was played there at his funeral. Lovely tune. The cold playing slight havoc with one or two notes! — ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) December 31, 2022

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

If you want to read the latest news stories about what the Liberal Democrats are up to, direct to your email inbox, just sign up here.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

President Xi has announced he will be opening China's borders to travel by Chinese citizens from Sunday 8th January, a fortnight before the start of the 15-day celebration of the Chinese New Year which sees hundreds of millions of Chinese go on holiday inside and outside China to visit family and friends. Whilst this is normally a time of celebration, the number of COVID cases in China is rocketing into the hundreds of millions as well. The failure and then sudden reversal of Xi's zero-COVID policy is a disaster for Chinese citizens. Their plight does not only deserve our fullest ...

Posted by George Cunningham on Liberal Democrat Voice

Alex Cole-Hamilton committed the Scottish Liberal Democrats to fighting for the issues the Scottish people care about, such as the climate emergency and violence against women and girls, and help for those suffering from Long Covid in 2023. He paid tribute to health workers and said that Scots would overcome the challenges we face. Here is his message in full: As we approach the end of another year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the twelve months that have just passed. A year ago, while we were allowed to spend the holidays with our families and loved ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Read or watch Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey's new year message and his best wishes to everyone for 2023.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

A sobering matter indeed and one we should all be concerned about. Electoral fraud in the UK is actually a very rare thing indeed, almost unheard of, yet on the back of there being all but no problem, our Conservative Government tells us that it needs to be fixed. Of course, a compliant right-wing press does all the publicity for them and the move is presented as one which makes our electoral system more secure. The messaging is and is meant to be misleading because as I have already noted there really is not a problem which needs to be ...

Posted by Cllr. Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus

Daisy Cooper features prominently in a Guardian article about four new MPs and parliament during the Covid restrictions. Daisy comments: For a long time we were a Zoom parliament, which means you don't bump into people in the corridors, or in the tea room or in the voting lobbies. But that is starting to develop now. Fellow MP Amy Callaghan says: One of the very first things that struck me when I arrived was that I was given a hook for my sword. You can read the full article here. * News Meerkat - keeping a look-out for Liberal Democrat ...

Posted by News Meerkat on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sat 31st

My predictions for 2023

Last year, as I have for over a decade, I made some predictions for the coming year. Unusually, I got some things spectacularly right... but of course one or two things not quite so right. Let's take a look at some of my more impressive predictions from last year before I look at what 2023 may bring. I was right that things would get worse for Boris Johnson and that his MPs would lose patience with him. I was also correct that he would be succeeded by Liz Truss, who would beat Rishi Sunak in the leadership election, and that ...

Posted by Andrew on A Scottish Liberal

It is my greatest honour, privilege and blessing to have been awarded an MBE in the King's first New Year's Honours list. I work in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) as a very proud civil servant. I firmly believe in public service as an enabler for people's wellbeing in all senses ... The post Thrilled To Be Awarded An MBE In The Honours List 2023 appeared first on A Midlifer in London .

Posted by Jane on A Midlifer in London

Happy New Year! There's a lot to look back on fondly in 2022: The wonderful Jubilee street parties that brought communities together after so long kept apart by Covid. The Lionesses brought football home at Wembley, and the men's team put on a brilliant run at the World Cup too. And another fantastic by-election victory for the Liberal Democrats! But it has been a very difficult year too: Vladimir Putin's appalling war that has claimed the lives of thousands of brave Ukrainians. Political chaos in the Conservative party, inflicting economic chaos on the rest of us. And, of course, the ...

Posted by Ed Davey on Liberal Democrat Voice

Liverpool will be a grim year for Liverpool taxpayers and will see a reduced number of staff working for the Council. However, we might have bottomed out the problems and the Eurovision Song Contest will give us the chance to ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Many thanks to everyone who has been a reader in the last year, whether on this site, one of my other sites, on email with Liberal Democrat Newswire and my digests, on social media, or in book form.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Three brilliant LIb Dem Women have been honoured for their work in the New Year's Honours list. There may be more Lib Dems, but I can't find any on searching the list, which was published at 10:30 pm last night. Please let us know in the comments if you find any ore and I'll add them into this post. Sheila Ritchie MBE Sheila Ritchie (pictured here with her predecessor Elspeth Attwooll) was, for now at least, one of the last contingent of Lib Dem MEPs, representing Scotland from May 2019-January 2020, but her involvement with the Lib Dems, and the ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Congratulations to the fellow Liberal Democrats spotted so far in the New Year's Honours List. Although I have misgivings about some political honours that get dished out (no, being paid to be a minster and sitting behind a desk for years doing a mediocre job does not deserve special recognition), there are many people who do amazing things who are deserving of recognition. So congratulations to the following Liberal Democrats, who have all done huge amounts for their community and our society: Congratulations to Margaret Joachim on the MBE! Well-deserved recognition of her work for the Party – and as ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Sat 31st

A guid Hogmanay!

Auld Lang Syne Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And auld lang syne? CHORUS:For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,For auld lang syne! And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp,And surely I'll be mine,And we'll tak a cup o kindness yet,For auld lang syne! We twa hae run about the braes,And pou'd the gowans fine,But we've wander'd monie a weary fit,Sin auld lang syne. We twa hae paidl'd in the burnFrae morning sun till dine,But seas between us braid hae roar'dSin auld lang syne. And there's a ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

Eeks, is it that time of the year again! I spend the last few days of a year looking at my previous goals and evaluating where I have been successful or not. Sadly, some goals are carried over from year to year and I look forward to the day when I will finally be able ... The post A Midlife Suggestion for Goal Setting appeared first on A Midlifer in London .

Posted by Jane on A Midlifer in London