Sat 3rd

My tweets

Sat, 10:45: RT @AlderdiceLord: @AlexKane221b I don't think the British Govt will sacrifice the welfare of the British economy for the stubbornness of t... Sat, 12:56: Giant #Asteroid Unleashed a Devastating Megatsunami on #Mars, Evidence Suggests ...and the crater is named after #FredrikPohl. Sat, 14:46: So. In the last few days, I've had a happy comment on #Goodreads from an author whose book I liked, and a grumpy comment from an author whose book I didn't like. But Goodreads only notified me of the happy one; I found the grumpy comment by chance. Accident? Or design? Sat, 14:48: Mysteries ...

Sat 3rd

The Joy of Six 1094

"Its lasting value is in its revelation that the institutions of the Conservative Party and the British government are so decrepit that they can be hacked by someone like Liz Truss, as if they were merely Oxford student societies writ large." Lewis Baston reads Harry Cole and James Heale's biography of Liz Truss. "A memory of Churchill only as an icon of anti-appeasement is a caricature, even if it was a caricature the man himself was complicit in creating. It reduces a man of many parts, and of many bargains, into a lovable bulldog." We need to save Churchill from ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Thanks to a nomination from a Liberal England reader, the Plymouth Herald wins our Headline of the Day Award. As so often, things become less amusing when you read the story below.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

186 days. Not far off half a year. That's how long it's been since I first had Covid symptoms. We had tried very hard to avoid it for 26 months, but our son going to a Marina and Diamonds concert in Dublin at the end of May was always going to be a high risk endeavour. Within days we were all suffering. At first I was the best off of all of us so I was running round after everyone else. Then on 5th June, I could barely get up. The salutary tale from my experience is that if you ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Following on from yesterday's post, it is interesting to see this piece in the Independent reporting on the views of the civil service union, Prospect, that Parliament is not a "safe place to work" . They were speaking after a group of Conservative politicians reported a fellow MP to police over allegations they committed rape and a string of sexual assaults. The backbench MP was reported to the force by a group of Tory MPs, whose claims against the accused span a period of two years, broadcasterTalkTV reports. The MP is said to be subject to an investigation by an ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Phew! Europe now has enough gas to see it through the winter and energy prices are starting to drop. Employment is more or less stable. Interest rates and inflation appear to be plateauing. The Ukraine War is settling in for the winter. NATO and the EU are united against Putin who shows signs of starting to unravel and Christmas is a coming. Now, inhale and draw that sigh of relief back in. All the above is a temporary reprieve. Another metaphor could be the eye of the storm or false dawn. The Ukraine War still rumbles on and millions of ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

In his best John Barleycorn Must Die voice, Steve Winwood casts a bit of a damper on proceedings. Like John Barleycorn, this song can be found on the Watersons' LP Frost and Fire. Winwood's version appeared on A Very Special Christmas 3, a charity album produced in aid of the Special Olympics. Mainly Norfolk tells us: In the Journal of the Folk-Song Society for 1914 you will find a number of versions of Christmas Now Is Drawing Near At Hand, collected by Vaughan Williams and Sharp in various locations, but particularly in the West Midlands and counties adjoining Wales.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

A big West End Christmas Fortnight Saturday! 10am to 11am - Spex Pistols Christmas Family Workshops at Gallery 48, West Port - Handmade embossed foil decorations with Cara Findlay and Sooz Gordon. Unfortunately fully booked. 10am to 12 noon - Harris Academy Christmas Fayre - including stalls - Free entry - all welcome! Fayre will include - at a small fee - barista style coffee and bacon rolls. 10.30am - 11.30am - Blackness Library -"From Garden to Eden" -a free talk at Blackness Library by Iain Flett on the history of the Eden Project site. Have a wee break from ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End