A new analysis of Environment Agency data by the Welsh Liberal Democrats have revealed that Welsh Water has dumped sewage onto our Blue Flag beaches 579 times, lasting an astonishing 6,757 hours The worst incident was on Poppit Sands Beach near Cardigan with sewage dumped 79 times lasting 1,518 hours. South Beach in Aberystwyth had the highest number of incidents at 142. Preseli Pembrokeshire ranks as the constituency with the highest number of sewage dumps in the whole of England and Wales with 6754 dumps in 2021 (79,501 hours). Carmarthen East and Dinefwr and Dwyfor Meirionnydd come a close second ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

And so, once again this year, I find myself heading for Bratislava, this time as a member of the Party's delegation to the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Party Council meeting which takes place on Saturday morning. Here's what's on the agenda... Preparations for the 2024 European Elections A tricky, and somewhat painful, agenda item for us, given that we won't be fighting them and don't have a vote on the manifesto, but work is underway on designing the campaign, drafting a Europe-wide message and building stronger links with non-ALDE members of the Renew Europe group in ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

It's a full week ahead for the Liberal Democrats in the Lords, with business on all five days but, before I start, I should note the sad loss of Nigel Jones, who passed away three weeks ago. Max Wilkinson has written movingly about him, and our Leader in the Lords, Dick Newby, offered his own thoughts. Our belated condolences go out to his family and friends. Sally Hamwee chairs the Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee and, on Monday, introduces its report, "Technology rules? The advent of new technologies in the justice system". The report looks at the use of ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

I was lucky enough to be able to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Liberal Democrat Disability Association (LDDA) on Saturday afternoon. Guest speaker Wendy Chamberlain spoke about her Private Members' Bill, the Carer's Leave Bill, which has passed through its Committee Stage in the House of Commons. The Bill, if passed, would give employed carers the right to a week's unpaid leave each year to provide or arrange care for a dependent suffering from a long-term condition. She noted that, whilst it didn't go as far as she would like, this was a change consistent with the manifesto ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Labour may be thirty points ahead in the polls and on course to win the next general election, but what is really going to change if Keir Starmer becomes Prime Minister? With the UK economy on the rocks, and unlikely to recover while we continue to cut ourselves off from the rest of the world, what is needed is some radical thinking, including repairing the crucial economic ties with the EU. Unfortunately, Starmer does not appear to get it. The Guardian reports that the Labour leader has ruled out bringing back free movement of people between Britain and the EU, ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

A crude estimate is that it will take 30 years for the Council to recover its investment in this site and that is before services like a school and other public building are added. On Wednesday I will be raising ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

It's been a somewhat trying week for your Day Editor, as we've come under fire for doing pretty much what we've always done from people who've previously taken no interest in what we do but would now really rather we did it in a way that they approve of. In fairness, when you take on a role like this, you expect some criticism. We're too loyal to the leadership, or not loyal enough. We don't address the big issues, or focus too much on perceived minutiae. We don't allow freedom of speech or our moderation is too lax. And, sometimes, ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2022 Miller's Wynd - closed until 26 December 2022 at its junction with Hawkhill for major construction works. Westfield Place - traffic control from Monday 28 November for 5 days for street lighting replacement works. Brown Street (at Douglas Street) - temporary traffic lights for one week for Scottish Water work. Hillcrest Road (at number 21) - closed from Wednesday 23 November for one week for Scottish Water main repair.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End