Manston diphtheria scandal: Braverman must resign Stealth Tax: Lib Dems propose law forcing Government to write to every taxpayer facing a tax rise Manston diphtheria scandal: Braverman must resign Responding to the Sunday Times report of 70 suspected cases of diphtheria among asylum seekers moved from the Manston facility as well as a suspected untreated gunshot wound, Liberal Democrat Health Spokesperson, Daisy Cooper MP, said: Liberal Democrats in the Commons and Lords have been questioning Ministers and repeatedly received assurances on the quality of healthcare for asylum seekers.

 The UK is better than this. The Conservative Government should be ashamed ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

The latest edition of my weekly political polling round-up, The Week in Polls, is out. As it says: According to the headline, "Two thirds of Brits OPPOSE Swiss-style deal with EU, exclusive GB News polling reveals". But we all know it's best not to trust just to a news headline. So let's dig into the details... Find out more by reading The Week in Polls in full here, and you can sign up below to receive future editions direct to your email inbox:

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Sun 27th

The Joy of Six 1093

"The Homes for Ukraine scheme, which has housed more than 100,000 people in Britain since the start of the war, is now at risk of collapse. Without early and drastic intervention, the scheme will compound rather than ease the suffering of the Ukrainian families it was meant to help." Keir Giles explains what has gone wrong with the government's effort to help war refugees from Ukraine. Eleanor Rylance remembers helping a young mother of two children living in appalling housing conditions: "We should be viewing this as a national scandal, not demonising young and vulnerable people living in terrible housing ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

We hear that Lloyd's Pharmacy here is being taken over by Lunts. Lunts is a West Midlands pharmacy group. It has local pharmacies in Shrewsbury, Pontesbury, Highley and Craven Arms. I have only occasionally used one of the Shrewsbury stores which I found to be well stocked and efficient. Change of ownership, franchising or rebranding is not unusual in the pharmacy industry. Brown & Francis in the Bull Ring was part of the Murray Group and is now part of the Peak Pharmacy group of independent pharmacies. The news about Lunts prompted me to have a look at the data ...

Posted by andybodders on

This is a unique project celebrating and uncovering the history and heritage of Sefton Borough's diverse communities and I've been delighted to be a part of it. and here's a link giving more detail about the project – Some time ago, prior to Lockdown, I'd consulted Sefton Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS) about potential grant-giving bodies that may be willing to support projects that the Frank Hornby Trust wanted to take forward at Maghull's Frank Hornby Heritage Centre. The Heritage Centre is within the Town's Meadows Leisure Centre and Library, I might add. The advice was gained and a ...

Posted by Cllr. Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus

Younger readers will know Lindisfarne, if they know them at all, for making a record with Gazza and for Christmas concerts that have a reputation for being a bit Jimmy Five Bellies. But it wasn't always like that. At the start of the Seventies they were a highly regarded band with a talent for producing catchy singles with a folk rock tinge. As well as Meet Me on the Corner there was Lady Eleanor and, though it wasn't hit, Fog on the Tyne, which came to be their best-known song (with or without help from Gazza). English rock rarely celebrates ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

We're now into the annual 16 days of activism against gender based violence which runs from the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November through to International Human Rights Day on 10th December. We will be bringing you a series of articles to mark this important annual event, including a horrific story of the death of a young woman in Scotland after she was let own by all of the services who should have been there to protect her. Today we report on the Committee Stage of Wera Hobhouse's Bill to tackle sexual harassment in ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sun 27th

It's the culture

The Sunday Times continues it exposé of abuse in our public services today, with a story reporting on the he head of the country's biggest fire brigade, Andy Roe, who says he expects to sack staff after a damning report concluded the London Fire Brigade was "institutionally misogynistic and racist". As worrying as the allegations in London, later on in the article Nazir Afzal, a former chief prosecutor in the Rochdale grooming case, is quoted as saying he has received messages from women and ethnic-minority staff at the BBC, the NHS and many police forces: Afzal was asked to carry ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Buckinghamshire South Liberal Democrats have selected Anna Crabtree as their Prospective Parliamentary Candidate to fight the next general election in Beaconsfield constituency.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

As part of West End Christmas Fortnight, The Little Green Larder has teamed up with Transition Dundee to bring back the West End Christmas Market! There will be hot food and drinks, sustainable gifts, festive fun, live music and, of course, the Christmas light switch-on, with a visit from Santa. The market is this Thursday 1st December from 4pm to 8pm in Miller's Wynd Car Park. ... and more details of the West End Christmas Concert the same day to follow!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

On Tuesday last week, I proposed to David. He said yes! The wedding is likely to be in early summer next year, comfortably after the local elections and crop planting are out of the way. I guess I'd better buy a new suit!

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Sun 27th

History quiz night

Sunniside History Society will be holding their Christmas quiz and buffet at 7pm on Wednesday 7th December at Sunniside Social Club. The quiz this year will be about historical buildings in Newcastle. All welcome.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace