Thanks to a comment from a reader, I have listened today to radio programmes about both the unsolved West Midlands murders I blogged about yesterday. Punt PI, which ran to 10 short series, was a humorous documentary in which the comedian Steve Punt investigated just such mysteries. Here are the links for the shows Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm? and Pitchfork Murder - Lower Quinton. These are entertaining programmes giving a fair picture of how things stand with these cases, but don't offer anything startlingly new, but there is a bit of a coup in the one on ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Unlock Democracy is an organisation which has many of the same aims on reforming our political system as we do. In fact there are some familiar faces in high positions in the organisation. Tom Brake, former Lib Dem MP for Carshalton and Wallington, is their Chief Executive and our former Director of Campaigns Shaun Roberts, is their Head of Campaigns and Digital. Today they held their AGM which was opened with a session on the dire state of our democracy and the future of Britain with former Conservative MP Dominic Grieve and former BBC journalist Gavin Esler. IF you take ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

It was lovely to wake up to an email from Federal Conference Committee Chair Nick Da Costa announcing that registration was open for Spring Conference which takes place from 17-19 March in York. It will be the first time the federal party has gathered in person since September 2019 in Bournemouth. Back then, Wendy Chamberlain was the PPC for North East Fife and Jo Swinson had just taken over as leader. Federal Conference is simply the most fun you can ever have as a Liberal Democrat. It's intense, passionate, exhilarating and this time will have the added joy of seeing ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

When I want to know what politicians are saying, including Lib Dem MPs and peers, I turn to Twitter. When I want to get a message out to a broader community than my town (for which I use Facebook), I use Twitter. But Twitter is in trouble. Serious trouble. That trouble goes by the name of Elon Musk. True, Twitter was languishing. Failing to effectively monetise its product. Too many staff. Not enough innovation. But Elon Musk's shock and awe approach to managing a company he wasn't that interested in running is weakening the Twitter brand and weakening its credibility. ...

Posted by Andy Boddington on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sat 19th

Back to the floods

I was in North Wales from Tuesday to Thursday. Lovely dry and sunny weather over there. While I was there, I started receiving reports about the heavy rain and, in some places, roads blocked by floods back home. Technology certainly helps me to keep in touch on the now rare occasions when I am away from home (I was even able to attend two council meetings while sitting in a house in Penmaenmawr!)

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Looking through my teacher box to find the correct colour pen ( pink) to mark with. ( if you mark in the wrong colour has marking actually happened? #ifyouknowyouknow ) and found a note i got from a kid a few years back. So I have two pictures and a comment that sum up modern teaching Pic one. My weekend marking pile. Pic 2 Self explanatory And the comment. I found this because i was hunting for the correct pen to mark with. Like the vast majority of schools we have a policy on what colours to use when. For ...

Posted by Carl Minns on Carl Minns - Thoughts from Hull

Putin has rewritten the nuclear playbook and the world is a more dangerous place for it. The reason? Because if one nuclear power changes their rules then the others have to reconsider theirs, and Putin has changed the rule book to make the use of nukes more likely. Nuclear weapons in the past have been classified as a defensive weapon. Their purpose was to deter an enemy attack rather than to launch one. Some countries—mainly China and India—have adopted a "No First Use" policy which means they will only use their nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear attack from ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

Residents have over a period of time asked for better crossing facilities well up Blackness Avenue from the pedestrian crossing at the Hawkhill junction. Although there are significant vehicle movements, the number of pedestrian crossings means that that part of the street would not meet the criteria for a light-controlled pedestrian crossing. We therefore requested consideration of the provision of an additional pedestrian refuge island to allow pedestrians to break their crossing half way across the busy street. We are pleased to say this was agreed to and the Senior Engineer - Traffic & Road Safety at the City Council ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End
Sat 19th

World Toilet Day

Once again it's the 19th November and "World Toilet Day". For details of the fundamental (adjective chosen deliberately) importance of having access to a private and secured space in which urinate and defecate with dignity, without fear of interruptions, with a string to pull (in happier days), a lever to twist or button to push that will magically flush away your waste for scientific disposal,* and the facility to wash your hands and remove any bugs you might pass on, please see these two earlier posts. posted on previous World Toilet Days . Still over 600 000 0000 ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal