Inflation stats: Families struggling to get by because of Government's inaction and incompetence Raab: Ethics advisor must be appointed to stop a whitewash report Raab investigation: "another Conservative stitch up" Inflation stats: Families struggling to get by because of Government's inaction and incompetence Responding to the latest ONS figures showing inflation has reached 11.1%, Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesperson Sarah Olney said: This Government's biggest economic failure has been their disastrous attempts to get inflation down. Families are now struggling to get by because of this Government's inaction and incompetence on spiraling prices. After inflicting so much chaos, the latest Conservative ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

In an article on the Local Government Chronicle site, the magazine's elections specialist Professor Colin Rallings names nine councils as potential Lib Dem gains in 2023: North Devon CouncilTeignbridge DCHarborough DC [hem hem]West Lindsey DCSouth Oxfordshire DCGuildford BCStratford-on-Avon DCSouth GloucestershireWest BerkshireHe says: "I can't see them falling back next year unless there are toxic local issues which tend to become apparent nearer the time." The article also cites research by John Curtice that was first published in the Journal of Liberal History:He found 2022 "represents the party's best local election performance" since before the coalition. It was "still well short ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The Federal Board announced yesterday that it had amended its definition of transphobia in light of recent legal advice. The new wording can be found here, However, LGBT+ Lib Dems, the official party body for gender and sexual minorities, has vowed to resist it, saying that the party had been unable to stand by its values when confronted by well-funded and organised transphobia. They said: Like many reading this, the team at LGBT+ Liberal Democrats are disappointed and frustrated with the recent revisions to the Liberal Democrats definition of transphobia. While some tidying up of it may have been needed ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

There are many steps you can (and should) be taking as you go through midlife and look to improve and enhance your lifestyle. This means you need to think about the things that matter and play a huge role in this, so you are going to need to focus on the best ways of being ... The post Be a Financial Beast in Midlife appeared first on A Midlifer in London .

Posted by Jane on A Midlifer in London

Photo: English Chess Federation Some good news for a change. At the age of 13 Shreyas Royal has broken the British record for the youngest ever grandmaster performance. On Sunday he completed a score of seven points from nine games in the €15,000 Bavarian Open at Tegernsee, Germany. He won six games, drew two and lost only to the top seeded player, the four-time champion of Ukraine Anton Korobov. As Leonard Barden explains in the Financial Times: Back in the 1970s and 1980s, England was briefly the No2 chess nation behind the former Soviet Union, but the golden generation grew ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

We have already reported on the re-election of Mark Park as Party President, and the remaining election results have now been announced. You can read them in full here. Vice President Amna Ahmad Federal Board Joyce Onstad Lucy Nethsingha Neil Fawcett Chris White (Councillor rep) Federal Council Alison Eden Alison Jenner Anton Georgiou Callum Robertson Candy Piercy Chloe Hutchinson Chris Northwood Clare Delderfield Gareth Lewis Shelton Gordon Lishman Hannah Perkin James Gurling Lisa-Maria Bornemann Mark Johnston Sally Povolotsky Sarah Cheung Johnson Simon McGrath Stephen Robinson Terry Stacy Tim Brett Zoe Hollowood Antony Hook (Councillor rep) Alex Warren (Councillor rep) Aidan ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

It has been many years since Councils have felt they had enough funding to provide the services that their residents need. For most of this century they have been cutting many non-essential and non-statutory services, such as youth clubs, and they have been outsourcing some essential services to cheaper and, in some cases, inexperienced and inadequate providers. And the cuts have happened year on year, so what seems unthinkable one year becomes a reality the next. The core Council services are around housing and social care, for adults and children, plus a number of environmental services such as recycling and ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice
Wed 16th

Thank you!

I am delighted to have been re-elected as Federal Party President of the Liberal Democrats, winning on the first round. I would like to start by thanking all those who took part in this election, whether or not they supported me. We should be really proud of our democracy as the only major party which truly offers one member one vote, so we can be confident that those that win our elections really are their party's choice. In return, I look forward to representing every one of our members. During the campaign many of those members told me what they ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Wed 16th

A tribute to Nigel Jones

From left: Nigel Jones, Max Wilkinson, Martin Horwood Nigel Jones gave so much to Cheltenham. To me and many others, he was a friend and a mentor. As generous with his kindness as with his wisdom, he was a liberal to his core. I did not know him as Nigel the MP, who achieved so much for his hometown. I became his friend after he left the Commons. But his legacy lives long in Cheltenham and it's hard to knock more than a handful of doors without somebody mentioning his name. After winning the seat in 1992, he lobbied successfully ...

Posted by Max Wilkinson on Liberal Democrat Voice

It's a day of internal election results at Lib Dem HQ today. First to be declared is the Presidential election. which is subject to an appeal. Mark Pack won a second term easily. The result in full is: Mark Pack 4969 Lucy Nethsingha 2194 Liz Webster 1936 The turnout was very low. Mark got almost 10,000 more votes in 2019 and his opponent then, Christine Jardine, with 10,164 votes herself got more than the 9.099 votes cast in this election. The party will need to address engagement for future elections. Nevertheless, Mark is the clear winner and we send him ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

I'm afraid bipolarism is currently emphasizing the extremes in politics. A healthy bipolar system should instead make coalitions compete to conquer the "centre", thus pushing the political forces towards more moderate and reformist positions. But something is changing. The "third pole" (Azione/ItaliaViva in Italy and the Liberal Democrats in UK) should be the reformist alternative to a right which, at present, is still stuck in ancient positions, especially in terms of human rights and concessions to people who don't believe in science and in the Covid vaccination. Fortunately in Italy the move of Moratti's candidacy (at the Regional election in ...

Posted by Massimo Ricciuti on Liberal Democrat Voice

It is fair to say that the Welsh Government's plan to introduce a 20mph speed limit as the default on all urban roads is controversial. There are genuine questions about how it is going to be enforced, and whether it is really necessary away from schools and accident blackspots. Their rationale though is that reducing speeds increase safety, and so far, that argument has not be challenged. There is a report on the wales-on-line website however, that research by Queen's University Belfast has found that reducing speed limits to 20mph has "little impact on road deaths or crashes". Researchers say ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Fraser is pictured at Riverside Approach where we have long campaigned for a proper pedestrian crossing, given the number of pedestrians including children and elderly folk crossing between the Roseangle playpark and Magdalen Green crossing here. At the council's City Development Committee recently, councillors unanimously agreed to alter the long-standing pv2 pedestrian crossing assessment for the provision of pedestrian crossings to better take account of pedestrian movements including those of young people, people with mobility difficulties, etc. At committee : 👉 Michael asked if this would improve the chances of getting a crossing in Riverside Approach. 👉 Fraser asked if ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End