Triple lock: Truss looks set to betray struggling pensioners in the middle of a cost of living crisis Lib Dem Amendment Put to Vote to End Sleaze in Parliament Anti-sleaze amendment passed to stop MPs "marking their own homework" Calls for Action as Drug-Related Deaths in Wales Rise to Highest Level Ever Welsh Government Must Act to Stop the Brain Drain of Doctors in Wales Triple lock: Truss looks set to betray struggling pensioners in the middle of a cost of living crisis Responding to the Prime Minister's spokesperson refusing to say the Government is committed to the triple lock ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Look, I don't really care what Lord Bonkers was saying 30 years ago either, but the old boy insists. So here is an extract from the diary that appeared in the October 1992 issue of Liberator (no. 208). We catch him playing truant from the Liberal Democrats' Autumn Conference. Thursday Normally, let me say at once, I should walk miles barefoot upon hedgehog skins while members of the Women's Liberal Federation beat me with rolled up copies of Pericles' funeral oration for the pleasure of hearing one of young Ashplant's speeches. You can imagine, then, what a bitter disappointment it ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Embed from Getty ImagesCrediting sources in the Liberal Democrats, ITV News reports that the party has signed up five major new donors in the part 10 days, including one who previously gave money to the Conservatives: The donors have each added their names to a group known as the Liberal Alliance that provide funds to specifically target Conservative MPs in so-called Blue Wall seats. They include seats on the outskirts of London with populations that are getting younger and more diverse. Sources said that two of the donors had approached the party out of the blue to ask if they ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The BBC turns 100 today. We'll all have our special memories of it. For me, my first ever favourite tv programme was Play School which I wanted to watch every single day. One of my favourite presenters was Floella Benjamin, now of course a Lib Dem peer. The BBC shared a video of her singing Happy Birthday with Hamble, my favourite of the toys Oh what wonderful memories of my Playschool Days loved every moment performing for my #Playschool Babies and still do! #BBC100 @BBCArchive — Floella Benjamin (@FloellaBenjamin) October 18, 2022 * Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice
Tue 18th

Heinz and Wilko Johnson

I've been collecting unlikely pairings of musicians who feel like they come from completely different eras. And here's the latest. Heinz Burt, protégé of the pioneering record producer Joe Meek and bass player with The Tornados, who had an era-defining hit with Telstar, and Wilko Johnson from Doctor Feelgood. Burt - or just Heinz, as he was always billed - is the singer and Johnson is the long-haired guitarist nearest him when you see them in wide shot. This video comes from The London Rock and Roll Show, which was held at Wembley Stadium in August 1972. This was the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Unfortunately Truss hasn't yet U-turned on the Tories' post-Boris backsliding on climate change. Kwarteng has left the treasury, but we still have Rees Mogg in charge of BEIS, a secretary for international trade who thinks our net zero commitment is an arbitrary form of unilateral economic disarmament, and a governing party with increasing links with the fossil fuel lobby - including the Global Warming Policy Foundation. This is frightening - and we need to dial up our focus on the climate emergency. We agreed a good set of policies on the climate crisis in 2019 - This does a good ...

Posted by Kevin Langford on Liberal Democrat Voice

As Britain's nationalist government implodes after transitioning from a self-believer to a true believer at the helm, geopolitical reality has crept up on the political opportunism of the previous administration—and the narrow ideology of its successor. Dalliances with distant and divergent America, India, and Australia have proved to be no match for the integrated single European market on our doorstep. A market of nearly half a billion people even without the United Kingdom, the value provided by the European Economic Area nations in goods, services, capital, and people—its four central pillars—can be seen more clearly now that we have been ...

Posted by Barnaby Towns on Liberal Democrat Voice
Tue 18th

Musings on the Mess

Liz Truss won the Tory leadership by promising an economic policy hat most people believed was a fantasy: tax cuts coupled with increased expenditure which would be financed by the growth resulting from the tax cuts. it was brazenly proposed by her henchman Karteng, and crashed dramatically. Iff she had any sense of shame she would resign (and perhaps retire to a nunnery and spend the rest of her life repenting her folly.) But no, she is still there clinging on. ""Brussen" is the Yorkshire word for it. There is now a movement to paint Jeremy Hunt, the replacement Chancellor ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

In her Scotsman column this week, Christine Jardine takes both UK and Scottish Governments to task for their failures to support Ukrainian refugees and asylum seekers from other parts of the world. She highlights that the Home Office is taking way too long to deal with asylum applications: In a recent Freedom of Information request, the Home Office confirmed to me that, as of July, fewer than 2,500 of 48,540 asylum applications submitted in the previous year had received a decision. Indeed, 14,000 applications submitted in 2020 were still outstanding six months into 2022. Every week my office, and that ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice
Tue 18th

My tweets

Mon, 12:29: RT @SAshworthHayes: After 12 years of alienating voters, who do the Tories have left? Young people are fed up with soaring rents and tuitio... Mon, 16:05: The amazing true(ish) story of the 'Honduran Maradona' Teenagers messing with Wikipedia, and chickens coming home to roost. Mon, 16:15: RT @LBC: Eddie: "What about people who have changed their minds on Brexit?" Liz Truss: "I don't think people have changed their minds"... Mon, 17:11: RT @mattgreencomedy: Liz Truss has had to abandon her entire economic agenda. All she can rely on now is her deeply charismatic personality... Mon, 18:41: Jocasta, ...


Yesterday I went with Georgina Aasgard to a meeting with Professor Matt Ashton, Liverpool's director of public health, and Alicia Smith who heads up part of the City Council bring the arts to the community. Georgina Aasgard is a ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Yesterday afternoon, Penny Mordaunt was given an impossible job – defending the indefensible. She was asked to deputise for the Prime Minister in the Commons for Labour's urgent question on the sacking of the Chancellor. Mordaunt did much better than Truss ever could have done. She had a reasonable balance of "**** you", humility, and even a bit of sincerity in the face of quite an onslaught from opposition MPs. It is hard to imagine anyone having a go at the opposition when they were part of a government that had made a crap economic situation much worse. Labour missed ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

By far the most significant announcement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer yesterday was that the government could now only guarantee its cap on the unit price of energy - designed to keep average bills at no more than £2,500 - for another six months. As the Independent points out, this u-turn on Liz Truss's promise of two years of government support could see annual household energy bills rocketing to £4,000 from April: The Resolution Foundation estimated that the U-turn could save the Treasury up to £40bn in 2023-24 - but would allow the annual energy price cap to rise ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The road resurfacing and road safety work at the Balgay Road/Blackness Road/Blackness Avenue junction starts tomorrow - Wednesday 19th October. The City Council has provided us with the following information about bus diversions during the roadworks : "We will have Public Notices out at affected stops from Tuesday with diversion information for all services and Realtime displays within the closure will also be amended accordingly. For this particular closure, the 73 will divert via West Park Road and Perth Road in both directions and therefore the 73 will not serve any stops between West Park Road and the bottom of ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End