The is evidence today that the Conservative leadership's enthusiasm for fracking does not extend even to their own councillors. Tory-controlled East Yorkshire council has voted overwhelmingly against fracking within its boundaries. Drill or Drop? reports: A Liberal Democrat motion committed the council to write to Liz Truss, her business secretary and the climate minister reinforcing the county's opposition to fracking in the county. A full meeting of the council in Beverley this afternoon voted by 49 votes in favour, with none against and six abstentions. There were no speeches against the motion and it was supported by the council leader, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

All the attention following Kwasi Kwarteng's "mini-Budget" centred upon the financial market reaction: cause enough bond market panic, bring about an emergency BOE intervention and yes, you will have our attention. This, and a series of U-turns, ensures that this government's reputation for economic competence is not likely to recover. Ever. Everyone was paying attention.Continue reading "They shout Houses, don't they"

Posted by freethinkingeconomist on Freethinking Economist

Raising the rate of domestic economic growth, against the background of a global economic recession which may well be worsened by the current downturn within China, cannot have been the main rationale for the Truss and Kwarteng's 'fiscal event'. The underlying purpose was to force public spending cuts, to shrink the size of the state and to make it more difficult for a successor government to raise taxes sufficiently to restore the social democracy that adequate public spending underpins. Simon Clarke, now 'levelling up' minister, has specifically remarked on what he sees as the over-extension of the UK's welfare state. ...

Posted by Lord William Wallace on Liberal Democrat Voice


Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

No one seems to have picked up on the early political career of our new minister for school standards. Jonathan Gullis, for it is he, was elected as Conservative councillor for the Shipston-on-Stour ward of Stratford-on-Avon District Council in 2011 He resigned the following year when he got a teaching job in London, but things did not no smoothly. Labour List reported at the time:Conservative politics in Shipston-on-Stour has entered the world of Catch 22, with a Tory councillor saying he'll resign when they find someone to replace him - and the local party saying they can't replace him until ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Wed 5th

My tweets

Tue, 12:56: RT @alexstubb: When conspiracy theorists run countries via @FT Tue, 16:00: RT @NobelPrize: BREAKING NEWS: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 2022 #NobelPrize in Physics to Alain Aspect,... Tue, 16:05: Liz Truss has already proved to be the worst Conservative prime minister yet I wish that @mfletchertimes would tell us what he really thinks! Tue, 17:11: RT @timfarron: Farron to agent Truss: you might need to tone it down a bit now, it all looks a little too obvious, some people are beginnin... Tue, 20:25: Wide-ranging interview on @GradskiMe television of ...

You would think that police would be obliged to attend all household burglaries, wouldn't you? Apparently they don't. And even when they do the chances of them actually finding the criminal is very slim. In England and Wales last year 73% of all domestic burglaries were unsolved. An even smaller percentage (3.5%) resulted in someone being charged. Put another way, in the last five years 1.4 million burglaries went unsolved. And the percentage resulting in a charge has gone down year on year so that by last year it was less than half that in 2017 (which was bad enough, ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice
Wed 5th

House of the Goat

For those of us who have been watching the Game of Thrones prequel, House of The Dragon, this week's shenanigans at Tory Party conference may seem eerily familiar. There are no dragons, only goats, but the plotting and the backstabbing is as vicious and as unprincipled as the fictional version set in ancient Westeros. The Guardian reports that Liz Truss's cabinet is in open warfare over the 45p tax U-turn and benefit cuts, with the home secretary accusing fellow Tory MPs of a coup against the prime minister. The paper adds that on another chaotic day at the Conservative party ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

With thanks to Ed Muirhead of Face the Music here's information from him about the community music festival next Saturday 8th October - featuring a variety of local musicians, choirs and bands. It is running from 3pm to 9pm in the University of Dundee Chaplaincy Centre - and promises to be a great celebration with music of all kinds. There's sets from Tayside Makaton Choir and The Noteables choir - who will also both collaborate with a unique performance. There's bagpipes, a folk duo and a performance from a school trad music group. Plus, there's songwriters circles showcasing popular artists ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End