Our Headline of the Day Award sees another win for the Leicester Mercury. The judges were particularly pleased that it relates to a story from Leicestershire - Oadby to be precise.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

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Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

One of the most important things to understand in political campaigning is that the views of political activists and the views of voters are not only not the same, but often very different. And with far more voters than activists, you need to start with an understanding of, and respect for, the difference. Which is why one of the polling figures that I've most often quoted is the YouGov tracker on whether or not people think the Conservatives are extreme. The findings have been consistently very different from what you'd hear from Lib Dem (or Labour, Green or nationalist) party ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

I received my energy bill for August to September yesterday. The gas charge caught my attention. The standing charge cost me £8.04 and the actual amount of gas used cost me £8.88. In other words, the standing charge was nearly as much as the gas used. Compared to most people our gas bill is low because we make sure we use as little as possible. Our house is heated by our wood fired stove and

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Tue 4th

My tweets

Mon, 12:56: RT @alexstubb: The war in Ukraine has short-, medium- and long-term ramifications. Few reflections on all three after Putin's two recent sp... Mon, 16:05: RT @hyunsuinseoul: Wrote an explainer on "Leeds era (리즈시절)" -- a buzzword meaning one's peak or heyday in Korea. Here is how the northern... Mon, 17:11: RT @xruiztru: Denmark 👀 https://t.co/2jb3po15Vd Mon, 20:03: Declaiming. https://t.co/6cOH5orQsY Mon, 20:48: RT @mikegalsworthy: Very, very good video by the Labour Party. 🌹 To be fair though, they are drowning in jaw-dropping material to use. ht... Mon, 21:18: RT @LeChouNews: Emmanuel Macron Urges French Citizens To Wear Turtlenecks This ...

"You didn't do it last month" said Lord Bonkers. "Do what?" I asked. "You didn't reprint something from my diary of 30 years ago. They'll be letters." So here is something from the old boy's diary in the September 1992 issue of Liberator. Wednesday I must confess that I have not succeeded in following every twist and turn of Liberal economic policy. Once Free Trade was the pith and marrow of our cause, but later the likes of Milton Keynes came to the fore with quite other ideas. (Keynes, I recall was the author of a pamphlet entitled Can Lloyd ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The government's determination to bring back fracking is yet another example of ministers ignoring public opinion in pursuit of a dubious policy that will not deliver the benefits they are claiming for it. Just to recap a previous post, fracking produces a greenhouse gas at a time when we are seeking to deliver challenging climate change targets, it does so by pumping huge amounts of water into small fissures, potentially creating geological instabilities, and polluting water supplies, and it extends our reliance on gas, when we should be developing other long-term sources of energy, such as tidal, solar, wind and ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Last week Ed Davey called on the Conservatives to cancel their Conference and sort out the economic mess they had created. After days of rebellion, doom and u-turns, I bet they wish they had listened to him. They aren't getting the best press, that's for sure, but then they don't deserve it. Kwasi Kwarteng's feeble attempts at humour in his speech belie any contrition. And I doubt many of those who are now condemned to years of high mortgage payments will feel that either he or Liz Truss truly do get it. The u-turns on the 45p tax rate and ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Over a long period we have raised issues around the mess in Rosefield Place and the path to Bankmill Road - mainly around keeping the communal bins in Rosefield Place tidier - some of these are council but some private/commercial - and the graffiti along the path. We have had assurances about the bins (see photo) - although this needs very regular attention given on-going fly-tipping here and on the graffiti on the wall along the path to Bankmill Road, we have been given the following assurance from our local environment manager : "I have been in touch with colleagues ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

Departing Conservative ministers handed over £410,000 in redundancy pay Davey: Kwasi Kwarteng must resign so botched Budget can be scrapped Conservative ministers slammed for holding 67 parties as British economy implodes Kwarteng speech: Laughing about the turbulence is an insult to millions Departing Conservative ministers handed over £410,000 in redundancy pay Former Conservative ministers are set to be handed more than £410,000 in redundancy payments, new analysis by the Liberal Democrats have revealed. This includes £18,860 for Boris Johnson, £16,876 for former cabinet ministers including Priti Patel and Michael Gove, and £14,491 for the former Solicitor General Alex Chalk. The ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice