Mon 3rd

Growing tall

Some years ago I bought a small Christmas tree in a pot. It was 50cm high and had a full, intact root system. After the festivities were over, we put the potted tree outside in the garden and watched it grow. After we repotted it, we watched it grow yet further. It was about 1.5m high when we planted it at Marley Hill community centre. As you can see, it is now flourishing and is continuing to

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

I donated 20 cans of baked beans to Sunniside Church's collection for Gateshead foodbank on Sunday. They told me that they had collected food equivalent to the weight of a baby elephant! So well done Sunniside Church and their interesting comparison of weights!

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

The autumn issue of the Journal of Liberal History has just been published. Its contents include: Cromwell's statue and the fall of the Liberal government in 1895. Maybe you think that controversies over political statues are a feature only of recent years? You'd be wrong. William Wallace recalls how the erection of the statue of Oliver Cromwell outside the Houses of Parliament helped bring down Lord Rosebery's Liberal government in 1895. Solving the 'problem' of the twentieth century. In the 1930s European governments appeared to have a stark choice: appease the rise of Nazi Germany or prepare for war. But ...

Posted by Duncan Brack on Liberal Democrat Voice


Posted by David Boyle on The Real Blog

I am chairing a meeting today at which the Tory member of the committee has given his apologies because he has gone to the Conservative Conference. I emailed him last week saying that I would insist on him coming to ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?
Mon 3rd

My tweets

Sun, 14:07: RT @DefenceU: .@ZelenskyyUa As of 12:30 (Kyiv time) the town of Lyman, Donetsk region is fully cleared of the russian occupiers. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Sun, 14:48: The 2005 Hugo Award Ceremony Script | The Kim Newman Web Site Just reviewing this for some reason. It was hilarious. Sun, 18:32: Lighting a candle at the chapel of the Holy Cross; and the parts-of-the-body game Sun, 18:33: RT @lisaocarroll: NEW and WOW: Steve Baker, former head of ERG apologises to Ireland and the EU for "not always behaving" in a way that the... Sun, 18:33: RT @Mij_Europe: There's bit of ...

45p tax cut U-turn: Now scrap corporation tax cut and bankers bonuses too Responding to Kwasi Kwarteng's U-turn on abolishing the 45p rate of tax, Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey said: This humiliating U-turn comes too late for the millions seeing their mortgage rates soar because of this botched budget. The Conservatives must now cancel their conference and recall Parliament, to sort out this mess for the sake of the country. The corporation tax cut and the bankers bonus rise need to be scrapped and we need a clear plan to help mortgage borrowers cope with eye-watering interest rate rises. ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

And so it becomes clear that, in order to cut taxes in a way that "disproportionately benefits the wealthy", there will have to be cuts in public spending. In truth, that's exactly what you'd expect from the boys at the Institute of Economic Affairs, given their belief in a small state. The problem is that, instead of dealing with economic models and "rational behaviour", the proponents of the policies coming out of Downing Street are faced with people and a vast array of existing inequalities. The societal model is not perfect at the outset, and thus the theoretical concept is ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 3 OCTOBER 2022 Miller's Wynd - closed until 26 December 2022 at its junction with Hawkhill for major construction works. City Road (Tullideph Place to Logie Street) - closed for up to 3 weeks for Scottish Water emergency works. Hillside Road (junction with Hillside Place) - closed for up to one week for carriageway resurfacing works. Park Street and Ash Lane - lane closure/road closure from Monday 3 October for 5 days for CityFibre work. Forthcoming Roadworks Nethergate (West Marketgait to Union Street) ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

The Tory conference has only been going for one day and already it is looking like a complete train wreck. Highlights include Conservative Pary Chair, Jake Berry telling people that if they can't cope with the rising cost of living, then they should either get a higher paid job or cut back on consumption - shades of Norman Tebbit's get on your bike speech. We discovered in the same interview, that Berry and chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng attended a private champagne reception with hedge fund managers at the home of a Conservative donor on the same day he delivered his mini-budget. ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black