I took these photos yesterday afternoon. While I was out, Chelsea went from being a goal down down to a 2-1 victory. There's a moral there.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The dangers posed by religious cults were emphasised by a story posted on BBC News a few days ago: A compensation scheme for survivors of sexual, physical and emotional abuse at the now-defunct Jesus Army has opened. In 2019, ex-members told the BBC how children suffered abuse on a "prolific scale", with most claims relating to incidents between the 1970s and 1990s. The Jesus Fellowship Church Trust (JFCT) said survivors could be entitled to compensation, a written apology and an "acceptance of responsibility". The Jesus Army's headquarters were in Northampton - I took the photo above in 2017 - and ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Broxtowe Borough Council will be accepting applications for their 750 fruit trees from tomorrow, Monday 3rd October at 8.30am. This year they are offering apple, pear and plum trees to plant in your garden. To be able to apply for a tree this year, you must be signed up to Green Rewards either online at www.notts.greenrewards.co.uk or download the app by searching for 'Notts; Green Rewards' in the app store. Register today to speed up your application when they open tomorrow. The post Free Fruit Trees For Broxtowe Residents first appeared on David Watts.

Posted by David Watts on David Watts
Sun 2nd


Our new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, seems to have reduced the complex science/art of macroeconomic management to two dimensions: tax cuts and deregulation, which she believes will stimulate economic "growth." The first is based on a false premise and is potentially counter-productive. The second is likely to reduce the quality of life of the over-whelming majority of us, whatever difference it might make to the monetary measurement of growth Truss's reasoning appears to be that high taxation is holding back the "animal spirits" of our entrepreneurs. Cut taxes and, lo and behold, adventurous entrepreneurs will invest like billy-ho, creating jobs ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

The latest edition of my weekly political polling round-up, The Week in Polls, is now out. As it says: As I like a challenge, I've promised myself the next section will be about why there may be hope for them yet in the figures. Let's see what I manage to come up with... Find out more by reading The Week in Polls in full here, and you can sign up below to receive future editions direct to your email inbox:

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

It was a busy week for by-elections with 9 principal Council seats up for grabs - and some great Lib Dem results. We start with a brilliant double victory in Warrington. Two Lib Dem held seats were being contested in Grapenhall ward and both were brilliantly retained by new Lib Dem councillors Helen Speed and Mark Browne who together polled over 56.4% of the vote (almost a 10% increase in Lib Dem vote share. Well done to Helen, Mark and the local team in Warrington! Warrington MBC, Grapenhall ward Liberal Democrat (Helen Speed and Mark Browne): 1073 & 1047 [56.4%, ...

Posted by Charles Quinn on Liberal Democrat Voice

I don't suppose I've heard this record since it was on Radio One or Radio Luxembourg in 1974 - it doesn't seem to have troubled the charts - but when it was mentioned on Twitter the other day I remembered it at once. The artist's real name was Christopher Harley, but as 1974 was the year when Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel were everywhere, he borrowed his stage name from a BBC reporter of the day. Rainbow kept going as a single artist through the Seventies, then joined the Alan Parsons Project and Camel. His greatest success came as a ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Sun 2nd

My tweets

Sat, 12:56: RT @thebrainofspock: ā¦@haemovoresRusā© This might help you - Doctor Who and Belgium: the complete(ish) list https://t.co/RUbckxYfpK Sat, 14:37: RT @IAPonomarenko: Ukrainian troops have entered Lyman https://t.co/gmkcfULjp2 Sat, 14:48: Labour conference: Keir Starmer's speech showed he is a prime minister in waiting - New Statesman https://t.co/r61aVqeR4h Sat, 16:05: 'Liz Truss hasn't understood a word I wrote', says PM's favourite author | The Spectator https://t.co/VUrtZzJMcY Sat, 17:24: Argo https://t.co/52saRhYjHn Sat, 19:32: Saturday reading https://t.co/s3GZ3UCjIM Sat, 20:48: RT @hugh_pemberton: Blimey, this letter to the FT from a former Treasury Minister under John Major doesn't pull any punches on the Truss /K... ...

On Tuesday, the Southern Planning Committee agreed to designate the green space at the bottom of Sydney Road and Charlton Rise as a town green. This is a legal status, sometimes called a village green, which protects open space in perpetuity. Nothing can be built on the space and it must remain open and accessible. The application for town green status was made by the housing association Connexus. The former South Shropshire Housing group had proposed building four bungalows on the green. The planning committee threw proposals out on two occasions but a scheme was approved by a planning inspector ...

Posted by andybodders on
Sun 2nd

Tom Arms' World Review

UK The freshly minted British Conservative government of Liz Truss is on the ropes. They have only themselves to blame. The "mini-budget" of Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has plunged the economy into a downward spiral. The pound is plummeting. Interest rates are rocketing. People are literally on the cusp of losing their homes, and the problems of the world's fifth largest economy is having a knock-on effect around the world. The Opposition Labour Party has soared to a 20-point lead in the opinion polls. The Truss-Kwarteng policy of borrowing billions to cut taxes in the middle of a recession has been ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sun 2nd

Temporary website

This site looks a little different. The site's control panel crashed on 1 October. People could initially read posts but I couldn't post new posts up. Think of it like a car without an engine. I found out the fault but couldn't work out to fix it. While I was experimenting, I crashed the entire site. I have been under the bonnet and deleted the malfunctioning code this morning. But that means my previous design no longer works. I am waiting for the technical guys in Nepal to get back to me. Or I may just put up a new ...

Posted by andybodders on
Sun 2nd

West End Dementia Cafe

The Dundee Carers' Centre West End Dementia Cafe takes place next Thursday at Logie & St John's (Cross) Church - all welcome. Fraser called into the inaugural cafe last month and it was a really enjoyable event for all!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End