Good new from the count this evening. The Liberal Democrats have held their seat in Market Harborough's Logan ward in today's Harborough District Council by-election. Congratulations to Geraldine Whitmore, the victorious Lib Dem candidate, on a great result. The result: Lib Dems 582 (45.7%) Conservatives 382 (30.0% Labour 250 (19.6%) Independent 60 (4.7%) This is a two-member ward in which the Lib Dems held both seats until one of their councillors had to move away from the area, causing the by-election. Last time the top Lib Dem candidate polled 35 per cent of the vote. There was little sign of ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Foreign Office replies to reports of abductions and forcible transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia. Cites conclusions that "large-scale ... Foreign Office replies to reports of abductions and forcible transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia. Cites conclusions that "large-scale ...

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

The row over cheating in chess grumbles on. There is now a sense that many of the top players share a feeling that Hans Niemann, the young American whom the world champion Magnus Carlsen implicitly accused, has improved too rapidly and plays strong but not obvious moves too quickly. If you want an informed guide to the controversy, I recommend an edition of Perpetual Chess Podcast. One of the contributors, the Scottish grandmaster and philosopher Jonathan Rowson, quotes this German fable as a warning: A man whose axe was missing suspected his neighbours son. The boy walked like a thief, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Davey: Truss must cancel Conservative conference to deal with economic crisis Revealed: 32 crumbling hospital buildings including in PM's backyard Truss in complete denial on BBC Local Radio round Liz Truss refuses to guarantee people's pensions are safe Fracking interview: Truss shows contempt for rural communities Davey: Truss must cancel Conservative conference to deal with economic crisis Ed Davey demands Liz Truss and her ministers spend time fixing the budget as new research finds Government energy bill support will be wiped out by higher mortgage bills Typical family faces £2,000 rise in mortgage bills following last week's disastrous budget Liberal ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Welcome to my summary of the latest national voting intention poll from each pollster currently operating in Britain. Below the table, you'll find the option to sign up to email updates about new polls and also a set of answers to frequently asked questions about political polling. Or, if you'd like to find out more about how polls work, how reliable they are and how to make sense of them: Check out my book, Polling UnPacked: the History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion Polls, andSign up for my weekly analysis of the latest political polling: The Week in Polls. ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Having absented herself from the media for days, the prime minister chose to defend her decisions and Kwasi Kwarteng's mini-budget on BBC local radio. Truss appeared on breakfast shows on BBC Radio Leeds, Norfolk, Kent, Lancashire, Nottingham, Tees, Bristol and Stoke. Her media advisers clearly thought local radio would be a soft touch with presenters more used to talking about a church fete. So very wrong. The interviews were sometimes excruciating. You could hear pauses at times, as she struggled to find her scripted reply and to remember which radio station was interviewing her. First up for the prime minister ...

Posted by Andy Boddington on Liberal Democrat Voice

Surprised? Predictable? Avoidable win for a right-wing party in the most recent Italian elections to their Parliament? Did we have time to think about the result of the elections? Have you registered the fact that it really is, in many ways, a historical moment for Italy and quite possibly for Europe. However, as there is so much going on at home, on our British soil, I don't think that we are paying too much attention to a potential "tsunami of political changes and repercussions" across the sea. I have a lot of sentiment for Italy. I remember that, as a ...

Posted by Michal Siewniak on Liberal Democrat Voice

There is one thing the government got right on Friday with its mini-Budget catastrophe – which is that the way things are going in our country, something radical needs to change. Their preferred change is wrong, damaging and unfair. But in opposing it, we mustn't slip into sounding like status quo was fine. That was the mistake pro-Europeans made – opposing Brexit in terms that sounded like satisfaction with the status quo. (Such as the notable example of when Nick Clegg, debating Nigel Farage in 2014, was asked what the European Union would be like in a decade and said ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Thu 29th

My tweets

Wed, 12:52: When I was born in April 1967, the pound sterling was worth US$ 2.80. Wed, 12:56: Why high earners hate the top-rate tax cut "Over the past two days, executives, bankers and lawyers have told me they would rather live in a properly functioning state than have a slightly higher number on their payslip." Wed, 12:59: RT @faduda: @nwbrux It was probably overvalued then too. Wed, 17:09: RT @SkyNews: Pension funds would have collapsed today without BoE action with 'mass insolvencies', Sky News has learned | live updates http... Wed, 18:54: Fear of the Web, by Alyson�Leeds ...

The Mirror reports that plans to crack down on MPs' second jobs have finally been backed by the government almost a year after the Owen Paterson scandal, but loopholes are set to be left open in a move branded "very odd" by a standards watchdog. The paper says that Ministers accepted a recommendation that MPs should be banned from giving paid parliamentary advice, consultancy or strategy, but they refused to back the Standards Committee's plea for a lobbying ban to be written into MPs' contracts: The committee had sought views on whether restrictions should be placed on MPs' outside earnings ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey has called on Liz Truss to cancel the Conservative party conference which begins this weekend, and instead recall parliament to vote to fix the disastrous mini-budget. Lib Dems are also calling on the government to bring forward a rescue package for homeowners unable to pay higher mortgage bills as a result of last week's budget. 'We need to turn this utter catastrophe and self-inflicted wound round' Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey calls the govt an "amateur bunch" who need to return to their offices and "sort this mess out". Latest: [IMG: 📺] Sky ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

Fencing along part of the east side of Glenagnes Road down from the West End schools campus has been log deteriorated and the land behind it is very overgrown and unsightly. Residents asked us to try to find out who is in ownership and, with thanks to the council's Private Sector Services Unit, ownership has been traced and the agent asked to have the fence replaced and the land tidied.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End